The prince is very fierce

Chapter 49: A single move affects the entire body

Imperial College, Peach Blossom Forest.

When the competition in Longyin Pavilion was in full swing, and the major gambling stalls opened one after another, attracting the attention of everyone in Chang'an, Liu Yunlin carried two baskets of Zhuxi rice paper, quickly came to the peach blossom forest, walked into the teahouse and bowed:

"Your Majesty, I just learned that Prince Xu has accepted the invitation from the warriors in the city. It seems that he has indeed recovered."

Song Yu sat in front of the tea table with a calm expression and did not raise her head:

"Just recover. Tang Jiao is already on his way to Beijing. He told the Tang family that Zhang Xiang was injured and that the matter of being granted the title of Wukui should be postponed for a few days. You can arrange it for these days and give it a little stimulation. Take action when the time comes.”


Liu Yunlin sat down opposite the tea table, took out a note from his sleeve and handed it to Song Yu:

"There is news from the hidden stake in Xiliang that King Su has transferred the main troops from the northwest to the Qinzhou area on the pretext of military training. They are all heavy cavalry and carry a large amount of baggage. The subordinates speculate that King Su has noticed it. I can’t bear it any longer… Your Majesty is really good at predicting things!”

Song Yu snorted lightly, took the note and glanced at it: "Xu You has always had this temper. It was not easy to swallow his anger ten years ago. Now his son is in a dead end. If he continues to endure it, he will become a loner. He will definitely react. ”

Liu Yunlin nodded and pondered for a moment: "If King Su is really angry, Lieutenant Liu may not be able to stop him. If the Xiliang cavalry really comes to the city..."

"There are three hundred miles between Qianyang Pass and Chang'an. There are more than 100,000 soldiers and horses stationed in the three passes. They are guarding against the Xiliang cavalry. They will not be able to defeat them at that time. Xu Buling is still in Chang'an. As long as he is still alive, Xu You will not Don’t worry if you dare to fish or break the net.”

Song Yu picked up the teapot and burned the note, then looked at the imperial city: "Brother Huang must also know the news about Xu You's troop deployment. What's your reaction?"

Liu Yunlin smiled softly: "King Su trains his troops every year. It is very common to dispatch troops within the territory of his jurisdiction. Your Majesty doesn't pay attention to it."

Song Yu nodded: "That's good..." ——

At the same moment, the Heicheng City, six hundred miles away to the east of Suzhou City, was like a pearl on the Gobi Desert. The sound of horse hooves and camel bells continued day and night. Sha' is like an indestructible sharp blade, stationed in the camp outside the city day and night.

Black City was the last fortress of Northern Qi in the west. The two sides fought for a while in the six hundred miles of Gobi between the two cities, and they still refuse to give in. There were only 30,000 Iron Luoshas since the Northern Qi Dynasty ruled the Central Plains, and they are still 30,000 people now, because they can only support so many. As for the 30,000 Iron Rakshasa, there are 15,000 stationed in Black City alone, and they are the only ones who can confront the Xiliang Iron Cavalry army head-on.

On a hot summer day, on the top of the Black City, Prince Zuo of the Northern Qi Dynasty, Jiang Ruo, who had sworn not to break Suzhou or remove his armor, was wearing a golden Mingguang armor, holding a sword on his waist, standing under the banner and looking into the distance. Jiang Ru was the younger brother of the contemporary monarch of the Northern Qi Dynasty. He was ordered to guard the western territory. Since King Su guarded the country's gate, he directly moved the palace to the Black City. It was a situation where whoever destroyed the city would die.

Counselor Chen Xuan, who had just returned from Chang'an City, brought Zuo Yezi to the front and bowed slightly.

"Your Majesty."

Jiang Ruo turned around and looked at Zuo Yezi, who looked a little pale. His tone was quite friendly: "Yezi, is your injury better?"

Zuo Yezi carried a long sword on his back and raised his hand in a respectful salute: "It's all right. I came here to say goodbye to the prince. I lost my life in Chang'an. I really don't have the face to go back to the capital to see my master. I plan to go out and practice for a few more years."

Jiang Ru nodded: "You are still young, so it is natural that the son of the King of Hell cannot defeat Xu You. If you work harder, you will have great potential in the future. Go ahead."

Zuo Yezi nodded seriously, jumped off the top of the city, and walked towards the Qianli Next Door.

After Chen Xuan watched Zuo Yezi go away, he walked to Prince Zuo and bowed:

"Your Majesty, Xu You has recently mobilized a large number of troops from the northwest on the pretext of military training. Judging from what I have seen in the capital, Dayue may be in chaos."

Chen Xuan is the number one counselor under Prince Zuo, and his words are still very weighty.

Jiang Ru turned around, frowned and asked:

"Why do you say that?"

After Chen Xuan sorted out his words, he said softly:

"As the saying goes, 'Those who are in power are blind to the beholder.' Xu ​​You's son was assassinated and poisoned the year before last. He was still alive. His humble position can only be attributed to the fact that Emperor Dayue was afraid of the Xu family's ability to hold heavy soldiers, and was preparing to reduce the Xu family's military power. Based on this, it was deduced that Xu Buling was assassinated. It makes sense if he's not dead...

...When the world was first settled, Xu Lie led his men out of Qianyang Pass to attack the city and seize territory in the northwest. Qianyang Pass was still guarded by the Xu family, and Qinzhou and Weizhou were given to Xu Lie as grain-producing areas...

...Xu Lie spent ten years to build the current territory, and his achievements in opening up and expanding the territory were no longer rewarded. Emperor Xiaozong of Dayue naturally couldn't ask King Su, who was short of clothes and food, to return Qinzhou and Weizhou. To the court, with the death of Emperor Xiaozong, it was naturally impossible to recover them, and the Xiliang army stationed at Qianyang Pass has never withdrawn its troops...

...Qianyang Pass is only three hundred miles away from Chang'an, almost at the doorstep of Chang'an. From then on, the Xiliang cavalry felt like it was stuck in their throats, making it difficult for Emperor Dayue to sleep and eat...

... Judging from the humble position, the Dayue court does not want to drive out the Xu family. Without the Xu family, Xiliang cannot hold on, and the world will be in chaos. He was probably just looking for an excuse to take back Qinzhou and Weizhou, and asked King Su to withdraw his troops from Qianyang Pass, pushing the boundary between them to Lanzhou, thousands of miles away. "

Jiang Rong frowned slightly and thought for a moment: "King Su has twelve states under his jurisdiction, and there are not many grain-producing areas. Qinzhou and Weizhou are taken back, and there is only one Ganzhou that 'blocks the south of the Yangtze River'. How can Is it possible to feed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians and let Xu You drink from the northwest wind to defend the king? "

Chen Xuan shook his head gently: "If Emperor Dayue doesn't take back the Qin and Wei states, Xu You will be 80% sure of being able to break into Chang'an if he has any rebellious intentions. No matter who becomes the emperor, he will not be stable. If he doesn't move the capital, he will have to deal with it." King Su took action... I guessed that Xu Buling should be a key figure. If he killed King Su, he would rebel. If he didn't kill King Su, he wouldn't move. There should be a plan to induce King Su to lead his troops out of Qinzhou, and then force him to do so. King Su retreated, cutting off the Qin and Wei states on the pretext of leading troops to the capital without permission, and drove the Xiliang army back to Xiliang from Qianyang Pass. "

Jiang Rong frowned and considered carefully: "If you kill King Su, you will rebel. If you don't kill King Su, you won't move... How to seduce him?"

Chen Xuan shook his head: "Of course I can't guess this humble position, but to achieve this plan, King Su must lead his troops out of Qinzhou. King Su will definitely prepare to fight to the death and go all out, and move heavy troops to Chang'an, so the northwest defense will naturally be empty. The prince can take advantage of the situation and raid Guazhou and Shazhou to cut off the lifeblood of the Hexi Corridor...

...By the time Xu You breaks the chaos in Chang'an, the prince will have a firm foothold in Xiliang. If Xu You fell into the trap and retreated, it would be difficult to return to the defense in time. As long as Guazhou and Shazhou were captured, the Western Region would have nothing to do with Dayue. Xu You would lose four states in a row and it would be difficult to compete with the prince. "

Jiang Ru frowned slightly and raised his eyes to look at Suzhou City, which was six hundred miles away: "Emperor Dayue is not stupid enough to be like this, is he? I am still here, so I broke off Xu You's hands and feet?"

Chen Xuan smiled softly: "In the eyes of Dayue's court, the threat of Prince Su's lineage is much greater than that of you, the prince. At least you can't command your army to march straight in and massacre Chang'an in ten days."

Jiang Ru thought carefully for a moment, then raised his hand: "Anyway, it's not the first time that I can't defeat him, so what if I give it a try."

Chen Xuan took a step forward: "This opportunity is once in a lifetime, Your Majesty should go all out."

"Then go all out and transfer some of the troops and horses from the south. As long as there is a change in Chang'an, we will march directly to Shazhou."


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