The prince is very fierce

Chapter 50 Return to Chang'an

In the blink of an eye, in mid-April, after a few months of cultivation at Furong Monastery, Xu Buling's health gradually improved. The Queen Mother had already returned to Chang'an. There was no point in staying any longer, so she returned with Mrs. Lu.

After more than a month, Chang'an has turned from Yangchun to early summer. The breeze is blowing thousands of willows, and the slightly sultry weather has made most people go out. They are commenting on the tea stalls and wine shops on the streets outside Longyin Pavilion. The progress of the competition is actually similar to watching a game. Each has its own supporters, guessing who will go to the end to challenge the big devil.

As the guardian of the Demon King, Xu Buling didn't care about the commotion in the market. After sending Mrs. Lu back to the other courtyard in Jinghuayuan, he took Master Bai back to the palace.

Hundreds of flowers have already bloomed in Prince Su's palace. Because no one has lived there for months, the garden is a bit messy with overgrown vegetation. The guards are pruning and pruning everywhere as industrious little gardeners.

Xu Buling pushed open the study door and pointed to the side room on the left:

"Master, you should live there first. Although the palace is large, there are not many people living there. Most of the buildings in the palace are locked and untied. Let Lao Xiao send people to tidy them up later."

Ning Yuhe wore a thin black Taoist robe and held a long sword in his hand, dressed in a simple and elegant manner. He turned his head and looked at the side room next to the main room, and nodded slightly:

"There's no need to clean up. I won't be able to stay in the capital for long, so I'll just live here."

"I am very cautious in the capital and do not dare to recruit servants easily. There are only a few guards, and they are all men. I am afraid that Master will have to do the washing himself. Master should not worry too much."

"I am a monk, not a rich lady. I don't need servants to serve me."

Ning Yuhe smiled and followed Xu Buring into the study, staring at the back of Xu Buring's head.

Xu Bu Ling was actually a little aware that Tian Ning Yuhe had been secretly looking at him from behind these days, and he didn't know why. After walking into the study, he thought about it, turned around and asked:

"Master, is there anything else?"


Ning Yuhe came to his senses and realized that he had followed Xu Buling into the house. She hurriedly suppressed the suspicions in her heart and glanced at the various desks and cabinets and weapon racks in the study, but nothing else.

Ning Yuhe has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and it goes without saying that he is interested in famous swords. He just glanced around and focused on the horizontal sword, with a snow-white scabbard, three feet and three inches long, and no bead or jade decoration on the whole body. It shows its sharpness even before it is unsheathed.

Ning Yuhe walked up slowly, raised his hand to pick up the long sword, and flicked the sword three inches, and the four small characters of 'do without orders' appeared in the cold light.

"Is this a bold statement?"

Xu Buling walked to Ning Yuhe's side and chuckled: "It's exactly the full moon gift that my father spent a lot of effort to collect when I was full moon. The one next to him is the 'Black Wave', which was used by the former Daqi treasury The treasured sword hidden inside was obtained when Jiazi broke through Chang'an... There was also a horse spear given to me by Emperor Xiaozong. It was too long to carry, so it was kept in Suzhou City. "

Ning Yuhe nodded. Although he knew how big the feudal lord's family fortune was, it was still a bit eye-opening to see the magical weapons that could only be heard from storytellers. After looking at the sword carefully, he closed it and put it back, then turned to look at the four-foot-long sword next to it.

Xu Bu Ling had nothing to do at home. Naturally, he wouldn't mind having his master, the former most beautiful woman in the world, by his side. He stood beside her and introduced her carefully. But every time he and Ning Yu stood together, something like 'steamed buns' would always come to mind. The things inside caused the expression to look a little weird.

Ning Yuhe watched for a while, then didn't stay long, turned around and walked out of the room:

"I just came back today and I'm afraid I don't have time to practice my sword. I'll go down and rest first."

"Okay, master, walk slowly."

Xu Buling sent him out of the room, and after Ning Yuhe entered the nearby wing, he turned and walked into the bedroom, took off his clothes and started to wash up... ——


"It's a good move to lift your vaginal legs..."

On the fighting ring between the five tall buildings in Longyin Pavilion, countless young warriors who were working in the capital were fighting vigorously. Beside the ring were several famous elders in Chang'an sitting as referees, and the onlookers crowded around and cheered loudly. .

Zhu Manzhi hugged his chest and stood on tiptoes to look around. Because his height was incomparable to that of the man who entered the world, he could only see the situation clearly by standing on the steps in the distance. There was a bit of disgust in his eyes. After all, he had seen Xu Buling alone. In Chuanglongtan, these embroidered pillows are really boring to fight with.

After watching idlely for a moment, Zhu Manzhi lost interest. He turned around and walked out of Longyin Pavilion. He looked for a storyteller's tea shop and wine shop on the bustling Zhuangyuan Street. He walked to the door and took a look. If he heard about it, he left. If he didn't, he left. Looking at the situation, he looks like a young pervert who picks up girls at Goulan.

After wandering around for a long time, I finally found a tea shop that was talking about "The Sword Master Zhu Liuye broke into the handsome man's house, and the blood of the Thirteen Heroes splashed into the Wolf's Lair." Zhu Manzhi quickly ran over and ordered a pot of tea and sat down at the table. It hadn't started yet. After drinking, someone took a seat at the empty seat at the table, and raised his hand to get her teapot.

"Hey - this table is occupied, you..."

Zhu Manzhi immediately frowned and turned his head to look, only to see a handsome young man sitting at the table. His white jade was as white as snow, his eyebrows were as sharp as ink, and his peach blossom eyes were filled with a smile. He was pouring tea by himself.


Zhu Manzhi was immediately frightened, and the momentum he had just lost was gone. He sat up awkwardly, his big eyes glanced at the little skirt on his body, and then raised his hand to touch the hairpin on his head to check if there was anything unclean.

"Mr. Xu, are you back?"


Xu Buling poured a cup of Yuqian Longjing, which was new this year, and glanced at Zhu Manzhi's white short shirt and dark red skirt. She had a beautiful double bun, her chest was bulging, and there were petals embroidered on the skirt. She looks gentle and polite, almost like Song Yufu.

"Manzhi, why are you dressed like this?"

"Hmm...does it look good?"

Zhu Manzhi chuckled and quickly raised his sleeves to cover the corners of his mouth, imitating the example.

Xu Buling glanced at her a few times: "It's good-looking, but it looked more comfortable before. I treat you as a brother, but you dress up like a girl, which is very awkward."


Zhu Manzhi's face froze, he looked down at the skirt on his body, and whispered:

"But... I don't want to be a wolf guard, and I gave back my clothes... I get angry when I talk about this. I obviously bought the wolf guard's clothes with my own money, and I have to take them back when I leave. What's the point..."

Xu Buling knew this a long time ago and smiled softly: "You are no longer a wolf guard, what do you do for a living?"

Zhu Manzhi had already planned this. He held the teacup in both hands and took a sip. His eyes glanced at Xu Buring:

"I have saved some money, so I can have food and clothing for a short period of time... How about I serve as a bodyguard for the young master? Although my martial arts skills are not that good, my father is great. With me in charge of Prince Su's Mansion, I will give my father's name to anyone who dares to cause trouble. Make sure no one dares to hit me..."

Xu Bu Ling thought for a while and looked embarrassed:

"Manzhi, based on our friendship, how can we be considered as guards? Are you trying to ask me for monthly money? That hurts my feelings..."


Zhu Manzhi, who had always used prostitution for free, blinked his eyes when he heard this, pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then whispered:

"Of course you can't ask the young master for you care about the food? The palace is so big, there should be a place to live..."

Xu Buling was a little amused, and raised his hand to rub her carefully taken care of hair:

"Cook the food by yourself and clean up the house by yourself. Let's go to Longyin Pavilion. I have to educate a few children later."

Zhu Manzhi smiled and nodded, raised his hand to smooth his head, and trotted after Xu Buling:

"Okay, I'll go back and pack things when I'm done. The yard will be returned to the owner."

"You're quite anxious, aren't you afraid that I won't want you?"

"Hey, Mr. Xu, we are brothers of the opposite sex. We have nowhere to stay in the capital. Staying at your house for a few days is a courtesy. If you don't agree, you won't be considered a Jianghu person..."


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