The prince is very fierce

Chapter 3: People haven’t changed, but the world has (123/445)

The wind and rain were blowing down, and the long lanterns hanging under the eaves were swaying, leaving ever-changing shadows on the ground.

In the lobby of the inn, the swordsman Zhang Ding sat on a bench with a bowl of rice wine in his hand, thinking about his words for a while, and talked about his world:

"...I am from Guanzhong. I studied in a martial arts school for several years when I was a child. I am pretty good at it. I gained a reputation in the town when I was seventeen or eighteen. I even got a small job in the government office and worked there for ten years. How could he be a soldier in eight years...

...The family is quite wealthy, with dozens of acres of land. Although the son of a side wife cannot inherit the family business, the salary from the government is not as much as the monthly salary given by the family, so I cannot bear it...

...I often listened to books at that time, those stories about heroes, such as "Zhu Jian Sheng, Lao Situ", the storyteller told it every day. From the age of eight to eighteen, I worked in the Yamen for a few days and it was boring, so I left it at home. The letter ran away..."

Having said this, the swordsman Zhang Ding turned around and pointed at the big archway in the rain curtain with his chopsticks:

"At that time, the court was not strict, and there were a lot of people in the world. If you want to get through the 'Gate of Hell', you have to have some skills. Find someone to fight on the spot, and you will win..."

Xu Buling took a sip of noodles and nodded: "Is there any other explanation?"


Swordsman Zhang Ding chuckled and continued:

"I was born in Guanzhong and I was already tall. I had a good diet since I was a child. When I stood in a crowd, I was called 'stand out among the chickens.' Let's discuss, help me...

...At that time, I thought that the girl was kind-hearted to help and just went through the motions, so I happily agreed..."

Nightingale blinked her big eyes: "Then you were beaten to the ground?"

Swordsman Zhang Ding nodded: "Isn't that right? Before I left the world, I lost someone. I was young and unconvinced, so I grabbed someone and beat him up, and then ran after the girl..."

Nightingale listened very seriously: "Then what?"


Swordsman Zhang Ding picked up the wine bowl, took a sip, and chuckled:

"Then I met that girl, her name was Wang Ying. She was a disciple of a small sect. She went out to travel on her own. When she saw that I had some martial arts skills, she and I became sworn sworn friends and traveled extensively. We visited Wudang Mountain, Dongting Lake, and even visited Situ's house. I went there once, but it’s a pity that I didn’t meet Mr. Situ, otherwise I would have wanted to become a disciple... In the first two years, I lived really comfortably, and I almost forgot my last name..."

Xu Buling shook his head and smiled: "Isn't it nice to have a like-minded girl to accompany you and travel together in the world?"

"It would be really nice if I could always feel that way..."

Zhang Ding looked a little lonely in his dark color. He shook his head and sighed: "But as the saying goes, 'A penny cannot kill a hero.' People in the world also need to eat and wear clothes. I brought a lot of food and clothing, and she also had some. The two of us can run around without worrying about food and clothes." , it took two years for us to hit the bottom. We were all people in the world, and we couldn’t go home if we didn’t have money, so she and I thought about making money and continuing to work hard...

...As a result, in this world, it is easy to spend money, but it is life-threatening to earn money. Being an escort and traveling hundreds of miles, earning a few taels of silver, and having to risk your life if something goes wrong is not enough, let alone being a bodyguard or something like that. If you are not an acquaintance, the benefactor doesn't want it. Then all that's left is sneaky business...

... I have read some books since I was a child and worked as a police officer. I don't want to dare to do that kind of thing. But Wang Ying couldn't bear the hardship, so she said that she didn't kill people and just helped others fight to collect some rent...

...I am a man, and I thought at that time that I could not make women suffer. After thinking about it for a few days, I agreed and went to a gambling house to work as a thug for others, collecting debts, expelling people, etc..."

Xu Buling frowned and thought for a moment: "That's okay, it's not harmful to nature."

Zhang Ding shook his head seriously and said with sincerity: "You steal needles when you are young, you steal needles when you are old, some things cannot be opened. Gambling houses are a place that harms people. Gamblers lose all money and have no money. To collect debts, they can only go to other people's homes." Chase it, chase it back and split it half with the gambling house...

...I can make money quickly, but this thing is more addictive than gambling. I worked for two days and felt something was wrong. If I continued, I would sooner or later go the wrong way, so I stopped...

...But Wang Ying is different. She grew up in the world of martial arts and takes it for granted. She even asked me, ‘What will we eat and wear if we quit’…”

“It’s really not easy to be morally responsible even if you don’t have enough to eat.”

Zhang Ding looked at the brazier and nodded: "Yes, from then on, I still worked in the gambling shop. I tried to convince myself that I didn't kill people or set fires, so I had to live a life. Later, I was hunting deer with Iron Eagle. The government tightened the investigation and caused trouble. There are fewer people, and gambling shops don’t have so many thugs anymore...

...It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Wang Ying couldn't stand living in the rivers and lakes, worrying about food and clothing every day. She tried every means to get money, kept undercover escorts, blackmailed rich young masters... all the things she had done in the past were spit on, and she had been floating like this for ten years. If I hadn't stopped her, she would have They have already killed people and set fire...

...At the beginning of the year, I had had enough of this hellish life and didn't want to run away. I wanted to take Wang Ying back to my hometown... But Wang Ying was already used to the life of a Jianghu person. I didn't know where I heard the gossip, saying that there was someone in the Jianghu people. To rebel, people from all over the world are ready to rise up. Let me go too...

...The rebellion was about his mother killing the whole family. I definitely couldn't go, but I couldn't persuade Wang Ying. The two of them quarreled all the way, and when they went to Laolong Mountain, they met a group of poor people who had been raped ten years ago. Injured by an eagle hunting a deer, he dared not show his head and hid in Laolong Mountain...

…Wang Ying felt that the court was too harsh and would eventually destroy the country, so he wanted to take me to Laolong Mountain to wait for an opportunity. When the incident happened, he could take a group of brothers to conquer the world. If I didn't go, Wang Ying would not leave and let me go back alone…

…We have been together for more than ten years, so I was worried, so I waited in the village. The people in the village saw that I had some martial arts, and we became brothers. After a long time, we became familiar with each other…

…There were dozens of people in the village, and they had to eat and live. A few days ago, a caravan passed by, and they decided to rob the caravan, extorting a lot of tolls, and injured several people…

…The caravan should be from outside, and they thought that they would spend money to avoid disaster, so they didn't report it to the authorities, and no one came to investigate afterwards. Everyone in the village felt that they had found a way to make money, and as long as they didn't kill anyone, the government would not care, so they were ready to go out and rob again…”

Zhang Ding sighed: "I can't stop it, persuade it, or control it. If I continue to hang around in the underworld, my family will be destroyed sooner or later. I think I'd better not go into the underworld. Maybe I'm not born to be in the underworld. "Fastest update PC version::/

Xu Buling listened quietly, was silent for a moment, shook his head and said:

"You are a man of the underworld. It's a pity to quit like this."

Zhang Ding said something from his heart, his expression eased a lot, and chuckled:

"So what, I haven't changed, the underworld has changed, and it's meaningless."

"What about your wife? Why don't you take her back by force?"

Zhang Ding shook his head: "It's easy to change the country, but it's hard to change one's nature. I have persuaded her for ten years but she didn't work... It's also my fault. I let her do what she wants. If I didn't agree the first time, there would be no later things... Speaking of which, I really want to take her back to my hometown to show my parents. She used to be a good girl."

Xu Buling thought carefully: "If she leaves like this, she will die in the mountains soon. There is no regret medicine in the world. "

Zhang Ding fell silent, picked up the wine bowl and took a sip, finished the noodles in two bites, threw a few copper coins on the table, and then took down the bamboo hat and raincoat from the wall, and walked into the rain.

Nightingale finished the noodle soup and wiped his mouth: "He must have gone back to find that woman. I guess he can't be persuaded. He can't change his mind even if he is tied up. Young master shouldn't persuade him."

Xu Buling sighed softly: "After more than ten years of marriage, how can it be so easy to let go? He will blame himself for the rest of his life after leaving like this. They have been in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years and have never killed anyone. There are still people who can be saved. Help them."

Nightingale blinked: "How to help?"

"Women are disobedient, mostly because they are spoiled. Just beat them up."

Xu Buling stood up and walked to the stable of the inn: "Get my stuff and tell the guards that the boat will leave first tomorrow, and we will ride overland. We will meet at Danjiangkou then."

"Okay, young master. "

The nightingale nodded and trotted upstairs to inform the guests who were traveling with him.

After a while, the master and servant rode two fine horses and left Fenglingdu Town in the pouring rain.

The lobby of the inn became quiet again. The waiter sat on the doorstep again, drowsy, waiting for the late-coming traveler.

And on the beam of the lobby, the little sparrow that was pretending to hide from the rain suddenly woke up and chirped and flew into a person's sleeve...

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