The prince is very fierce

Chapter 4: Those who are close to red will become red

The Crown Prince Is Very Fierce, Chapter 4 of the Hidden Dragon Scale Shadow, Chi Laolong Mountain is located in the mountains near Danfeng County, because an official road was opened hundreds of years ago between Chu Di and Qinchuan to facilitate travel, but After the previous Daqi Dynasty built a canal, this difficult road naturally became deserted. Only a handful of people who were not familiar with the road or could not find a boat would go here. It can be said that it is inaccessible.

In late autumn, smoke rises from the simple stockade on the top of Laolong Mountain. Several men, wearing the robes they just snatched from the caravan a few days ago, stand in the courtyard of the stockade, discussing future plans.

Everyone in the village is the same. Their close relatives or brothers were injured by the iron eagle hunting deer and either died or are still exiled to serve in the army. They are also wanted by the court. They hide and get to know each other in this deep mountain forest. Settled down a home.

Being able to be tracked down by the imperial court while Iron Eagle was hunting deer meant that his family must have gained some status in the world. After all, the Wolf Guard had no time to deal with local gangsters.

These people used to live a relatively prosperous life, but suddenly they degenerated into savages in the mountains and forests. How could they be convinced? They were always planning to "get back what they had lost."

At this time, the boss of Xiaozhaizi was talking to a group of brothers about the news he had just received:

"I heard that the people who fight the Eagle Tower have arrived in Yueyang and are recruiting the old head of the Cao family on Junshan Island. I know the apprentice of Chen Han, the owner of the Yueyang Boat Gang. I will go to Yueyang in the next few days to explore the ways. If I can get into the Eagle Tower, I can Safe..."

There were three or five men around who listened carefully. Wang Ying, dressed in lady's clothes, carrying a sword on her back, shook her head and said:

"I used to travel around the world, and I heard that the Cao family has a relationship with the Wolf Guard, and that Iron Eagle helped the tyrants when they hunted deer. The Eagle Tower may not be there to recruit people."

The boss of the village waved his hand: "It doesn't matter whether he is recruiting people or not, we are not going to find the Cao family, as long as the people who beat the Eagle Tower are in Yueyang. In this world, only the people who beat the Eagle Tower dare to kill the Wolf Guard, and the Wolf Guard There is still nothing we can do against them. Now that the power is getting bigger and bigger, sooner or later they will raise the flag of justice to do justice for heaven. There are dozens of people in our village who have some skills. As long as we get on the line, we will not say that we will be granted the title of marquis or prime minister in the future, and we will live a stable life. No problem, no matter how bad it is, it’s better than hiding here.”

Everyone nodded, after all, this life of hiding in Tibet is indeed not a human life.

"Then it's settled?"

"You need money to open up the door. The Boat Gang is not a charity. Moreover, when you enter the Daying Tower, you have to show some respect to the seniors in the building. The small caravan that was robbed last time didn't have much oil and water. The door of the Boarding Gang is You can’t carry two kilograms of pork over…”

While everyone was discussing, the man who was in charge of guarding the outside of Laolong Mountain suddenly ran over quickly, as excited as if he had picked up silver:

"Boss, there is someone passing by at the bottom of the mountain. He looks very expensive. Do you want to stop him?"

Wang Ying and others were stunned. Unexpectedly, as they were worrying about money, someone came to the door. They all got up and ran to the cliff on the side of Laolong Mountain. They looked out at the narrow canyon below and saw two horses trotting over. , a man and a woman, the man is wearing a white scholar's robe, the fabric looks unusual, holding a folding fan in his hand, walking along the way to see if there is any defense. The white horse at the back is a little girl. She is relatively thin and the horse is too big, so it is a bit inappropriate to sit on it.

"Boss, what kind of horse is that? Why is it so big?"

The people in the village looked at him with envy in their eyes. After all, horses are good because they are big, and even the inexperienced can see that.

The boss of the village took a look at it for a moment and said seriously: "Could this be the snow horse outside the Great Wall? I heard it is worth thousands of gold, but this is the first time I have seen it."

Wang Ying squinted her eyes and took a closer look: "I have seen the snow horse ridden by the seniors in the world before. It is similar to the horse the little girl rides behind. The horse in front is not very similar. I am afraid it is worth a lot of money."

"It's more powerful than a snow horse. If we take it and sell it, we will probably have nothing to worry about for the rest of our lives."

Many minions immediately became eager and prepared to take action. The boss was still a little hesitant:

"I'm riding such a good horse. I'm afraid my family background is unusual, and I don't look like a gangster. Why didn't I bring a guard..."

"I'm afraid that a son of an aristocratic family who doesn't know the dangers of the world wandered out and wandered here without knowing the road. The aristocratic family members are all cowardly and cherish their lives. Let's stop him and give him a few scares, and then rob him of his horse and money and leave. He won't be able to go back. Don’t dare to report to the official…”

"It seems that a gun was hung up immediately and wrapped in black cloth. Could it be that he is a practicing master..."

"Rich families all have embroidered pillows. We, number 20, have nothing to fear..."

"Let's go, let's go..."——

At the foot of Laolong Mountain, Xu Buling and Little Nightingale finally arrived at the place mentioned by the swordsman Zhang Ding after two days of long journey.

Xu Bu Ling gently swayed his folding fan like a son of an aristocratic family looking at the scenery. While admiring the scenery, he paid attention to the movements on both sides of the canyon.

As the saying goes, "No matter how skilled you are in martial arts, you are still afraid of the kitchen knife." The most taboo thing in the martial arts world is to underestimate the enemy. No matter how powerful Xu Buling is, he is not a true immortal. He will still die with a knife on his neck. The canyon is a dangerous place. If someone ambushes and rains arrows and pours boiling oil on it, he will die. But there will be big trouble, and you still have to be careful.

Nightingale had been on the road for several days, but she was still very energetic at this time. She held the reins and whip and said seriously:

"The book says that the most dangerous people in the world are the elderly, children, women, and monks. I am a child and a woman. Will those little thieves be afraid of me?"

Child? woman?

Xu Buling turned around and looked at the little nightingale who had only a few ounces of meat, shook his head and chuckled:

"They say the child is too big and the woman is too small."

Nightingale may have listened too much in the middle of the night, so she lowered her head and glanced at Xiaohe, revealing her pointed breasts, and felt a little unhappy:

"Sir, please be more decent. We are now doing chivalry and justice."

Xu Buling was speechless for a moment, frowning and looking serious:

"Nightingale, you are a little girl, don't think about this mess in the future."

"The ancients said, 'The one who is close to vermilion is red, and the one who is close to ink is black'..."


The folding fan patted the little head lightly.

Nightingale honestly kept her mouth shut, but she was still a little dissatisfied with the young master who took action even if he couldn't talk.

The two of them walked through the canyon. When they reached the middle, there was a thin line of sky above. There was no way out on the left and right. Two people could block the road.

At this time, several coils of rope were thrown down from the recess of the mountain wall, and a dozen men with fierce looks cut down from it with knives in their teeth. Among them was an aristocratic woman who was carrying a sword and was dressed in completely mismatched clothes. people.

"Coming, coming..."

Nightingale's eyes were full of excitement, and she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to take action.

Xu Buling quickly raised his hand gently: "Don't be impatient, don't scare me away."


Nightingale quickly put her hand on her chest again, showing the fear of an innocent little girl, her big watery eyes looked harmless...

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