The prince is very fierce

Chapter 70: The Ups and Downs of Life (181/493)

The wind and snow were blowing outside the eaves, and Li Hansheng, who was dressed in a scholar's robe, sat on a chair with a calm expression, looking at the falling snowflakes outside the living room.

Cold begets cold begets.

The name Li Hansheng is now frightening to countless Wolf Guards and Jianghu people. But when his parents chose this name, it was just because poor people were not particular about it, so those born in winter were called Hansheng.

While waiting for Xu Bu Ling to come out, Li Hansheng looked at the snowflakes outside and recalled the past forty years.

The first time he saw snow in his life was in a small village in a remote area. His family was living in poverty and not having enough to eat. His parents lived on a shoestring and sent him to the only private school in the small county. On that snowy day, he sat in the private school. When I was shivering from the cold, I remembered the Master’s words:

"Rich families don't need to buy fertile land, there are thousands of grains of millet in books." You don’t need to build a high-rise building to live peacefully. There is a golden house in the book. ’

The meaning is very simple. As long as you study hard, you can have enough to eat and live in an airtight house.

Li Hansheng was not very smart, but he worked very hard. He passed the county and college examinations at a young age and was admitted as a scholar. He was somewhat famous in the countryside. Unfortunately, after a famine, there was only one scholar left. Identity, nothing else around me.

The second time it snowed, we went to Sun's store in Chang'an City.

At that time, he was less than 20 years old, and he waited again and again for the next spring, and then failed and started all over again.

All the money I brought was gone, my calligraphy and paintings could not be sold, and I was sitting in the bluestone alley about to starve to death. A middle-aged man passed by with two bottles of wine and said:

"Want to warm up in the shop?"

He was full of bookishness at the time, and replied: "I will die of hunger without eating the food that comes to me, and I will die of thirst without drinking the water from the stolen spring."

The shopkeeper scolded him: "Who the hell gave you this for free? You have to pay back the favor."

After that, he became a shop assistant in Sun's shop, selling wine during the day and studying at night. He still failed in the imperial examination and owed more and more favors, but fortunately he did not starve to death on the streets.

The days passed quickly afterwards, with beautiful women in the company, playing in the world, getting married and having a daughter, and a happy family...

Then somehow, another snowy day arrived, and he stood in front of a small grave, with the ruined cottage behind him.

He was alone again, just like the first time he set foot on the road to Beijing with a package on his back, the future was unclear and there was a desolation behind him.

He can't remember clearly after that. Maybe he doesn't want to remember, or he's already dead. The things he thinks and does are just like a walking zombie trying to make up for the past. He doesn't know how long it will last, maybe until Someday when I can close my eyes...


Footsteps sounded from outside the door, and Xu Buling appeared at the door. There was a bit of surprise in his eyes, and he raised his hand and said:

"Your Excellency?"

Li Hansheng regained his composure and said calmly: "Prince Xu, we met on the second day of winter."

Xu Bu Ling was afraid that he was a close acquaintance of King Wu. He originally wanted to pretend that he didn't know him. He smiled softly when he heard this. He raised his hand to ask the maid who was bringing tea and water to step back. He entered the living room alone and sat on the main seat. Next, he said with a smile:

"Your Excellency, you are not Li Hansheng, are you?"

Li Hansheng took out the jade article from his sleeve and placed it on the tea table: "I thought you had seen it already."

Xu Buling had such a guess, but he couldn't confirm it. Seeing that this handsome middle-aged scholar was really Ning Qingye's biological father, his eyes looked a little complicated.

In Xu Buling's impression, Li Hansheng's evaluation was not very good. He abandoned his wife and daughter and was ruthless in his methods. He was nicknamed the "Poison Man" by the Criminal Investigation Department. He was a world away from the sword master Zhu Liu. Moreover, Ning Qingye hated her father so much that he only wanted to be an official and eventually separated his wife and children. It was obviously not advisable to seek relatives on the spot, and it was inappropriate to treat him coldly. For a while, he didn't know how to treat him.

"It turns out to be Master Li. I have admired his name for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Li Hansheng had no reaction to this compliment and just said softly:

"I came here just to advise you not to interfere in King Wu's affairs. If you can hand over the jade quickly and eavesdrop outside the observation deck, you must have got a lot of information. Stop it and go back and wait and see what happens. It’s best to find out what’s going on, it’s not good for you or me.”

Seeing Li Hansheng being so frank, Xu Buling smiled softly: "My Xu family is full of loyal people. After learning about this kind of thing, if I don't get to the bottom of it, I'm sorry to the Song family... Your Excellency, at least tell me the truth?"

Li Hansheng shook his head: "You entered too early, there is no benefit at all, only bad things. You thought that jumping out of Chang'an's chessboard meant that the sea was vast, but you didn't know that you had already fallen into another chessboard. That old master in Yuelu Mountain, You only have chess pieces in your hand, and you never treat people as human beings. If you make a wrong move, you will end up worse than Song Ji. If you quit now and wait for the time, you will gain more things at the end. "

Xu Buling frowned slightly, thought about these words for a moment, and said softly:

"What chess is that old gentleman playing?"

"The world will be united if it is divided for a long time. He seeks to unify the world. It doesn't matter who becomes the emperor. You are valued now just because you have the best chance now. Just like Song Ji in the past, once he loses power, he will become an outcast on the spot. Do you think you have married him? His granddaughter, how can he favor you even more?"

Xu Buling heard this and chuckled:

"If you come here to use counterintuitive tactics to sow discord, please come back."

Li Hansheng smiled lightly: "You have to walk your own path. It's useless to talk more. You can take care of yourself."

After saying that, he stood up and walked out the door.

Xu Buling looked at Li Hansheng's back, thought for a moment, and said softly:

"Ning Qingye is with me, don't you know, or don't want to ask?"

Li Hansheng paused, looked up at the snow outside, and said nothing. He walked out of the living room and disappeared in the courtyard in a flash.

Xu Buling didn't see what Li Hansheng was thinking, so he could only shake his head and sigh.

After Li Hansheng left, Xu Buling sat on the armchair, rubbing his fingers on the teacup, frowning and thinking for a moment.

In fact, he also saw that Grandpa Fubao had a very high vision, jumping out of the three realms and not in the five elements, and his words and deeds were not mixed with any emotion, so that when he spoke, he felt a little bit of walking on thin ice.

No matter what purpose Li Hansheng's words were for, they obviously made some sense. If Grandpa Fubao only had the world in his eyes, then he and Song Ji were just chess pieces on the chessboard, strong and weak, supporting the strong to eat the weak, just like raising a Gu, and finally leaving only one master of the world.

He has a chance of success now, so resources will be tilted to him, but if someone more suitable than him appears one day, he may become a stepping stone for others.

However, Fubao's grandfather is obviously not a big villain, but he stands too high and thinks differently from them. If we have to find an adjective, it is probably only "those who achieve great things do not care about trivial matters".

Since the day when Song Ji put down the dragon lock Gu and raised the butcher knife, Su Wang Xu You has drawn a clear line with the Song family from the bottom of his heart. For the future and the stability of future generations, there will be a day of fighting sooner or later.

Xu Buling doesn't like fighting, but this kind of thing is just like being in the rivers and lakes and being unable to control oneself. It is not something that can be controlled by personal thoughts. If you don't move when the time comes, you will be crowned with a yellow robe. If you move when the time is not right, it will be a waste of time.

So in response to Fubao's grandfather's inquiry, Xu Buling replied:

'Don't be greedy when facing wealth, and don't be evasive when facing difficulties. ’

After learning about these messy news, Xu Buling had a premonition that the world was going to be in chaos, but before the big waves started, it was impossible to tell which wind was coming from.

Xu Buling looked at the calm Hangzhou City outside the living room, and after thinking for a long time, he just sighed softly. In any case, he had to go back to Huainan first and settle his wives. He couldn't stay in Jiangnan and watch the world in chaos. Then he wouldn't be able to go back...

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