The prince is very fierce

Chapter 71: Asking the Blind

In the snowy winter, Ning Qingye took the famous sword Shangchun left behind by her mother, bought a pot of the famous local Huaihe brewing from an old shop in Huainan City, and came to the stone pavilion by the Huaihe River.

In the stone pavilion, Zhongli Chuchu is covered with red gauze, standing tall and graceful, looking at the glacier and snow with her green eyes, looking at the glaciers and snow in a daze.

Ning Qingye took a small drink and looked at it from a distance for a few times before walking into the stone pavilion built by an unknown ancestor of the Xiao family and said softly:

"Miss Chuchu?"

Zhongli Chuchu heard the sound and turned around, his eyes slightly surprised and weird. After hesitating for a moment, he showed his usual approachable smile:

"Xiao Ning, why are you here?"

It's just that this smile, in Ning Qingye's eyes, no longer has the cheerfulness of the past, "sons and daughters of the world, happy grudges". She sat on the bench in the stone pavilion, put the wine bottle at hand, and raised her hand to brush the hair around her ears:

"Chu Chu, do you and I count as friends?"

Zhongli Chuchu blinked his emerald-like eyes and sat down next to him. Perhaps because he felt that Ning Qingye's eyes were too sharp and hard to look at directly, he averted his eyes and smiled:

"We are naturally friends. The fight between masters has nothing to do with us... I will advise master."

Ning Qingye carefully observed Zhongli Chuchu's expression, and the invisible barrier still existed. She, who was always outspoken, picked up the porcelain wine bottle beside her and handed it to Zhongli Chuchu:

"I am a straightforward person. If I offend you, I can speak up. I can accept other people's opinions and make corrections, but I don't like others to misunderstand me."


Zhongli Chuchu took the wine bottle, his eyes flickered, and he pursed his lips and chuckled. Ning Qingye definitely didn't offend her, but after knowing the relationship between Ning Qingye and Xu Buling, she felt weird. Ning Qingye would be furious if she said that kind of thing, and she couldn't speak. She could only shake her head:

"Miss Ning is serious. I didn't misunderstand you. should I put it..."

Ning Qingye smiled calmly: "Do you feel dissatisfied with Xu Buling's favor for me?"


Zhongli Chuchu sat up a little straighter. Of course she didn't have this idea, but... But it was indeed the purpose of her getting closer to Xu Buling, and Ning Qingye did that to Xu Buling overtly and covertly. On the surface, Bai Lianhua pretended to be otherworldly and deceived her. She I must be dissatisfied...

"How could it be possible... Well, Qingye, you said before that Mr. Xu was glib and covetous of your beauty as soon as he met you?"

Ning Qingye naturally had a clear conscience about this and nodded: "Yes, he is indeed very enthusiastic about me and dares to say anything. But he and I have nothing to do, they are just friends who met by chance..."

"But as far as I know, Mr. Xu is aloof and indifferent to outsiders. How could he treat you alone..."

When Ning Qingye heard this, she understood that Zhongli Chuchu had alienated her out of jealousy. She shook her head and stood up:

"You have to find the reason for this in yourself. Xu Buring is very smart and can tell what a person's character is. If you think about competing with others all day long, it won't be surprising if he treats you coldly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he left the stone pavilion and drifted away.


Zhongli Chuchu suddenly became unhappy and thought to himself: In private, you relied on doing things with Mr. Xu to win Mr. Xu's favor, but on the surface you said there was something wrong with my character, which made Mr. Xu treat me coldly. No matter what I do, I don’t use my body to seduce men...

Zhongli Chuchu was sitting in the stone pavilion, looking at the porcelain white wine bottle in his hand, his eyes showing a hint of dissatisfaction. After frowning and thinking for a moment, he got up and returned to Xiaojiazhuang, arriving outside Xiao Xiang'er's house.

The winter is very cold. In the garden of the huge house, exotic flowers and stones are covered with snow quilts. The carved doors and windows of the central wing are closed tightly. Under the eaves are hung redwood signs recording the weather and dried medicinal herbs.

Zhongli Chuchu quickly came to the eaves and took a look from the window.

Incense was lingering in the wing, and a purple-gold copper stove was placed next to the small mahogany table. The porcelain plates on the table contained rare medicinal materials such as wild ginseng and tiger bones. Two women with the same bright appearance but completely different temperaments sat sideways on the soft carpet. , Zhongli Jiujiu grinded it carefully with a medicine pestle; Xiao Xiang'er took scissors and carefully cut out a piece of black mink velvet, which was not very long and shaped like a tail, but she didn't know what it was used for.

Zhongli Jiujiu was deeply involved in medicine, but knew very little about other heretics. Maybe he was a little tired of grinding medicine, so his eyes moved to Xiao Xiang'er's hand who was concentrating on it, and asked curiously:

"Xian'er, what is this piece of mink velvet used for? It's too small around the neck, and it doesn't seem to fit on the hand. Could it be that I'm ignorant?"

Xiao Xiang'er's eyes were as calm as ever. The tail was not connected to the cork, and it had no effect. She just explained softly:

"The decorations on the clothes will be given to my sister as gifts after she and Xu Buling get married."


Zhongli Jiujiu didn't seem to understand, but she thought it was a unique wedding custom in Jiangnan, just like the skirt knives and silver ornaments in South Vietnam, so she replied casually: "Xian'er is really ingenious, give it to me anytime." Prepare one in case you need it later."

Xiao Xiang'er raised her eyes, blinked, and nodded seriously.

Zhongli Jiujiu thanked her, and was about to chat with Xu Buling, who was about to come back, and asked Xiao Xiang'er to blow her pillow. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Zhongli Chuchu standing outside the window, turned around and said with a smile:

"Chu Chu, why are you here? Didn't you go out to enjoy the snow with Miss Song?"

Zhongli Chuchu was only seventeen or eighteen, considered a junior. She was a little nervous facing Xu Buling's doting wife. She did not enter the room, but just hooked up:

"Master, I have something to ask you."


Zhongli Jiujiu nodded with a smile, put down the medicinal materials he was grinding, stood up, patted his long skirt, and came outside the room.

Zhongli Chuchu took the master to the corner of the verandah of the back house, hesitated for a moment, and said softly:

"Master, I want to make friends with Mr. Xu. You asked me to learn from Ning Qingye, but after getting to know me in the past few days, it's not what you and I thought. Mr. Xu is relatively indifferent to everyone, and he is the same to you and me. The same goes for Miss Song. It's not that she is treated differently at all, but her personality is like this..."

Zhongli Jiujiu did feel like that in the days when she met Xu Buling. nodded:

"Well, what next."

Zhongli Chuchu looked around a few times and said softly:

"Mr. Xu was very polite to Ning Qingye, and even pursued him regardless of his status, while Ning Qingye treated him coldly. At first, I thought there was something special about Ning Qingye, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that... "

Zhongli Jiujiu was confused when he heard this, and frowned: "What? Isn't this child Qingye always like this? Is it possible that there are other ulterior things?"

Zhongli nodded Chuchu, and whispered in Master's ear: "I only found out after hearing Miss Song talk about it. It turns out that the reason why Young Master Xu favors Ning Qingye is because Ning Qingye has been with Young Master Xu for a long time..."


Zhongli Jiujiu turned his cheek and glanced at his apprentice in disbelief to make sure she was not joking.

Zhongli Chuchu knew that the master didn't believe it, and she didn't believe it either, but Song Yufu's seeing was believing, and it couldn't be a lie. Now he said seriously:

"It's absolutely true. It's because of this that Mr. Xu is very special to Ning Qingye. It's not because Ning Qingye is different. I was deceived by Ning Qingye's cold appearance. Fortunately, I have been imitating her for a long time. She It’s completely misleading…”

Zhongli Jiujiu had strange eyes. She had seen Ning Qingye when she was a child. He had a cold and straightforward personality, and she had even tried to trick him into becoming his apprentice. I didn’t expect that the cold little girl back then would grow up to be so playful...

Seeing his apprentice's thoughts, Zhongli Jiujiu pondered for a moment: "Chu Chu, do you like Xu Buling?"

When Zhongli Chuchu heard this, her face turned red and she gave Zhongli Jiujiu an angry look: "Master, what are you talking about? I just want to be friends with Mr. Xu, unlike Ning Qingye..."

Zhongli Jiujiu hugged her chest and leaned against the red pillar of the verandah. She frowned and said, "Since you just want to be friends, what do you care about Ning Qingye? She is a man and a concubine, and it has nothing to do with you..."


Zhongli Chuchu pursed her lips, sat down in front of Zhongli Jiujiu, and said slightly dissatisfied: "She fooled me, making me think that Mr. Xu didn't like me, and caused so many things. And... and she even said something about me today Come on, it's my own fault that Mr. Xu is cold to me. What's wrong with me? I don't use my body to please men, right? If I lower my status and seduce Mr. Xu, will she still be able to talk? "

Zhongli Jiujiu looked at his grown-up apprentice, hesitated, and sighed softly:

"Chu Chu, you have to make your own decision about this kind of thing. As a master, if my idea goes wrong, you will definitely blame me in the future."

Zhongli Chuchu sat in the verandah and struggled for a moment, then thought: "Master, I...I don't know how to do it."

Zhongli Jiujiu sighed, thought about it for a moment, and said softly:

"I've been talking for a long time. I just want Xu Buling to treat you differently. After all, you are the eighth leader of the modern generation. You have all your money here. Dress up a little and wear less..."

"I've tried it before..."


" was autumn, it wasn't cold, so I didn't wear enough clothes..."

"Oh..." Zhongli Jiujiu pursed her lips. She wanted to say something, but she thought that if she didn't get admitted to the university, she would become enemies if she stayed in the university. So she sighed softly: "Then wear less clothes. Men don't have it." Don’t be lewd. As long as you are tempted, no matter how cold-hearted a man is, he will show you his attentiveness..."

Zhongli Chuchu tightened her tight skirt and hesitated slightly: "Master, I just want to be normal friends and confidants with Mr. Xu. It's not... I don't want that..."

Zhongli Jiujiu shook his head: "You have to make up your own mind about this kind of thing. Master, I have never hugged a man, and I have no friends. If you ask me, it is the same as asking a blind man."

Zhongli frowned and hesitated for a long time, then slowly nodded and replied:

"I...let me try..."

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