The prince is very fierce

Chapter 60 Before the Hunt

Youzhou is not the Chu land of Guanzhong. The countryside is barren and the roads are definitely underdeveloped. There is probably only one official road going from south to north. Judging from the direction, the sound of horse hooves is coming from Fanyang County.

Xu Buling woke up from his slumber, opened his eyes and looked at the end of the road - three black figures riding black horses trotted towards them. They were all wearing raincoats and bamboo hats to protect them from the wind and snow. With the help of the lighting lanterns held by the people in front, It can be seen that the handle of the Yanling knife and the copper token are exposed under the raincoat.

The standard attire of the Tianzi Camp Wolf Guard.

Xu Buling frowned. There were not many wolf guards in Tianzi camp. There were only thirty-six Tiangangs, about a thousand people. Most of them stayed in Guanzhong Road, and only a few were assigned to Youzhou. This small group of Tianzi Camp Wolf Guards was most likely brought here by Song Ying. It was only two days before the incident on Bodhi Island, and urgent news from 800 miles away should have just arrived in Chang'an. Before the imperial edict came down, Song Ying did not dare to act without permission, but he must have a plan. These Tianzi Camp Wolf Guards were traveling all night, so they must know some news.

Thinking of this, Xu Buling did not evade, but just sat by the bonfire and waited, letting the three girls who had woken up wait in the dark to avoid exposing their appearance and identity.

The distance was relatively far, and the specific situation could not be clearly seen. A bonfire in the wilderness on a snowy day was really eye-catching. The three Wolf Guards were traveling all night. It was early in the morning and it was probably very cold. When they saw someone making a fire and setting up camp beside the road, they stopped and walked directly towards it, rubbing their hands along the way, as if they wanted to come over to keep warm and rest for a while.

As for whether it is dangerous, it has never been a matter for the Wolf Guards to consider. Not to mention that the Tianzi Camp Wolf Guards are all elites. The black wolf guard clothes on their bodies alone can scare 90% of the Jianghu people into nodding and bowing and not daring to move.

"Bah-it's so cold..."

"Brothers, don't be afraid. The three of you are just coming here to have a rest. We won't arrest anyone..."

The three wolf guards held their hands on the hilts of Yanling's swords and walked into the woods in the wind and snow. Their tone was quite polite, obviously because they were afraid of scaring the merchants or wanderers who were sleeping in the wilderness.

Xu Buling hooked his hand and said, "Come here."

The three wolf guards had been licking blood from their swords for many years. It was impossible for them not to be alert. Halfway through, one of them stopped, glanced at Xu Buling sitting under the tree, turned around and left:

"I almost forgot, there is something important to do, don't take a rest, just hurry up..."

The two wolf guards nearby reacted naturally with dissatisfaction. When they saw the Lord of Hell bumping into him in the wilderness, they turned around and followed him without hesitation.

But now that we have come, it is not easy to leave.

Xu Buling picked up the saber and said:

"It's so cold, come and sit for a while without wasting time."

The leader of the three wolf guards froze slightly when he heard the sound. Knowing that he had no chance of leaving today, he quickly turned around, took a closer look, and showed a surprised smile:

"Oh, it turns out to be Crown Prince Xu, what a coincidence... Come on, this is our Prince Su's Crown Prince, why don't you hurry up and pay your respects."

The two wolf guards didn't dare to look wary, so they quickly raised their hands and said, "See His Royal Highness."

Xu Buling nodded lightly and raised his hand to gesture to the bonfire next to him: "Why are you standing so far away? We are all in the military. We don't have to pay attention to those complicated rules outside."


The three wolf guards looked at each other in confusion and hesitated for a while, but they still had to sit down in front of Xu Buling and did not dare to put their hands on the handle of the knife. After all, they had seen Xu Buling's skills in the Tang family, and killing them was just fun.

The leader of the wolf guard did not dare to raise his head and hesitated for a moment: "Well... last time in Tangjiazhuang, Mr. Song and the Crown Prince had a small conflict. But they are both from official families, so it would not hurt their feelings to fight. We also follow the commander's orders. Son……"

Xu Buring was too lazy to listen to these nonsense and asked calmly: "I'm traveling in the middle of the night. Is there something urgent? Where are you going?"

The matter on Bodhi Island has not yet been decided in Chang'an. Naturally, the three wolf guards did not know the top secret matters related to Yuxi, and they just went on the mission according to the instructions of their superiors.

Hearing Xu Buling's question, the leader of the wolf guard hesitated and sighed:

"His Royal Highness, even in your humble position, you act under orders. I have always admired General Xu for his founding style. I still have a portrait of General Xu hanging in my home. During every year and festival, I will bring my wife, children and children to pay homage..."

These words were obviously playing the emotional card, saying that he had seniors and juniors, and they were all members of the government. He was ordered to do things that were not right and not to kill anyone.

When Xu Buling heard this, he knew that he was coming for him, and said calmly: "Let's be honest, my Xu family is full of loyal people, how can we attack one of our own people? Tang Jiao is not a human being, he is different from all the brothers. ”

The three wolf guards were obviously a little nervous, but the current situation was not much different from having a knife held to their necks. The leader of the wolf guard hesitated for a moment, then said:

"The humble post was originally in Fanyang County to inquire about the whereabouts of the Crown Prince. In the evening, I was transferred to Youzhou City, so I passed by here overnight... I didn't expect that the Crown Prince was also on the way."

Xu Buling nodded: "What are you going to do in Youzhou?"

The leader of the Wolf Guard had no intention of concealing anything: "According to the news, Zhongli Chuchu, one of the contemporary Eight Chiefs, showed his whereabouts in Youzhou City and was detained by Master Song. Originally, he wanted to let the prince go there for a while. Well, now it seems that there is no need to let go of the news.”

Xu Buling squinted his eyes slightly, his face obviously colder:

"Who gave his dog the courage to detain me?"

The face of the leader of the Wolf Guard stiffened: "My humble position is just to follow orders, so I don't know... However, according to the records of the Yamen, Zhongli Chuchu seems to be from South Vietnam and has not settled in Dayue. According to the law, the Criminal Investigation Department can investigate and detain him without any evidence of crime." Tried or deported..."

"You know the origin of Zhongli Chuchu, is it possible that you don't know that she knows me?"

"Of course I know this, otherwise why would I detain her? This is Lord Song's intention. I only know so much for my humble position."

Xu Buling thought for a moment, stood up, and frightened the three wolf guards, but they did not dare to move without permission.

"Take off your clothes and sleep here for two days."

"No! Your Majesty, please be careful along the way."

The three wolf guards breathed a sigh of relief, quickly took off their black wolf guard clothes and brands, and squatted by the bonfire with their raincoats on.

Xu Bu Ling raised his palm and knocked out the three wolf guards cleanly.

In the darkness, Zhongli Jiujiu ran out quickly, with a look of panic and anxiety on her face, and pulled Xu Buring's sleeve:

"Chu Chu was caught by the wolf guard? What should we do..."

To the people of Jianghu, the Wolf Guard means that the Palace of Hell is dark and impermanent. If you are targeted, you will lose your skin even if you are not dead, because behind it is the imperial court, and even the heroes in the Jianghu can hide when they see it. Zhongli Jiujiu was from South Vietnam. How could she not be afraid when she learned that her most beloved disciple was captured by the wolf guards.

Xu Buling looked calm, holding the black wolf guard clothes and comforting softly:

"Song Ying knew that Chu Chu was in contact with me, so she just held him down and let me pass. If you gave him a hundred courages, he wouldn't dare to embarrass Chu Chu. Don't worry."

Ning Qingye walked up to him and looked a little worried: "The Wolf Guard will lead you there, so there must be an ambush. You can't show up with the national jade seal..."

Xu Buling shook his head: "The news has just been sent to the capital. Since the imperial court has not blocked all official roads, it must be that the imperial edict has not been sent to Youzhou. Song Ying detained Chu Chu and acted in private. He should have waited for the imperial edict to come. The purpose of bringing me here again. Now that I have no evidence and no imperial order, even if I stand in front of him, he will not dare to move. The government is different from Jianghu, and it pays attention to procedures. "

Zhongli Jiujiu saw Chu Chu as her own daughter. At this time, she could not care about the defense between men and women. She grabbed Xu Buling's wrist and said anxiously: "Then what should we do now? Let's go to rob the prison?"

Xu Buling shook his head: "What kind of prison is there to rob? As long as the imperial edict has not arrived, just go and ask for the person." He handed the black robe of the wolf guard to Qingye and Jiujiu: "You disguise yourself and follow behind, don't be exposed. identity, Nightingale and I will go to the government to ask for someone, and we will escape immediately after we get Chu Chu out. "

Zhongli Jiujiu didn't know what was going on in the court. Seeing Xu Buling's calm eyes, he could only nod his head and took the black robe of the wolf guard...

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