The prince is very fierce

Chapter 61 I am Xu Buling’s lover!

Since ancient times, Youzhou City has been an important military town and commercial center in the northern part of the Central Plains Dynasty. It can be regarded as one of the most prosperous cities in the entire northern Xinjiang. Two hundred miles away is the border. Youzhou City, like Suzhou City in the northwest corner of the map, has a martial culture and rough folk customs.

After Dayue founded the country, he established the Liaoxi Protectorate in Liaoxi County, Youzhou, and the emperor controlled the military power. Currently, Wang Chenghai, the eldest grandson of the founding general Wang Yu, is the governor, and the governor of Youzhou is Zhang Boyan, who was born in the Zhang family of Taiyuan.

It has arrived at the end of the twelfth lunar month, and most of the wanderers have returned home. The city of Youzhou is calm and full of new year atmosphere. At the Yamen located in the east of the city, guards are also cleaning the houses and courtyards in preparation for the New Year.

In the yamen's meeting hall, the governor Zhang Boyan was dressed as an official, holding a teacup in his hand, listening to the conversation of several officials, his expression obviously not very good.

As the governor of a state, he can also be regarded as a feudal official. There is no vassal king guarding Youzhou. It can be said that apart from the chief official of the Western Liaoning Protectorate and the Cui family, Zhang Boyan is the biggest.

But Zhang Boyan was obviously not in a good mood today.

In the meeting hall, Song Ying arranged errands with the subordinates of the Wolf Guard and the local police chief. They kept saying "Prince Su's Crown Prince", which made Zhang Boyan's heart twitch.

Who is Prince Su? Dayue's only son with a different surname, Wang, holds 200,000 Xiliang troops squatting on the other side of Dayue. His reputation as the founding of the country is still well known to everyone. Even the opposite Northern Qi Dynasty is frightened by the news, let alone his little governor.

Hearing that something happened to the Tang family a few days ago, Zhang Boyan prayed to God and Buddha at home and acted like a coward. He didn't look, listen or speak, just hoping that the incident would not be brought to him. The result was good, just a few days later, Mr. Song from the Criminal Investigation Department came to the door.

Who is Song Ying? He was just a police officer, with no serious official position, but he was the emperor's eyes, ears and mouthpiece. He had countless spies from the north and south, and even dared to investigate the private affairs of the vassal king, let alone a small governor.

Neither side could afford to offend Zhang Boyan, but he couldn't avoid it.

The Criminal Investigation Department is a yamen under the Ministry of Justice and does not have military power. Even if Song Ying is a close confidant of the emperor, it is impossible to mobilize the border troops. If he wants to have manpower to do things, naturally he can only find Zhang Boyan, the governor in charge of Youzhou's military affairs.

Regardless of whether he came to ask for someone, Zhang Boyan could just pretend to be deaf and mute, but now Song Ying directly detained a girl and locked her up in the prison of Youzhou City. The girl was rumored to be the concubine of Prince Su, and she returned the favor. He was arrested in the name of the state government for entering the country without permission.

Oh my god, if Crown Prince Su finds out about this, it will be a question of whether he can save his life, let alone his career!

Zhang Boyan is definitely not stupid to be able to achieve the position of governor of a state. It is obvious that this is a fatal note. After thinking about it again and again, he still said:

"Sir Song, we can't catch that girl. No one has this Lu Yin thing in Youzhou, and the government hasn't checked it. If Prince Su finds out about this person who is holding the crown prince of Prince Su, I'll give him a tip. Then you can go to Luliang Mountain and become the county magistrate, aren’t you making things difficult for me?”

The chief officer of the Criminal Investigation Department was awarded a gold medal by the emperor. He was basically a senior official, and Zhang Boyan was not good at speaking harshly.

Song Ying learned about Bodhi Island and knew the importance of the matter. The emperor must have withheld Xu Buling as soon as he found out, so it was not considered self-assertion. Seeing that Zhang Boyan was worried, Song Ying said calmly:

"Master Zhang, there is no need to worry. Song has already asked the Holy Majesty for instructions. The imperial edict is being sent eight hundred miles away and will arrive soon. Master Zhang, please also mobilize the people below and don't neglect your duties and let Prince Su go..."

The tea cup in Zhang Boyan's hand shook: "Master Song, you have invited Prince Su to come over, but are you planning to detain Prince Su? Could it be that you feel that the Xiliang Army has been at ease for a long time and has not come out to move around, and you want to find something for them What's the reason? If that's the case, I suggest you go to Guanzhong Road to cause trouble. Wherever you are, don't come to me to attract evil stars..."

"Prince Su is more than two thousand miles away, and he can't get there."

"Hey - Mr. Song, have you seen the map? King Su defected to the Northern Qi Dynasty and came across Pingchuan from Mobei. Do you think he has to go around Guanzhong Road?"

The jade seal was of great importance, and only the chief officer of the Criminal Investigation Department knew about it. Song Ying could not explain it to Zhang Boyan, so she raised her hand and said:

"This matter is of great importance. Once the Holy Emperor's decree arrives, Master Zhang only needs to act in accordance with the imperial order..."

Zhang Boyan put down the tea cup and spread his hands: "But now the imperial edict has not arrived. Mr. Song, how would you behave if you came here and showed a sign and asked me to arrest the son of the feudal prince? You go and show Jing Zhaoyin a sign and let him arrest him. Prince, do you think he is obedient? I didn’t arrest Mr. Song just for the sake of the Detective Department..."

Song Ying was full of complaints and could not respond. She immediately stood up and said, "Master Zhang, you'd better do what I say, otherwise the emperor will remove your official hat afterwards and the Wang family of Taiyuan will not be able to protect you."


Zhang Boyan slapped the table and wanted to say a few words, but Song Ying had already left the meeting hall. He held it in for a moment. After all, the emperor was older than King Su, so he could only raise his hand:

"Go, go, set up checkpoints along the road and keep a close eye. If you find Crown Prince Su, please come back immediately. Remember, please come back. Whoever shows his sword will be chopped off. Don't come to me and cry afterward..."


Behind the Yamen, there is the Youzhou City Prison.

There is a strong atmosphere in Youzhou, and murders and robberies are common. As the capital of the city, the prison in Youzhou City is basically full of death row inmates who commit murder and arson, and ordinary thieves who cheat and kidnap can't get in.

Most of those who can be imprisoned here are capable jianghu people. To prevent prison break-ups and jailbreaks, the prison bars are made of iron, and there is an arrow tower on the three-foot-high wall. There are two battalions of soldiers on duty outside, just like a small fortress.

Zhongli Chuchu was imprisoned here because Song Ying was obviously worried that Xu Buling would use his tyrannical skills to break out of the prison.

There was no sunlight in the dark prison. The prisoners with heavy shackles lay behind the cells. They knew that the next time they saw the sun, they might be beheaded. It was impossible to escape. They had given up hope and did not even cry out for injustice.

Deep in the narrow corridor of the prison, the cell used to imprison the master-level masters was inlaid with two-finger-thick iron plates on all six sides, including the ground. Originally, there was nothing in the cell to prevent it from being used as a weapon by the masters to kill people. However, at this time, new beds, small tables, melon seeds and snacks were moved in. The bedding and blankets were all new, and there was even a dressing table.

This kind of luxurious treatment may be the first time since the prison was built, but these things obviously can't soothe the emotions of the prisoners.

At the door of the cell, Zhongli Chuchu, wearing a long red dress and a waistcoat with a beautiful face, tiptoed to look at the corridor outside from the small hole as big as a palm, and kept shouting:

"Let me out! Do you know who I am? Xu Buling is lover. If you catch me and let him know, you will die..."

The jailers sitting outside the passage pretended to be deaf and dumb and dared not respond. The guard was the sword leader Situ Yuejin, holding the nine-ring sword and paying attention to the surroundings at all times to prevent Xu Buling from suddenly killing and robbing people.

"Hey! Is there anyone?! I'm serious, I'm really Xu Buling's lover..."

Zhongli Chuchu slapped the iron door. After shouting for a long time without response, there was obviously some fear in her green eyes. Born in the Western Regions, her skin was already white, and now it was even whiter, and her shoulders kept shaking.

After leaving Huainan, Zhongli Chuchu rode her white camel, hoping to rush to Youzhou to meet Xu Buling. Although camels have great endurance and can travel long distances, their speed is much slower than that of Pegasus. She couldn't take a boat to the north and went downstream. When she arrived in Youzhou, it was already two days ago.

Zhongli Chuchu has been in the martial arts world for two years. She knows the ways and rules and has never made any mistakes. But this time, she was blocked by the wolf guards before she did anything. She wanted to get away with the dragon-locking Gu, but the man knew her methods clearly and took out a crossbow from a distance.

Zhongli Chuchu is also a martial arts person. She must be afraid of this group of black impermanence. She can only bite her teeth and report Xu Buling's name, hoping to get away with the power of King Su. But this group of wolf guards is really unreasonable. They don't even give King Su face. They brought her here and locked her up without even a reason.

"People from the Central Plains are really unreasonable..."

Zhongli Chuchu knocked on the door a few times. Seeing no response, she sat back on the bed with a tense mood, pursing her lips, not knowing what to do. The methods of the Detective Department are well known to everyone in the martial arts world. If you are caught, basically no one will get out alive, and they will be called the King of Hell.

She is a citizen of Dayue, and she can still reason with the government, but as a native of South Vietnam, she is an illegal household to the Dayue government. No one will take care of her if she is caught and sold. She is now the only Eight Kui in Dayue, and she should be worth a lot of silver. Could it be that someone is targeting her...

Thinking of this, Zhongli Chuchu became even more flustered, and stood up and knocked on the iron door again: "I'm serious! I am Xu Buling's woman. He asked me to be the concubine of Prince Su. If you dare to catch me, he will definitely bring troops to fight..."


Just after shouting two sentences, Song Ying appeared outside the small window, scaring Zhongli Chuchu, and she closed her mouth and dared not speak.

Song Ying stood outside the cell with his hands behind his back, his attitude was relatively gentle:

"Don't worry, young lady, Xu Shizi will be here soon, just wait patiently for two days."

Zhongli Chuchu had never met Song Ying, but seeing that this wolf guard knew Xu Buling, her green eyes showed some annoyance:

"You know the relationship between Xu Buling and me, and you still dare to arrest me? If he knows, you're dead..."

Song Ying chuckled and pointed to the iron cell: "I work for the court, and if I die, it's because of my duty, so don't worry about me. In two days, Xu Shizi will be here to accompany you, and he should be alone for a long time. If you need anything, just call him at any time."

Zhongli Chuchu was stunned, thought about it for a while, and understood the meaning of this:

"You actually want to arrest Xu Buling? Do you want to rebel..."

At this point, Zhongli Chuchu suddenly understood the purpose of her detention, which was to be used as bait to lure Xu Buling over!

When Zhongli Chuchu thought of this, she panicked and said anxiously:

"Xu Buling has nothing to do with me. I was just joking. He can't come to me. You caught the wrong person..."

"You just said that Xu Shizi wanted to choose you as a concubine."

"I'm talking nonsense. Xu Buling and I met by chance. We just know each other. It's impossible for him to come to pick me up..."

While talking, a wolf guard suddenly ran in from outside and said in a panic:

"Sir Song, Xu Shizi is here?"



Two voices appeared at the same time.

Zhongli Chuchu was stunned. She was surprised at first, then a little panicked, and said angrily:

"You are so bold. If you dare to attack Xu Buling, I... I will die here. Let's see how you end..."

Song Ying didn't expect Xu Buling to show up so soon, so he hurried out.

"Hey! I'm serious. I really want to die here. Hey, hey..."

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