The prince is very fierce

Chapter 77: Hundred Miles of Peach Forest and Thousands of Pear Trees

The empty valley is quiet and isolated from the world.

Following the river in the valley, I don’t know how far I have drifted. The rugged mountains on both sides of the river gradually leveled out, replaced by a series of peach trees. In the winter, the branches and leaves fell off, and the snowflakes pressed on the branches, just like The valley is filled with thousands of pear trees.

Xu Buling lay on the water and closed his eyes tightly, suppressing the overwhelming energy and blood in his chest and abdomen. After his body regained stability, he stopped by the stream, stood up from the water, and looked up around him.

Surrounded by mountains, there is no cold winter wind, only snow falling silently. Looking around, it is dark and silent, with no lights in sight and no way out. Judging from the traces along the river, I'm afraid no one has visited this deep mountain and old forest for hundreds of years.

Xu Buling looked around a few times, but there was no reference and he couldn't tell the difference between north, south, east and west. Now that I was a little calmer, I felt a burning pain on my arm. I lifted up my sleeve and took a look. I saw that the bruise had recovered, but there was still a bit of swelling that probably wouldn't go away in a few days. The body is overloaded with exercise, hungry and cold, and it is obvious that the body feels weak and a little dizzy.

After suffering a loss on Bodhi Island last time, Xu Buling was not afraid of starving to death in the ice and snow. He took out the emergency rations wrapped in oilcloth from the back of his belt and ate a few mouthfuls with the cold river water, but it was a bit hard to swallow.


Xu Bu Ling sat by the river, replenished some energy, and exhaled softly. The robe on my body was soaked through. If I slept in this ice and snow, I would definitely freeze into a frozen corpse tomorrow morning. I immediately stood up, took off my robe, pulled some dry grass from under the snow, tied it with strips of cloth and put it on my back. His chest barely resisted the cold air.

After finishing this, Xu Bu Ling took a long knife and chopped off the dead branches and rotten trees blocking the road, and walked towards the edge of the valley to see if he could find an exit or find a slightly warmer place to spend the night.

There seemed to be no living creatures in the valley, and there were thick leaves and snow on the ground. In order to prevent stepping on objects in holes and animal traps, Xu Buling used a knife to poke around while walking. After walking for about half a quarter of an hour, the sound of the river behind them disappeared, and they came to a relatively sparse forest.

"Woof woof"

When Xu Buling was carefully groping for the road, there may be too much noise from the long knife chopping down the trees. Suddenly, a dog barked in the distance, which was very obvious in the silent snowy night, and even had some echoes.

Xu Buling thought it was the wolf guard's hound at first, and immediately lowered his body and listened to the surroundings, but there was no sound of a large group of people walking around. Instead, there was the sound of the wooden door opening and closing.

Are there any residents in this damn place?

Xu Buling was a little confused, but in this world, it is very common for several families to live in the mountains. Most of them were those who fled into the mountains during the Jiazi War. They were isolated from the world and had no contact with worldly affairs. Although it was not as exaggerated as in Peach Blossom Spring, it had not been there for many years. It's normal to walk around outside, which probably means "we hear the sounds of chickens and dogs, and we never interact with each other until we die".

After hearing the barking of the dog, Xu Buling followed the sound and walked there, paying attention to the movement along the way to avoid being ambushed.

Not far away, the dense forest opened up a little, and the ground was relatively flat, but it was still full of peach trees. The trees were very small, and some were just saplings. Xu Buling took a closer look and saw that the trees were neatly arranged with equal spacing. They were obviously artificially planted. Walking further in, you could see several small vegetable patches.

"Is there anyone?!"

Xu Buring was afraid of scaring the local natives, so he called out. There was no response in the night, but the dog just now rushed over from the darkness very fiercely, and bit Xu Buring's arm with an 'ouch'.

Seeking death!

Xu Bu Ling raised his hand casually and hit the dog on the head with the back of his knife. The black-haired puppy didn't even hum and just lay down.

It was a cold winter night, and Xu Buling was shivering from the cold. He lowered his head and took a look at the little black dog. He found that the little black dog was quite clean, so he held the warm dog in his arms to keep warm. He continued to go deeper and walked fifty years. A few steps away, we arrived at a fence.

There are three small houses inside the fence, which are quite elegantly decorated. There is a deck chair under the melon stand in the courtyard, and several rows of flower pots are placed neatly next to the fence. There is also a relatively large tree next to the house. There are stone mills and other objects.

"Fellow? Is there anyone?"

Xu Buling just heard the sound of the door opening and closing, and knew that there must be someone nearby. After waiting for a while and seeing no response, he felt really uncomfortable with the cold, so he stepped into the courtyard and listened in front of the main house. When there was no movement, he walked to the window of the side room. Listened.

There was a faint sound of breathing in the side room. Judging from the angle, it should be underground.

Most of the farmhouses in this world have cellars to store grains and vegetables, and to avoid bandits in times of war. Judging from the situation, he was mistaken for a bandit.

When Xu Buling saw this, he didn't force his way in. He just said politely outside the window: "Fellow, I'm staying here for one night. I'll leave tomorrow morning. I know how to pay. I'm really bothering you."

There was still no response from the room.

Seeing this, Xu Buling said no more, hugged the warm little black dog and came to the opposite side of the room.

Opposite is the kitchen, which has no door. Next to it is a small wooden kennel, which is relatively simple and has some hay inside.

Xu Buling put down the little black dog and entered the kitchen. When he came to the earthen stove, he touched the firewood placed on the stove and threw the hay and firewood piled next to it into the stove hole. After lighting it, the kitchen suddenly became bright. a bit.

The kitchen was not big, but very neatly arranged. Water jars and buckets were placed at the door. Inside was a wooden table with earthenware jars of firewood, rice, oil and salt on it. A small chopping board was placed vertically against the window, and a few dried fish were hung on the window. There were not many things in the cupboard on the wall, only a wooden plate, a wooden bowl and a pair of chopsticks stacked together. There were a few small wine jars next to it. Everything was neatly arranged, without even a speck of dust.

Xu Buling walked up to her and took a look. He could tell that she lived alone. Judging from the size of the bowl, she didn't eat much. She was probably a very frugal old lady with mysophobia. He picked up the wine jar next to him, opened the cork and smelled it. It should be the wine he brewed himself, and it didn't taste very good.

Because the body heat loss was too serious, Xu Buling drank the wine in the jar with the intention of paying the money tomorrow.

The bitter wine went into his throat, and his body warmed up a little, and the feeling of hunger in his stomach surged up.

Xu Buling looked around. He was almost freezing to death from hunger and cold, so he didn't say anything polite. He scooped a few spoonfuls of rice from the millet jar, washed it, and put it on the small stove to cook, and then prepared some dishes.

There were no vegetables in the winter, and the most nutritious thing was stewed dog meat, especially black dog.

Xu Buling looked at the little black dog that had fainted at the door, licked his lips, and finally didn't feel embarrassed to eat the door god. Instead, he took a few salted fish from the window, and took out the pickled sauerkraut from the jar next to the stove, and made sauerkraut fish in a big pot.

Xu Buling's cooking skills were not good, and he was even disliked by Aunt Lu, but it was definitely not deadly.

About half an hour later, a pot of steaming fish soup was cooked. It was probably edible, but the color had a bit of the flavor of the Stargazing Pie.

Xu Buling blinked his eyes, muttered to himself, "A real man is not particular about trivial matters", and then took the bowls and chopsticks, filled the fish soup with white rice, and sat on the small wooden stool behind the earthen stove to eat heartily.

When people are hungry, everything tastes delicious, not to mention this freezing weather, it feels really good after eating.

Although Xu Buling is not fat, he has a strong body. To support such a large consumption, his appetite must be amazing. A big pot of rice and a pot of fish soup, not a drop left.

The hot soup and the bonfire made me sweat, and the pain in my body also subsided immediately.

Xu Buling put his robes next to the earthen stove to dry, put his sword next to him, and then he rested on the pile of firewood, closed his eyes, and gradually fell into a state of dozing...

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