The prince is very fierce

Chapter 78: Deep Valley Orchid

After running around all night, the wind and snow gradually stopped, the east turned white, and the morning sun shone on the tens of thousands of peach trees in Pinggu's peach blossom sea, making the sky and earth white.

The outside world is full of soldiers, and the rivers, lakes, and markets are as silent as the grass and trees. However, the canyon hidden in the deep mountains and old forests seems to be isolated from the world, and the sea is calm and there is no movement at all.

The earth stove next to it went out at some point, and the temperature slowly dropped.

Xu Buling was in a daze when he heard the soft creak of the house opposite. Light footsteps came from the house and stopped at the door, as if he was peeking through the crack in the door to see what was going on here.

Xu Buling was too tired last night and did not wake up because there was no danger. But after a moment, the door opened and a figure walked out.

Xu Buling held the handle of the knife with his left hand and squinted his eyes, only to see a woman in a Jingchai sarong walking out of the small room. She was not a shambling old woman. She looked not very old. She has willow-leaf eyebrows, auspicious eyes, lips as thin and small as cherry blossoms, and her cheeks look a bit weak like Liu Fufeng's. Her long black hair is simply coiled on her head. She wears a dark blue top and a pleated skirt with white flowers on a blue background. , the fabric is relatively old and has some signs of wear and tear from daily work. Although there is no makeup or makeup, she looks very elegant and elegant, and her clothes are clean and tidy. Well... a very handsome village girl!

It seemed that the phoenix emerging from the mountains was not a lie. From the look in his footsteps, Xu Buling could see that the other party did not know martial arts, so he was no longer wary. He lay down and pretended to sleep, hoping to wait for the little village girl to run away before leaving, so as not to scare others. After all, he Now he is only wearing pants and looks like a savage in turf.

The little village girl was not tall. She hid a pair of scissors behind her back. She walked into the courtyard and cautiously looked around for a few times. When she saw that the person who broke in last night was still there, she turned pale with fright and moved lightly. Go back.

After walking a few steps, she found the black dog lying in the kennel, not knowing whether it was alive or dead. The little village girl's eyes showed a bit of anger. She turned around and held up her skirt. She slowly walked to the door of the kitchen and picked up the little black dog. , and then walked back, for fear of waking up the robber lying in the woodpile.

Xu Buring didn't open his eyes, but he heard the movements clearly. He held his breath and remained motionless, slowly waiting for others to leave.

But the little village girl retreated to the center of the courtyard and stopped for a moment when she saw the man lying in the firewood pile who didn't even seem to be breathing. After looking carefully for a few times, he probably thought he was dead, so he came back, took a wooden stick from under the eaves to support the window, carefully entered the kitchen, squatted in front of the earthen stove, and gently poked Xu Bu with the wooden stick. Ling's legs.

Xu Buling closed his eyes, but he didn't know how to deal with it. If he woke up directly, he would probably scare this lonely little village girl to death. If she didn't wake up...

The little village girl squatted and moved a little closer, and poked a few more times with a small wooden stick:


The voice is light and soft, and the throat is as graceful as a lark, but for some reason, it sounds a little childish.

Could it be that he is mentally retarded?

It doesn't look like it...

Xu Bu Ling felt rather embarrassed. He didn't want to scare others, so he left the money and left. But this little village girl was quite naive. When she poked him for a while and saw no response, she was so frightened that she dropped the stick on the ground. She stood up and clasped her hands on her chest, as if she was thinking of a countermeasure.

Xu Buling hesitated for a moment, and in order to reduce his threat, he prepared to take a weak breath and look like he was seriously injured, so as to prevent the other party from panicking.

Unexpectedly, before he made a weak gesture, the little village girl thought of a solution. She turned back to the courtyard, took a hoe from the corner of the house, ran to the snow outside the fence, and started digging a hole.

It looked like he wanted to bury the dead person directly. ? ?

Xu Bu Ling's eyes were full of astonishment and he thought to himself: Burying him without even taking a breath to make sure he was dead was too simple!

It would obviously be inappropriate to wait for a helpless girl to finish digging a hole before digging a hole.

Xu Buling thought for a while and had to say: "Ahem" and coughed twice weakly to indicate that he was not dead yet.

The sound of coughing came out, and the sound of throwing away the hoe came back. The figure of the little village girl appeared quickly, and ran into the house in panic. However, when passing by the kitchen, she found that Xu Buling had already been weak and stood up. He must have found her, so he He turned around and ran out again.

It doesn’t seem like he’s mentally retarded…

Xu Buling secretly breathed a sigh of relief, quickly raised his hand, and said in a weak voice: "Girl... I'm not a bad person... I know you were hiding in the cellar last night... I'm really sorry..."

This consolation was obviously very useful. After hearing this, the little village girl stopped in her tracks, turned around and glanced weakly, and only after making sure that Xu Buling couldn't run could she turn around:

"Who are you? Who asked you to come here? Get out quickly."

His tone was very fierce, but his weak Liu Fufeng-like face and figure made it difficult for people to feel the slightest threat or momentum.

Xu Buring nodded, stood up with difficulty holding the knife, put on a white robe, took out a banknote and placed it on the stove, with a bit of apology:

"I really disturbed the girl. I rested here last night and made some food by the way. This money is considered as compensation for the girl, so I hope you can accept it."

With that said, he walked out of the kitchen and walked outside the fence.

The little village girl's eyes were wary and she put the scissors behind her waist. After Xu Buling left the door, she moved her steps and quickly ran to the kitchen. She glanced around a few times and her eyes showed a bit of anxiety. She took the banknote and spoke again. Ran out:


Xu Bu Ling paused, turned around, and said with a smile:

"You're welcome, girl, this little money is nothing to me..."

Before she finished speaking, the little village girl showed a little annoyed and interjected:

"You've finished eating the rice, what will I eat? What's the use of my money?"?

Xu Buling was stunned for a moment, looked at him doubtfully, and took a moment to react.

Yes, look at this place. This little village girl probably rarely goes out and doesn’t have much money to spend. Yesterday's food stock was obviously not much. The food of poor people was basically good. If it was wasted, it would be difficult to survive until next autumn harvest. The small amount of food in the rice vat, he thought it was a few months' reserve. According to his appetite , I guess I ate the girl’s rations for ten days last night, and even gave her the only meat she had to eat...


Xu Bu Ling's expression froze slightly and he looked at the black dog next to him.

The little village girl quickly moved to block the black dog: "It catches fish for me, and it also needs to eat. If it doesn't have food, it will starve to death. Why do you eat my food?"


Xu Bu Ling's expression was slightly embarrassed. Judging from the distance of his escape last night, there was probably no human habitation within dozens of miles. The mountains are blocked by heavy snow and hunting is impossible, what should we do?

Their eyes met, and there was a slight stalemate.

Xu Buling finally made up his mind and thought for a while: "How about... how about I go out to buy food and deliver it to the girl?"

The village girl frowned slightly, hesitated, and shook her head:

"No, it's such a long way. If you go out, you won't come back. You're lying to me."

Xu Buling looked a little helpless and spread his hands: "I will keep my word and will never lie to you. I will definitely come back when I go out. How about I leave the sword here?"

The little village girl obviously didn't trust the stranger, but she still shook her head: "I can't follow you, you ran away, what's the use of my sword? I only have an ax to chop down trees."


Xu Buling estimated that this little village girl had been away from social life for too long, and her speech logic seemed to be different from other people's. He thought for a while and said with a smile:

"I can't buy food if I don't go out. If I stay here, two people will eat your food. So it will be consumed faster?"

The little village girl stood in front of the kitchen and thought for a moment, then raised her slender finger and pointed to the river in the distance:

"You need to catch fish for me, enough for ten days, and thirteen pieces of firewood. You can't find the oil, salt and wine. You can replace it with ten fish. You have to cut a new pair of bowls and chopsticks for me. I don't want the ones you used." thing."?

Xu Buring blinked. He didn't expect that the little village girl knew so well. Firewood, bowls and chopsticks were easy to talk about, but where could he catch fish in the winter?

The little village girl saw Xu Buling's embarrassed look and pursed her lips. She seemed to have remembered the current situation and was afraid that Xu Buling would become angry because of embarrassment, so she said again:

"Forget it if you don't want to. I won't argue with you. You are not allowed to come back after you go out, and you are not allowed to let outsiders come over."

A gentleman should be careful about his independence. No one may know about his refusal to eat other people's food, but his virtue is obviously more important than a meal.

Xu Bu Ling thought for a moment and realized that nothing would happen to Chu Chu and the others with Lu Bai Ming around. Jiu Jiu was an expert in concealing her whereabouts. She couldn't even find him if she hid. She was not in a hurry, so she nodded lightly:

"I'll go take a look in the river. Twenty fish should be enough, right?"

"If you want big fish, you are not allowed to catch fry."


Xu Buling nodded, stepped out of the fence, and turned back: "Do you have a fishing rod?"

"If you don't have any bait, dig up earthworms yourself."

Xu Buling sighed and walked out of the neat sapling forest with his sword in hand.

The little village girl stood in the courtyard. Seeing Xu Buling walking further and further away, she shouted again:

"If you want to come back, don't lie to others."

With a helpless expression, Xu Bu Ling inserted the Drunken Bamboo Sword on the ground with the scabbard, took out the peace sign from his master from his waist and hung it on it, raised the sword and walked away slowly on the knee-deep snow...

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