The prince is very fierce

Chapter 63: Burn to ashes

The underground palace is buried deep underground, and the air is very cold. Although the stone door blocking the tomb passage has been opened, the narrow passage is difficult to dispel the smell in the underground palace. The ground is full of residual limbs and poisons, exuding the pungent smell of blood, making it almost difficult to find the underground palace. Get a foothold.

Chen Sining walked to the vicinity of Ten Thousand Snake Cave and looked at Xu Buling who was rescuing the people in the cage. The shock in his eyes did not dissipate. Even as his mind cleared, he felt more and more unbelievable.

Chen Sining only had contact with Xu Buling a few times. In her initial influence, 'Xu Shining' was just a wanderer, with strong martial arts skills but clear grudges, an aloof personality but not bullying, even if he caught her snake and forced her to When doing things, he also uses necessary means within the rules. He can be said to be a very principled knight.

Then, when they met again on Chaohuang Street, Chen Sining was shocked at that time. She didn't expect that this martial arts warrior would be so handsome. Chen Sining just felt that this God was really unfair.

And now, I learned that this handsome guy who is skilled in martial arts and looks like an immortal is actually the young master of the most powerful warlord in Dayue, and is currently the talker of the entire Central Plains Empire.

As the third princess of Nanyue, Chen Sining has naturally heard of Xu Buling's name, because Nanyue was beaten badly by the Xu family, and Nanyue has always been somewhat hostile to the Xu family. Moreover, the rumors about Xu Buling were not all good. Basically, he killed wherever he went, and he looked like a fierce second-generation ancestor. Even if he had a few small poems, it would be difficult for him to spread to South Vietnam where the cultural context was not prosperous.

In Chen Sining's impression, Xu Buling should be a cold tyrant with a "unruly personality and avoid strangers", the type who could scare his servants to death even if he took a breath.

But the calm man in front of her made her feel no danger at all. Instead, she felt a sense of security, making it impossible for her to connect him with the aloof Xu Buling.

However, with the facts before his eyes, Chen Sining couldn't help but believe it. After looking at it for a moment, he could only sigh in his heart: Why did he get all the good things by himself...

Seeing the people being released from the wooden cages, Chen Sining did not help. Naturally, she was a little embarrassed at this time, so she took the initiative to ask for help, and together with Chu Chu, took the people released outside the underground palace to avoid being poisoned. accidental injury.

After Xu Buling released everyone in the wooden cage, he came to the steps of the underground palace. Five relatives and friends from Feishuiling sat together, and the three men were silent before they could recover. Aunt Gui, who had snow-white hair, had long since turned away from life and death. Her emotions did not fluctuate much, and she just held Jiu's hand. Jiu's hand spoke some words of concern.

Zhongli Jiujiu changed her usual charming look and checked Aunt Gui's pulse beside her. Her expression was demure, like a virtuous and sensible young woman from a good family, comforting Aunt Gui with a smile.

Xu Buling came to the front, and before he could say hello, Lang Ahu, a tiger-headed young man next to him, ran over with admiration in his eyes:

"Brother Xu, you were so powerful just now, just like a god. Aunt Jiu didn't know what kind of luck she had to find such a good husband-in-law like you..."

Zhongli Jiujiu's expression froze, and he waved his hand and hit Ahu on the back of the head: "Can you speak? Guan is stupid, right?" Ahu was trembling so hard that he quickly covered his head and ran away.

Aunt Gui was not in good health, but she still showed a grateful smile on her face. She let Jiujiu help her stand up, nodded and saluted:

"The young prince, with his rich body, traveled all the way to South Vietnam to take risks for a few of us poor people in remote areas. I don't even know how to thank you."

Aunt Gui's gratitude came from the bottom of her heart. She knew that Jiujiu and Chuchu were with the prince's son, but no matter how beautiful a woman was, without any family background, she could only be a concubine at most if she entered a prince's house.

If something happens to the concubine's natal family, the head of the family can ask the housekeeper and guard to come over and say hello. This is already considered as a best effort. To take the risk and come over in person to settle the matter is to be honest, it is just a fool's errand.

However, Xu Buling did this, which also proved that Xu Buling regarded Jiujiu as his married wife, regardless of high or low, or between each other. As the son of a prince, being able to do this would be enough to impress any woman.

Although Zhongli Jiujiu didn't say it, she didn't understand these truths in her heart. She used to think about fighting for the top spot, but now she is the eleventh one. She has no complaints anymore. After all, she understands that she is in Xu Buling's heart. position, what else is there to fight for?

Now that her family are all safe and sound, Zhongli Jiujiu has also put down the big stone in her heart. She wishes she could take good care of Xu Buling for a few months now, not to mention tails and bells, and she can even play with Chuchu's tails.

However, in the underground palace, there is obviously no way to sleep together, so we have to talk about these things after returning to the village.

Zhongli Jiujiu supported Aunt Gui and said with a smile: "We are all one family. I just came to thank him. He is the son-in-law of our village. There is no reason for Aunt Gui to salute him."

Naturally, Xu Bu Ling didn't do this just to express his gratitude verbally. Seeing Jiujiu's heart falling to the ground, Chu Chu also secretly glanced at her with admiration, feeling satisfied in her heart.

After chatting with Aunt Gui for a while, Chu Chu and Chen Sining returned to the underground palace and took Aunt Gui and others to the ground.

After sending several waves in a row, the underground palace was already empty.

Xu Buling took the torch from the steps and prepared to burn this nest that should not exist in the world to the ground. However, Zhongli Jiujiu obviously had other ideas. He pulled Xu Buling and said softly:

"We'll burn it later and buy a few things before we leave."

To put it bluntly, poison is a drug that has a counter-effect on people. Sometimes poison can also save lives, so the poison master of South Vietnam must also be a master of medicine, and his body is full of treasures.

Zhongli Jiujiu looked at the sea of ​​corpses for a few times and asked:

"Where is Sikong Zhi's body?"

Xu Buling raised his hand and pointed to the steps: "There is a piece there, and there should be a leg there. There is also a hand on the roof... Well, if we put it together a little, we should be able to put it together."


Zhongli Jiujiu's eyes showed a bit of helplessness. She couldn't say that her husband was too heavy-handed. She could only take Xu Buling's gloves and gas mask, put them on her head, and then search among the limbs on the ground.

The little beetle has been hovering around Zhongli Jiujiu to prevent the poisonous insects from getting close to her. Because it is sensitive to other poisonous insects, it is also helping Jiujiu to point to this location.

After searching for a while, Zhongli Jiujiu found two small bottles in a torn cloak. One was as black as ink, and it was unknown what it was made of. Zhongli Jiujiu raised her hand and shook it, and the sound of flapping wings came from inside. She looked happy:

"It's Sikong Zhi's Dragon Locking Gu."

The little beetle obviously sensed the presence of its opponent, and now lay on the bottle cap, trying to get in; but Sikong Zhi's Dragon Locking Gu was much older than the little beetle, and the little beetle would definitely become a tonic if it went in.

Zhongli Jiujiu was reluctant to let the little beetle, who had been raised well, eat the weak and prey on the strong, and sighed again:

"It's a pity that there can only be one Gu King. They will fight to the death when they meet, and they can't make a pair. Give this Dragon Locking Gu to Chuchu, she doesn't have anything to protect herself."

Xu Buling nodded and looked at another small porcelain bottle: "Put it together with the Dragon Locking Gu, it should be a very important thing. What's in it? Crazy King Gu?"

Zhongli Jiujiu looked at it for a few times: "It can't be the Crazy King Gu. I just saw those crazy people behind, and they are completely different from the real Crazy King Gu. The Hundred Insects Valley should not have researched it yet."

While speaking, Zhongli Jiujiu carefully opened the porcelain bottle, but there were dozens of brown pills in it. She wore leather gloves and picked up a pill to look at it carefully, but she couldn't tell what it was. She could only put it away and go back to study it slowly.

Xu Buling accompanied Zhongli Jiujiu to search the huge underground palace. After collecting the precious medicinal herbs and poisonous insects they could find, they poured the tung oil for lighting on the ground.

As the torch was thrown down, the flames blazed from the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Xu Buling stood at the entrance of the passage for a while until the fire was too big to stand. After making sure that no fish had escaped, he took Jiujiu and left the underground palace...

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