The prince is very fierce

Chapter 64: Arguing with Reason

The outside of Yulong Ridge was full of miasma. Even if the captured people came out of the underground, they did not dare to go out rashly. They all followed Chen Sining's arrangement and stayed on the grass outside the cave, basking in the sun that they had not seen for countless days and nights. .

Chen Sining stood outside the cave. She had been learning to handle cases since she was a child, and she had developed the character to think of the worst in everything. She did not relax her vigilance, and kept her hand pressed on the handle of the knife to prevent the remnants of the Hundred Insect Valley from being lurked among the common people. Come on.

Zhongli Chuchu and the little sparrow were also alert nearby. Chu Chu just saw Chen Sining leaping several feet and forcibly stopping a huge boulder. Although it was not worth mentioning compared with Xu Buling, among women, she felt that she was the best among women. At least Xiao Ning was still alive. It's not that powerful.

Perhaps because he was a little bored waiting for Master and Xu Buling, Zhongli walked closer to Chuchu and said:

"Miss Chen is very powerful. How do you practice martial arts?"

Chen Sining had only been in contact with Zhongli Chuchu for half a day, but she also noticed that the exotic girl next to her was not as good as her in any way except for her curvy figure, proud figure, and beauty. At this time, she subconsciously puffed up her chest and said with a smile:

"It's just so so. Just practice more and that's it."


Not enough words to speculate.

Zhongli Chuchu pursed his lips, not bothering to talk about this self-esteem-injurious topic, folding his arms and looking away.

Chen Sining is a bit talkative. Once she starts talking, she never stops. She glanced at Chu Chu and asked curiously:

"The girl calls Sister Zhong Jiu Master, and she and Xu Buling seem to be quite close. What is your relationship? I haven't figured it out after thinking about it for a long time."

Zhongli Chuchu felt uncomfortable talking about this, so he thought for a while: "You will know later."


When Chen Sining saw that Chu Chu didn't want to say anything, she naturally confirmed her suspicion. It was just a master and a disciple serving the same husband. For Xu Buling's status, it actually didn't mean anything. It was just that Xu Bu Ling was more playful than she imagined, and even dared to do such a thing.

The two chatted nonchalantly for a moment, and then Zhongli Jiujiu walked out of the cave holding a pile of wooden boxes.

Zhongli Chuchu stepped forward to help, while Chen Sining greeted the people sitting on the ground and left the place of right and wrong together.

Although Hundred Insect Valley was burned to the ground, the poisonous miasma and traps around it were still there, and there were also people from Hundred Insect Valley outside, so they were likely to be ambushed on the road.

Xu Buling walked in front with the knife in hand and returned along the original route, paying attention to the surrounding movements along the way.

Chen Sining has not spoken to Xu Buling since she knew Xu Buling's identity. Seeing Master Zhongli and his disciples accompanying Aunt Gui, and having a chance to be alone, she quickly came behind Xu Buling:

"Master Xu."

Xu Bu Ling walked slowly with the knife in hand and did not look back:

"I have important matters at hand, so I can't reveal my identity. Princess, don't blame me."

Chen Sining naturally had no intention of blaming Xu Buling, nor was she qualified. She walked up to them, shoulder to shoulder, and thanked:

"Baichong Valley is a serious problem for the people of our court. After so many years of investigation, we have found no results. Instead, we asked His Highness the Crown Prince to come all the way to help eliminate it. This may be related to the incompetence of the government, but the Crown Prince's martial arts and kindness, It’s really admirable. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it.”

Xu Buling chuckled: "Dayue and Nanyue are brotherly states, and it is reasonable for them to help each other. Your Highness, the princess, does not need to thank me."

When Chen Sining heard this, her beautiful peach blossom eyes moved imperceptibly. She ran over alone. In addition to praising Xu Buling's courage and martial arts, more importantly, she asked about Xu Buling's 'purpose'.

A few days ago, the Xiliang army fighting in the Chu region suddenly marched southward towards Liuzhou in large numbers, and their troops would soon approach the city. The South Vietnamese court was in a quarrel over this. They neither dared to show hostility nor let down their guard, and could not figure out what Dayue Dynasty meant.

King Su is the regent of Dayue, and Xu Buling has great military achievements and high prestige. It can be said that he is already the young master of Dayue. He called South Vietnam a 'land of brothers', which was obviously a good sign.

Chen Sining thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Master Xu brought the Xiliang army to South Vietnam, right, to save those five relatives and friends? If so, Chu's army would be of no use."

Xu Buling's eyes were dull: "It's enough for me to save Aunt Gui and the others, so why bother bringing troops here."


Chen Sining's smile froze slightly, she glanced at Xu Buling and said doubtfully:

"Then Mr. Xu, why are you taking the army south? It's not to attack our South Vietnam."

"How is that possible?"

Xu Buling raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Chen Sining secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but unfortunately before she had time to be happy, Xu Buling said:

"An Guogong Zhou Qin and the second prince Chen Ju colluded to murder the monarch Chen Jin and bring chaos to the government and the public, causing wars and disasters for the people of South Vietnam. The people of Dayue and South Vietnam are brothers. Every year, envoys go to Chang'an to meet the emperor. After hearing this news, how can I just sit back and ignore it, so I sent my troops to help the Chen family of Nanyue to clear the king's side and prevent the traitors from usurping the throne and disrupting the throne."

Xu Bu Ling said it calmly, but Chen Sining's face turned pale, with a little anger in his eyes.

After all, Chen Sining is the eldest princess of South Vietnam, not a political idiot. Xu Buling was full of benevolence and righteousness, and he always thought about South Vietnam, but he allowed Dayue's most powerful Xiliang army to enter the country, and even entered the Qing Dynasty in Beijing. When the Xiliang army arrived at Yongzhou City, would Chen still have the right to speak? It is directly equivalent to destroying the country.

Chen Sining gritted her teeth, but she couldn't get angry with Xu Buling. She just frowned and said:

"Your Highness is a reasonable man. How could he listen to rumors and ruin the diplomatic relations between the two countries? My father had a stroke due to excessive drinking. My second brother has been working diligently since he became regent. Duke Anguo has been an official for more than 40 years and has made great contributions. It is pure nonsense to murder the monarch and cause chaos in the court. The recent arrest of able-bodied men has caused public resentment because the prince is fighting in the Central Plains and has no choice but to do so in order to protect himself. It is true that the Hundred Insect Valley attacked Your Highness, but the Hundred Insect Valley has been destroyed, and there is no evidence to prove that the Hundred Insect Valley is related to Duke Anguo. You should know that the clues of the Hundred Insect Valley were found by me for Your Highness. How could the prince vent his anger on our dynasty?"

What Chen Si Ning said made sense, but Xu Buling did not want to reason from the beginning. Reason is for people to hear, not for the country. He just needs a legitimate reason to send troops.

Xu Buling sighed and turned his head to look at Chen Si Ning:

"It's useless for you to tell me this. I know Zhou Qin is Shangguan Qinhe, and the Nanyue court is even more riddled with holes. The entire Chen family has lost its voice. No matter how you defend yourself, you can't change the facts."

Chen Si Ning's eyes were slightly anxious: "Even if it is true, this is also my Baiyue's internal affairs, I can solve it myself..."

Xu Buling raised his hand: "You can't solve it. The burning of the Hundred Insects Valley will surely make Zhou Qin angry and will forcibly send troops to encircle and suppress me. Your second brother and Zhou Qin are in the same boat and will only help Zhou Qin. Your only solution is to support Chen Ju to take office, let Zhou Qin achieve his goal, and continue to trip me up in the future."

Chen Si Ning walked in front of Xu Buling and faced him: "My father has only two sons. The eldest brother died young, Only Chen Ju can inherit the throne. If you want to get rid of Chen Ju, who will inherit the throne afterwards? "

Xu Buling spread his hands slightly: "I don't care about this. Anyway, Chen Ju can't get what he wants. These things are not what you should consider. "

"You... you just want to find an excuse to annex Baiyue. "

Chen Si Ning gritted his teeth: "I think you are a gentleman and don't want to fight with swords. Our dynasty has never been disrespectful to Dayue Dynasty. How can you just find an excuse to mobilize troops against our dynasty? "

"This is not an excuse. Your father, your mother, and even your brother who died young may all be Zhou Qin's tricks behind the scenes. When I kill him, you will naturally understand. "

Chen Si Ning also had some doubts in her heart, but it was impossible for her to turn her elbow outward and lead the Xiliang army into the pass just because she suspected Zhou Qin. She looked at Xu Buling for a moment, turned around and left:

"Since the prince is determined to do so, we can only meet on the battlefield. As long as I, Chen Si Ning, am still here, the prince will never step into Baiyue."

Xu Buling shook his head. Just now, Chen Si Ning rushed into the tomb passage to help him stop the stone wall. It can be said that she risked her life to help him. Although their forces are different, Xu Buling does not want to regard Chen Si Ning as an enemy.

Chen Si Ning disappeared in the capital, and the Hundred Insects Valley was destroyed. There were so many witnesses on the scene, and the news that Chen Si Ning was with him could not be concealed.

After Chen Si Ning went back, Zhou Qin would not kill Chen Si Ning for revenge or forgive her bygone days, but would only restrict Chen Si Ning and use her as a bargaining chip to negotiate with him. Because Chen Si Ning had cooperated with him and had a friendship, this was the only thing Zhou Qin and others could use.

Xu Buling did not like to be controlled by others, because if Chen Si Ning was really used as a bargaining chip by Zhou Qin, according to his style of doing things, he would not ignore it.

In order to avoid that situation, Xu Buling stepped forward and blocked Chen Si Ning.

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