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Discussing crimes was very nonsense at first, because it was the will of the emperor and the king to execute it. Even if the attitude of execution was too bad, he could not be convicted.

The Night King knows this, the Queen Concubine knows this, and everyone is nothing but you and me.

The palace search was very careful just now. The Ci'an Palace is the highlight of the Night King, so he ordered that every corner should be seen clearly, and there must be no mistakes.

From the main hall to the partial hall, to the dormitory; from the cloister to the pavilion to the garden, the forbidden army is as rigorous as an autopsy, and it has searched all the places where the corpses can be hidden by the people.

Not found for the time being.

The night king stood next to the ancient well, thoughtfully.

The queen concubine followed the search, and Afu was released, and the night king slapped it arbitrarily, and he was punished for his obstruction.

"Are you still going to see the well? Let's go!" Gui Fei said coldly when she saw him standing by the well.

The night king looked back at her, "Queen concubine, this king has something to do with, and she hopes that the concubine will be puzzled for this king."

"Ye Wang still has a puzzled thing?" Gui Fei dragged her cheek and raised a cold smile. "Tell me." Ye Wang approached her and looked at her condescendingly, "This Wang Fengzhi search The palace is to trace the whereabouts of the assassins, and all the ladies in the palace are very cooperative, lest the assassins hide in their palaces, and act on themselves, but the attitude of the noble concubine is diametrically opposed.

Hidden in the palace, it stands to reason that the emperor's purpose is to search the palace, and the person who cooperates most should be the queen concubine, but why does the queen concubine block it all? "The Queen Concubine stunned, and then she smiled," "The Night King's accusation is really unprepared. Aren's family blocked Wang Ye from searching the assassins?" The mourning house just does not allow you to disturb the empress dowager, and it is a felony to disloyalty and filial piety. The mourning house is also for the sake of the prince.

It is really a pity to be valued by the emperor, go to the palace to do errands, and lose filial piety if misbehaving and be convicted by the emperor. "

"That's it? But what the king saw, the queen concubine seemed not to worry that the assassin was still in the palace. The investigation of the king was already announced. The assassins hadn't won all of them. The queen concubine didn't worry about her safety. Is it a threat? "

The Night King suddenly said this, but made the Queen Concubine vigilant. She looked out of the corridor and saw Grandpa Lu standing on the stone steps in Langtou. She didn't know when she came, and apparently heard what the Night King said.

The queen concubine was slightly shocked. What's going on? But it's Sou Gong. How did the emperor send someone?

Moreover, it was only after she heard the news that the Night King took someone to search the palace, and no one around the emperor followed.

Could it be said that the emperor was suspicious of her? It stands to reason that the emperor should suspect Xia Zi'an at this time, and Xia Zi'an was also banned, surrendering all powers, and can only serve in the Xiwei Palace.

Moreover, during these days, the emperor appointed the Xiwei Palace to come out, most of them sent Grandpa Bao, this time it was Grandpa Lu, did it say ...

The Queen Concubine was terrified. It seems that today the Night King cannot find the body, otherwise, I do n’t know what will be waiting for her.

There was an ominous hunch in her heart. This large-scale operation of the Night King was more than just finding assassins.

"Queen concubine!" Ye Wang saw her suddenly uneasy, and did not answer him, so she asked again, "Now the father-in-law is also here, showing that the emperor attaches great importance to this matter. Are you sure you want this king to search Ci'an? palace?"

The Queen Concubine can't say no now, she reached out and stroked her hair bun, and said lightly: "The Night King searched the assassin for the safety of Ai's family. Why would Ai's family disagree?"

The Night King smiled and turned back and ordered people to go down.

Because the ancient well is abandoned, there is no water pumping device, and it can only be temporarily tied down with a rope.

The two forbidden troops went down one after the other and came up for a moment, "Your lord, there was no discovery at the bottom of the well."

The Night King was a bit surprised this time. The Cian Palace was searched before and after. It is reasonable to say that the best place to hide the corpse is this well. Only then did he find that this abandoned well had traces of movement, so he also concluded that the well was The place where the body was discarded.

But it was not found?

The Night King looked at the Queen Concubine, and she saw her face slightly, her lips curled up, as if she was slightly mocking the contemptuous arc.

Seeing the night king looking at her, the queen concubine said coldly: "It is better for the night king to go down to the well in person, to see and understand, not to be more careful, lest the assassin escape."

The night king looked down at the forbidden army, and he waved his hand. "This king won't go down. In this winter, go down to find the body. Is it sick?"

Two of the forbidden troops glanced at each other, speechless.

The queen concubine sneered, "Then the prince turned over the entire Ci'an Palace? If they all rummaged, then leave. At this time, the mourning house should also incense to the empress dowager. The family was filial piety in the Ci'an Palace, and it disturbed the Queen Mother's spirit hall, which no one can afford. "

After she finished, she looked at Grandpa Lu, "Grandpa Lu, did you say that?"

Grandpa Lu smiled: "That's natural. No matter what you do, you can't disturb the Empress Dowager."

The Night King secretly wondered that the entire palace had been searched. How could he not find the bodies of the two assassins? Could it be that their guess was wrong? Or did Sun Fang'er lie? Are only five assassins dead instead of seven?

"How is it? If the prince thinks there is still something suspicious, then search again." Gui Fei hummed.

The Night King raised his head, "Good idea!" He didn't believe the assassin was here. Now that the father-in-law is here, he proposes to search again, but it is unreasonable for the queen concubine to come up with it.

The queen concubine said that, but he didn't expect him to search again. He didn't follow the routine to show his cards and was furious. "Well, you search, even if you search, you won't find it. What can be found at a time. "

The Night King scattered his hands and searched the Ci'an Palace again.

The queen concubine retreated to the father-in-law's side, and said sadly, "How many days did the first empress go? The assassin came first, and then the palace search was repeated four times. She could not rest in the spirit of heaven."

This time, Grandpa Lu felt that the Night King was also a bit foolish. The emperor ordered the palace to be searched, but the other palaces seemed to be searched casually, only for the Ci'an Palace. It was not enough to search once, but to search again.

Even if the assassin is still in this palace, it is impossible to hide in Ci'an Palace anymore? The regent is so wise, why did he recommend the idle king, the idle king, to the emperor before leaving?

He probably just knows how to play nonsense outside.

In the second search of the palace, the Night King was discovered.

It was not that the assassin was found, but that the attitude of the queen concubine was abnormal.

He found that when he went to search elsewhere, most of the Queen Concubine did not follow, even if she followed, but she looked at it from a distance, but she went back to the garden and she started to make trouble.

He felt that the mystery was in the garden.

But Gu Jing has searched, no, other places in the garden are planted with flowers and plants. The pile of flower pots in the corners have been there before, and it seems that they have never been moved ... Traces of yellow mud.

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