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The Night King pointed to the corner, "Come here, remove all the flower pots."

The queen concubine heard the words and suddenly raised her head. She said sharply, "Did you have enough nonsense? The flowers were planted by the empresses in the past, and how are the flower pots hiding assassins?"

Grandpa Lu also said: "Yes, Night King, can't you hide a living person in this flower pot? You can see it at a glance."

Under the flower pot is the grass, could it be that the assassin can hide under the ground?

Night King said: "Living people can't hide, but can corpses always be hidden?"

"Corp?" Grandpa Lu was startled, "Does the Night King infer that the assassin is dead? If he died, who would hide the body of the assassin?"

An assassin was found in this palace. The dead assassin was thrown to the burial post after the autopsy. The two alive were also taken away. If there are assassins, they will hide from Tibet. Will the body be hidden? That's the body of the assassin. Can she produce gold?

"It's dead or alive, you have to find it before you know it." The Night King directed the forbidden army to move the flower pot.

The grass under the flower pot is soft and has traces of excavation, and the flower bush was spread back later.

The queen concubine was pale, but she couldn't stop and she didn't know what to do.

The Forbidden Army dug up the grass and found the bodies of two assassins. The Forbidden Army dragged the assassins' bodies out and discarded them in front of the Night King.

The queen concubine covered her mouth and exclaimed, "God, why are there corpses here?"

Grandpa Lu was also surprised, looking at the Night King puzzled.

The night king did not explain, but ordered: "Come, please ask the regent princess and the criminal department to come to the post-mortem."

The discovery of the corpse in the Ci'an Palace spread across the palace, and every palace sent people to spy on the news.

Grandpa Lu had returned to the emperor for the first time. After listening to the emperor, he hadn't spoken for a long time, and then looked up at Zi'an. "Go, check it carefully. If you find anything, you will report to me personally."

"Yes!" Zi An bowed and exited the temple.

She looked at the evening sky and took a deep breath, and she came out. The emperor asked her to give her a personal report, which means that she has a little trust in her.

Concubine, the emperor is not easy to fool.

The body was quickly checked out, and the poison was the same among the five assassins. Zi An returned to the emperor himself.

The Night King and King Liang also came, and everyone was waiting for the Emperor's next decision.

Everyone knows that the emperor now understands in his heart, depending on his decision.

However, everyone also knows that the emperor's decision is difficult to make, because the queen concubine is his mother's sister and his aunt.

Moreover, this decision is contrary to the ancestor's ancestors' rule of governing the country by benevolence and filial piety. At the same time, the emperor's face was discredited because the concubine was the emperor's concubine.

When the emperor wanted to investigate the emperor's concubine, the first thing was to hit the emperor's face. It was really embarrassing for him to handle this matter with his son.

But now, besides him, who else can blame the concubine?

He remained silent for a long time, and looked up at Zi An, "Zi An, come here, I have something to tell you."

Zi An sank in her heart, hoping it was not what she had guessed.

The emperor waved his hand and told everyone to go out, leaving Zi An alone in the temple.

The atmosphere in the temple suddenly became cramped.

Zi An was upset, waiting for the emperor to speak.

The emperor was silent for a long time before speaking, and his voice was very difficult. "The assassin is now well known, and all officials are looking forward to it, waiting for the night king to investigate the identity of the assassin and the behind-the-scenes messenger. Joined the survey, in fact, I really hope you did it. "

Zi An hooked his lips, thinking ironically, yeah, it is better to deal with a regent princess than a princess.

The emperor went on to say: "This matter, as soon as it was investigated on the queen concubine, it was to trigger the whole body. You are a wise man. You should know that if the concubine convicted, she would cause the emperor's face to be dull."

Zi An said in a hoarse voice: "I understand." "So," the emperor stared at her, "I know that this may have wronged you, but there is no other way, this matter, if the seventh knows, it will be like this. Do it, you can rest assured that I will not deal with you very much. At most, I will reduce your first class princess to second class, but I will also compensate you privately, so expensive

On the side of the concubine, I will find someone to kill her, to announce the world by violence, so that she will not do anything to insult the face of the first emperor, and leave her a little face, which is a face for the seventh. "

At the end, the emperor added a sentence, "I just discussed with you, not the subordinate, you can disagree."

Zi An smiled bitterly at heart, could she disagree? Where does she have the right to choose? The so-called take a shot and move the whole body, in fact, only hurt the face of the first emperor. As for the officials under the hand of the concubine, shouldn't it be investigated? However, they are trying to usurp the throne by forming a party for private gain. She was heavy in her heart, not because she wanted to bear the charge, but she saw the emperor's thoughts clearly. The emperor always feared the old seven. Before Liang Taifu's people, he did not deal with it, saying that it was used to contain the king of Nanhuai. Concubine's people, he still did not deal with it, only dealt with a concubine

, What do those people keep? King Nanhuai is not dead yet. Those people have been following King Nanhuai and the Queen Concubine. One master and one master have died, and they have basically not changed.

At first, the Xiao family had no intention of rebellion. He was so daunted, even at the expense of strong happiness. Now, he clearly knows the rebellious ambitions of King Nanhuai and Queen Concubine, but he has repeatedly indulged.

The Night King said he agreed to send the Dark Guard to assassinate the King of Nanhuai. Now he understands that because of the presence of the Queen Concubine, he can start with the King of Nanhuai. Now that he wants to kill the Queen of Concubine, he will surely let King Nanhuai go.

The main purpose behind doing all this is to set aside opponents for Lao Qi and people who can contain Lao Qi.

Zi An's heavy, for Murong Jie, for her man, she felt all this sad.

He is still on the battlefield, he committed all his life!

The emperor's voice drifted coldly, bringing her back from her thoughts, "Princess, how are you thinking?"

consider? She didn't give time to think about it at all.

Zi'an lowered his eyes, "Zi'an obeyed the emperor."

The emperor asked, "Are you voluntary?"


Volunteer? She was a fool, and she was forced. The emperor breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, Lao Qi has always said that you are well-informed. In my opinion, it really is so, very good. I will explain to the criminal department, saying that you have a private grievance with the noble concubine. Wei Wei scared the Queen Concubine, I thought that the Regent was defending against foreign enemies on the battlefield, and the Queen Concubine did not

There is an injury, so you will be taken lightly and temporarily stay in the palace to observe the aftereffect. "

Zi'an resisted the tumbling blood, "Emperor Zi'an Grace!"

"You go out!" The emperor waved her hand and sent her away.

Zi An retreated, step by step, back to the hall door, and then turned to open the hall door to go out.

The Night King, King Liang, and Old Lady were all waiting for Zi An outside the hall.

Seeing Zi'an coming out, King Liang stepped forward. "How? Has the will come down?" Zi An raised his head and looked at King Liang, repeating the emperor's words one by one, "Next, the regent princess and the queen concubine have personal complaints ahead. , The Dark Guard intimidated the Queen Concubine. I want to resist the foreign enemies on the battlefield by the Regent, and the Queen Consort was not injured, so you will be treated lightly and stay in the palace temporarily to observe the aftereffect! "

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