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Zi An heard him saying this, and was a little relieved, "Okay, I ’m going to write Fang Zi now. You want to find a way to send Fang Zi down the mountain. It ’s better not to go by yourself. Book it. "

Zi An knew that when the town king came, he left a cage of pigeons to quickly report the news.

"Okay, Xiaguan knows." Su Mu replied, but he said in his heart that Princess Ann could not be notified, and Princess Ann is now convinced of them.

Su Mu's mood is very complicated.

Because, before that, he actually respected the Regent Princess.

He once thought that Da Zhou and Bei Mo would be able to coexist peacefully, because he saw the attitude of the regent couple.

Thinking of this, he was suddenly angry, angry that he was deceived.

He decided to go down the mountain himself and go to the town king.

He immediately went to find a child to get a prescription, and after getting the prescription, he went down the mountain.

It was already the next morning when I went to the King ’s Palace.

The King of the Town hadn't gotten up, he was waiting in front of the gallery.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the King of the Town passed him in.

The King of the Town just finished washing and was still combing his hair, but when he saw Su Mu came early in the morning, he knew that it was an important matter and let him in.

"Xiaguan see the lord!" Su Mu went forward to salute.

"Don't be rude, what's the matter?" The King of the Town looked at the bronze mirror, and afterglow glanced across Su Mu's face.

"Going back to the prince, after returning to the office yesterday, the regent princess told the minister that the epidemic was called plague, and it would spread to other countries, and she told the prince to inform Princess Ann and let Princess Ann release the prescription. "

"Prescription?" The King of the Town's eyes lit up. "She has a prescription?"

"This prescription cannot cure the plague. It is said to increase resistance or the like. After drinking it, it does not mean that it will not be infected. It is to reduce the possibility of infection."

The King of the Town was disappointed for a while, and ordered people to stop combing their hair and turned their heads to look at Su Mu. "What way? Did you get it?"

"Here I got it. Here, in addition to Fangzi, there is a letter to Princess Ann." Su Mu took the Fangzi from the sleeve and presented it to the King of the Town.

The King of the Town opened the prescription and looked at it, but he couldn't understand it.

Then he handed the letter to the minion, "Nian!"

The minion took it and opened it and read, "Princess Ann, the situation is urgent. Please make sure the emperor announces this prescription to the world. Although this prescription cannot cure the epidemic, it can reduce the infection."

"That's it?" The King of the Town frowned.

"Go back to the lord, it's gone."

"There is no head and no tail, nor did it say what is the disease, did not say what this recipe is used for, just sent it to Princess Ann?"

Su Mudao: "Back to the prince, the regent princess said that this disease is called plague, which has caused many deaths, and there are records in history. There have been three major outbreaks, each of which has caused disasters in several countries."

"The plague?" The king of town sneered. "This king hasn't heard it at all, and it's too poorly written."

"Master, this recipe, you see if you want to give it to Princess Ann or the emperor. Xiaguan must go back first. She said that Xiaguan had contacted the patient and should not go down the mountain. Xiaguan was hiding from her."

"Well, you go, if you have any news, remember to report it immediately," said the King of the town.

"Yes, Xiaguan quit!" Su Mu retreated.

The King of the Town considered it with a prescription, and then said, "Find a doctor."

"Yes." The minion led his life out.

After seeing Fangzi, the doctor said: "Return to the prince, this recipe, forsythia, Bupleurum, pueraria, native place, angelica, red peony, peach kernel, safflower, Chuanpu, licorice, hematoxylin, gypsum, a total of 12 flavors The medicine, together, is a recipe for promoting blood circulation and detoxifying. "

"Non-poison?" The King of the Town asked.


The King of the Town felt strange, originally he suspected that this recipe would be toxic.

But if it is not poisonous, and cannot cure the epidemic, why should Xia Zi'an let this prescription spread?

Isn't this useless work?

The doctor was sent away, he hid the formula in his sleeve and entered the palace.

After asking the doctor, the doctor said about the same as the doctor's, but there are also supplements, "This prescription is cleverly used. In general, the epidemic caused by malaria gas is very good for this prescription."

"Then this recipe is not helpful for this epidemic?"

"It ca n’t be said like this, there are some curative effects, maybe for those patients who just started, taking this prescription can reduce the condition, and even, if you continue to take it, it will be better, but for those who are already seriously ill Patient, this prescription has little effect. "

The king of town really couldn't understand the meaning of Xia Zi'an.

However, when the doctor said a word, he suddenly understood.

The doctor said: "This prescription is not cheap. Ordinary people, if they take it for a few days, they may not be able to afford it. Moreover, the birthplace and angelica in this prescription have little production in China, only It can be purchased from Dazhou. "

The town king's eyes were cold, yes, this is her purpose.

If this medicine goes on, the imperial court must adjust the price of the medicinal materials, and then buy a large amount of medicinal materials from Dazhou. There is a loss of money here. The treasury is already empty. Can't afford it at all.

However, if this prescription is announced, the people will definitely use it as a life-saving recipe. If this medicine cannot be purchased, the people will definitely riot.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneer, like a venomous woman.

Qi Wang's fool would believe that they really helped Bei Mo.

Thinking of Qin Zhou's coming back soon, he had to ventilate with the Qin family to let the old General Qin know Xia Zi'an's poison plan.

After he left the palace, he immediately went to the Qin family.

Qin's grandfather is Qin Zhou's grandfather.

Qin Zhou's father had already died in battle and was chased down as a general.

The Qin family's grandfather was also a famous general, and made outstanding achievements for Beimo.

The Qin family's record is one generation after another, and almost every generation will make a name.

Therefore, the Qin family's position in the Northern Desert cannot be shaken.

Today, Qin Zhou holds a heavy soldier, although he is not the emperor, in the status of Beimo, he is pressing him to the king of the town.

Fortunately, the Qin family was loyal from generation to generation, and he never disobeyed or arrogantly ordered the royal family, and the emperor was assured of it.

The old man of the Qin family saw that the king of the town personally visited and knew that there was something important.

This old man of the Qin family, who was once the leader of the main battle group, only grew older and stopped asking about the junior high school.

Grandpa Qin's poor health over the years, coupled with the fact that Sanfang was trapped in the epidemic area, he was thinking day and night, resulting in an aggravated condition.

However, still ill, he met the King of the town.

"Old General, is he better off?" The King of the Town saw him, and did not wait for him to salute, so he greeted him first.

The old man of the Qin family bowed his hand. "The prince has the heart, the old man is old, and will not be cured for a while, please sit down."

He recruited people to come in and served tea. He also sat down in a piece of clothes, coughed, and asked, "Is there anything important for the lord?" "Poison" scheming.

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