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Grandpa Qin was furious, "Is the emperor confused? Even the people of the Huimin Department have cooperated with her. This formula does not say whether there will be any problems, even if there is no, as the prince said, a lot of money needs to be invested, Losing the national strength, we have to use the medicine of her big week, we are completely led by big week

Nose away. "

"That's right, that's it, and she also intends to cause panic in the North Desert, saying the epidemic is very serious, and actually recommending that the severity of the epidemic be announced nationwide."

Father Qin clapped the table excitedly and shouted, "That's enough?"

The King of the Town was very satisfied with his response and went to the topic. "Now the emperor has ordered to return General Qin. She does not know the situation in Beijing and may be deceived by others. This requires the old general to remind him . "

Grandpa Qin is not a confused person. Although he does not ask about political affairs, he loves this country and will never allow anyone to disturb this country.

"Master, don't worry, after A Zhou comes back, the old man will order her."

The king of the town bowed his hand, "The king is assured."

He left the General's mansion, sneered, Murong Zhen, your conspiracy will never succeed.

Muzhai has started to use Zi'an's prescription. The effect of the prescription is not great, but it does have a curative effect.

At least, the situation of the sick people has stabilized.

As long as it stabilizes, she will have time to study the recipe.

However, Su Mu did not know whether the prescription had been sent out, nor did he know whether the Emperor Bei Mo would announce the prescription.

Moreover, Su Mu ’s attitude over the past two days was also a bit strange. He had been told to do anything in the past, and he did it very readily. He never asked why, but now he was asked to do something. Not even willing to do it.

Moreover, there is no news from Princess Ann's side.

Zi An felt that he needed to talk to Su Mu.

She came to Su Mu's room, where they lived were temporarily built, in the middle of the east and south.

"Master Su!" Zi An knocked on the door.

Su Mu didn't open the door for a while, but instead of coming in, Zi came out and asked faintly, "Princess, is there something wrong?"

"Let's go in and say." Zi An saw the villagers outside busy and said.

"No, the princess has something to say here, Xiaguan ... chaos in the house." Su Mu closed the door and said to Zi Zi.

Zi An is sensitive. She sees that Su Mu has a completely different attitude than before.

"Master Su, what happened?" Zi An asked directly.

Su Mu smiled, but was very indifferent, "How can the princess ask this? What will happen?"

"Are there any misunderstandings between us?"

Su Mu shook his head, "Where is there any misunderstanding? The princess is more concerned."

Zi An frowned, "Master Su, now the epidemic is dangerous. We all work in the field. I hope that if we have any misunderstandings, we will all meet honestly and don't affect our work."

Su Mu smiled for a while, "Dangerous condition? Really, does the Princess have a prescription?"

"I just wanted to ask you, I gave you the recipe, did you pass it on to Princess Ann? Is there any news for Princess Ann to come back?"

Seeing him refuse to say anything, Zi An had to enter the subject.

"Can the Princess's prescription really cure the plague?"

Zi An listened to him in a yin and yang tone, and was not very happy in his heart, "Master Su, you still have to say the unhappiness in your heart, otherwise we can't talk."

Su Mu said: "Why should the princess be angry? The xiaguan just asks casually, nothing else."

"I'm not angry, but I want to know what happened. Do you want to know that Fangzi passed it on?" Zi An patiently asked.

"Pass it on," Su Mu said.

"Can the princess send someone back? Has the emperor announced the prescription?"

"The princess didn't reply. As for whether the emperor announced the prescription, this is not known. However, when the xiaguan took the prescription down to the mountain, he showed it to the doctor. The doctor said that they can also open this prescription. , But there is no curative effect. "

"I didn't say that this prescription can cure the plague, this prescription is just ... what did you just say? You said you took down the mountain yourself? Didn't I say that you can't go down the mountain?" Zi An was really angry, Su Mu was in the end What's going on? What she said to her before was obedient.

"I went down the mountain personally, but Xiaguan has been in Muzhai for so long, and has not been infected. Is there any purpose for the princess to limit Xiaguan to go down the mountain? Or, curse Xiaguan for getting sick?" Su Mu's tone began to be bad.

Zi An froze for a moment, and looked at him steadily, "You don't believe me at all, do you? You don't believe in the severity of the epidemic. You don't believe me. Your prescription is for preventing the rapid spread of the epidemic. You don't even believe me Come to Beimo, really treat the epidemic, right? "

Su Mu smiled, his eyes cold, "What does the princess say? How can the Xiaguan not believe it? The two countries have good relations, a truce, and peace, which is what the Xiaguan wants."

Zi Andao: "You still have to make it clear, you didn't give Fang Zi to the princess at all, did you?"

"Fangzi took it, but the lower officer did not give it to the princess, but to the town king." Su Mu said.

Zi An was taken aback, "You gave him? He didn't believe me, how could he give Fang Zi to the emperor? Su Mu, you are really confused."

"Confused? Yes, Xiaguan is really confused. If he is not confused, he will not be led by the princess."

Su Mu snorted sternly and said: "Since the words are open, you may wish to make it clearer. With me here, you do not want to harm my people in Northern Desert."

Zi An was stunned, "I came to your northern desert from a long distance and fell into the epidemic area. You said I hurt you? It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, who doesn't know good people."

"Come on, the princess said so noble, hypocritical, everyone listened disgusting, Da Zhou's fear of my Bei Mo, want to take advantage of the false, I don't blame you, Bei Mo's offense first, but, one thing It ’s the same thing. If you see the truth on the battlefield, do n’t torture the people. "

After he finished speaking, he turned around and threw a sentence coldly, "Princess, there is nothing wrong, Xiaguan will return to the room first."

He entered the room and closed the door.

Zi An turned around and took a few deep breaths. "Calm, calm, not angry, the patient matters."

She took two steps, suddenly turned around, rushed back, and said in the mouth: "I calm you down!"

Kicked the door open with one foot, the scar line flew out of his hand, and the flying snake generally drilled in, directly covering Su Mu's neck.

Su Mu was frightened, stretched his hand and pulled the scar scar, and said angrily in his mouth: "Xia Zi'an, what do you want to do? Do you want to kill someone to kill your mouth?"

Zi An ignored him and dragged the scar to go out, and Su Mu was dragged out staggeringly, going all the way, struggling and shouting all the way, "You let me go." The harder he struggled, the scar scarred him. The tighter, he was almost breathless.

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