The first thousand five hundred and sixty-two chapters cross the world

Gou Tianqi was one of the powerhouses who entered the Dao Protector City not long ago, and naturally he had also heard about Lin Xun's deeds.

However, he never expected that at this juncture, Lin Xun actually appeared!

This made him tremble for a while. After a long time, he took a deep breath and snorted coldly: "Lin Xun, it turns out to be you, for the sake of you building a city of dao protection, I, the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan, do not I will embarrass you, and I hope you understand that this is the battlefield of the Nine Territories, no matter whether there was an old hatred or feud in the past, now, we are in the same camp, and we should agree to the outside world, what do you think?"

Everyone around was contemptuous in their hearts, this old guy's face turned so fast!

Lin Xun nodded: "I won't care about the old grudges in the past."

This remark made Gou Tianqi secretly relieved, but Lin Xun's next sentence made his face change suddenly.

"However, the ancient wilderness camp does not accept garbage."

With a light-hearted sentence, Gou Tianqi's face flushed red, and he forced himself to restrain his inner anger, and said, "Don't talk too much, leave!"

After all, he was about to leave.

However, Lin Xun said indifferently: "If you dare to leave, from today onwards, no one from the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan is allowed to step into this city."

Gou Tianqi was struck by lightning, his body stiffened suddenly.

In the past, in the face of this threat, he absolutely sneered, but now, he dare not ignore it.

At least in this city of guardians, Lin Xun has absolute authority, and just one sentence is enough to decide the fate of their black nightmare Tengu clan powerhouse!

"Lin Xun, aren't you avenging your personal revenge?"

Gou Tianqi's expression was ashen, and he paused every word.


Lin Xun slapped Gou Tianqi with a slap in the air, causing Gou Tianqi to spit blood from his nose and mouth, and he fell fiercely, his old face was red and swollen.

The people nearby were silent.

But seeing Lin Xun stepping forward, looking down at Gou Tianqi, he said indifferently: "This city was built by me alone, and I have the final say in all the rules and regulations. What about public revenge? You bite me?"

Gou Tianqi was trembling with anger, gritted his teeth, and hissed, "You are so reckless, aren't you afraid of chilling the hearts of everyone in the ancient wilderness?"

"Bah! You old dog is so shameless. If there is no Young Master Lin Xun, how could this city exist? It is kind enough to let you Black Nightmare Tengu Clan enter the city, but you are ignorant of gratitude.

Before Lin Xun could speak, someone couldn't help it and shouted loudly.

"Yes, this old guy is too shameless. If I were Mr. Lin, I would have to be the first to kill him!"

"Old man, hurry up and get out, the City of Dao Protection does not welcome you Black Nightmare Tengu Clan!"

Immediately, there was a sound of shouting and scolding nearby, as if it was being pointed by thousands of people, and everyone was swearing.

For a time, Gou Tianqi was immediately dumbfounded, embarrassed and shocked, and he didn't know where to put his old face.

In the ancient wasteland, he was a dignified saint, and he was admired wherever he went, but now, like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouted and beat him!

"Old dog, do it yourself."

Lin Xun didn't bother to bother with the other party for a while, so he raised his foot and left.

Wanrong hurriedly followed, and she said with unspeakable joy in her heart, "Young Master Lin, I would like to thank you for your righteous help this time."

Lin Xun waved his hand and said, "If it were Shaohao, I would definitely not tolerate him being rampant."

"Hey, the young master of my family is too benevolent. Today, the city of protecting the Tao has gathered more than 100,000 ancient wilderness powerhouses. The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. These days, I don't know how many people are like that old dog. Guys, sit back and enjoy the success, and don't want to contribute."

Wanrong sighed softly, "Even, there are many powerful people who have been secretly colluding with each other, refusing all assignments and orders."

"You also know that we are a faction, but if everyone goes their own way, doesn't obey the arrangements and dispatches, and only knows to sit back and enjoy the success,

What's the difference between that and a plate of loose sand? "

Lin Xun's dark eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "I understand."

Not long after, Lin Xun met Shaohao and Ruowu in a magnificent palace.

The two seemed to be talking about something. After seeing Lin Xun, Qi Qi's eyes lit up and said, "The one who makes the decision is finally here."

Lin Xun was stunned, and saw Ruo Wu had smiled and said, "There has been a lot of trouble in the city during this period of time. Fortunately, everything is under control."

Shaohao also smiled and said, "Now, it's up to you to make a decision."

Lin Xun became more and more puzzled: "What decision?"

"During this period of time, there have been many restless guys in the city, such as the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan, the descendants of the Tianshu Holy Land, etc. Miss Ruowu and I have already targeted them. With just one order from you, these guys will Arranged to carry out orders in the most dangerous places."

Shaohao spoke softly, but the chill in his words was murderous.

"So you guys have already made plans and have been fishing?"

Lin Xun vaguely understood.

Ruo Wu said with a smile: "In order to fight against the outside world, we must first settle the inside, and the internal troubles will not be eliminated. What will we do in the ancient wasteland to fight for hegemony with the foreign enemies from the Eight Regions?"

Lin Xun thought thoughtfully: "What if those restless guys refuse to obey orders?"

Ruo Wuxing's eyes flashed coldly: "Kill one to set an example! This is not the ancient wasteland. Whoever opposes dispatching is against our ancient wasteland camp, just kill it."

Lin Xun's heart suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. On the way here, he was also thinking about how to solve this problem. He never thought about it. Ruo Wu and Shaohao had already thought about all the measures.

He smiled and said: "You can do this, why do you have to wait for me to decide?"

Ruo Wu rolled his eyes: "Now the Ancient Wilderness camp only accepts your orders. You are their recognized leader. If we make a decision, we can't completely convince the public."

Lin Xun smiled bitterly: "Leader? Why do I feel like you are laughing at me?"

But in the end, Lin Xun happily agreed.

On the same day, a storm broke out in the city of Dao Protector under the instigation of Shaohao and Ruo Wu.

To Lin Xun's surprise, the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan changed their previous attitude and took the initiative to cooperate, agreeing to any assignment without hesitation.

Obviously, after being taught a lesson by Lin Xun, Gou Tianqi also realized that something was wrong and changed his attitude.

Of course, there are also some powerhouses who still refuse to obey orders. Most of them are tyrannical figures from some ancient Taoist traditions.

However, that evening, after Shaohao killed more than a dozen characters who had long been identified as "internal troubles", those restless voices disappeared.

This is called killing chickens to warn monkeys, knocking mountains and shaking tigers.

Then, for a period of time, these powerhouses who have been very restless have been arranged for some highly dangerous actions. For example, spying on news, inquiring about intelligence, cruising the ancient wilderness area... and so on.

No matter how unwilling they are in their hearts, they can only bow their heads obediently.

As long as you are not stupid, you can see that in this city of protecting the Tao, there are three people, Lin Xun, Shaohao, and Ruo Wu, whoever opposes them will be killed!

For a time, the atmosphere in the Dao Protector City changed. It wasn't even a strict rule, but no one dared to resist or resist Shaohao and Ruo Wu's dispatches and orders.

As for Lin Xun, he has no idea about these trivial things.

On the same day, he floated away from the camp.

There are still about five months before the arrival of the Yuan Magnetic Secret Realm. Lin Xun plans to take advantage of the time to find Zhao Jingxuan's whereabouts!

It has been more than a year since the opening of the Nine Domains Battlefield, but so far Zhao Jingxuan has not heard from him. How can Lin Xun not worry about it?


a few days later.

Xingsha world, above a wasteland.

A group of powerhouses in the ancient realm of Xingsha are picking a kind of divine material called "Nine Leaf Ziyin Wood".

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them, dressed in a moon-white shirt, tall and tall, with a temperament that was like an immortal.

It was Lin Xun.

"Who are you!?"

Someone drank violently, showing fear.

"Have you seen this man?"

Lin Xun flicked his fingertips, and a curtain of light emerged, reflecting Zhao Jingxuan's graceful and graceful figure.

"Let's not say whether we've seen it before, why should I tell you?"

Someone laughed angrily.

Seeing this, Lin Xun waved his sleeve robe without any nonsense.

This group of powerhouses from the ancient Xingsha region were all corpses on the spot in an instant.


The next moment, Xiaoyin swept out and swept into the souls of these corpses one by one to investigate.

After a while, Xiaoyin shook his head: "No."

Lin Xun snorted and turned away.


half a month later.

Jiuli Realm.

"Have you ever met this man?"

A group of strong men in the ancient region of Jiuli was stopped. Lin Xun still did not have any nonsense. He condensed the light curtain depicting Zhao Jingxuan's image and asked directly.


These people were all shocked by Lin Xun's breath and panicked.

But in the end, when Lin Xun left, none of them were spared, and all of them were executed.


a month.

two months.

Lin Xun's footsteps started from the Xingsha Realm, all the way across the Jiuli Realm, the Heavenly Fire Realm, the Yinjue Realm...

With his current cultivation base and combat power, no trace has been leaked anywhere he has passed, but all the powerhouses who have been questioned by him have also been wiped out one by one without leaving any traces.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, these foreign enemy forces were not aware of it, and they hated and gritted their teeth, and also feared Lin Xun, who had walked silently from their territory!

But so far, Lin Xun has found nothing.

This made Lin Xun's worries increase day by day, and he didn't dare to think about what to do if Zhao Jingxuan had already happened...

"Jingxuan... where is she now?"

On this day, in the lofty mountains and mountains in the Daluo Realm, Lin Xun walked alone among the ravines and streams, frowning and looking disappointed.


"How could anyone find this place?"

"Hurry up and stop him, and never let anyone disturb the young master's actions!"

Suddenly, a loud shout sounded, causing Lin Xun to wake up from his contemplation.

Looking up, it turned out that before I knew it, I had come to a green lake in the deep mountains.

The lake is vast, blooming with bright and burning lotus flowers, and above the lake, there is a mysterious portal of nothingness.

At this time, there are many figures, completely blocking the lake!

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