Chapter 1563 I have a sword, can you all have the courage?

The emerald green lake is vast, like a mirror embedded in the deep mountains, on which there are fiery red lotus flowers.

Originally, this place was picturesque, but at this time, the air was full of murderous intent.

More than a dozen supreme saints from the Daluo Realm, each with a chilling breath, blocked this area, and only the breath emanating from their bodies changed the color of the world.

These supreme saints, including men and women, handsome young men, and gray-haired old men, all carry swords.

Some carry their swords on their backs, some hold them in their arms, some cross their swords in front of their knees, some slung their swords on their waists, and some hang their swords in front of them.

It is a group of supreme sword saints!

Daluo Ancient Territory is a world of sword cultivators. There are many sword sects, swordsmen are like clouds, and the world also respects swords.

Among the nine major domains, in terms of combat power alone, the Daluo Ancient Domain is enough to firmly rank in the top three. The reason is that there are too many sword cultivators in this domain, and their combat power is also the most frightening and terrifying.

However, Lin Xun still did not expect that there would be so many Sword Saints in front of such a lofty mountain and inaccessible lake.

Everyone is still on the top of Kendo!

However, Lin Xun just frowned, but did not stop, stepped forward and looked at the lake.

There is a secret portal there, like nothingness, emerging in the void.

There is no need to guess at all, these supreme sword saints of the ancient Daluo region are all from this secret realm world, and the "young master" they speak of has obviously entered the secret realm portal.

"A young man from the ancient wilderness."

"No, this is a supreme holy realm powerhouse!"

At the same time, the dozen or so Sword Saints from the Daluo Ancient Territory also locked onto Lin Xun's figure at the first time, their eyes flickering, and their expressions were all different.

"Is it him?"

A beautiful woman in black with a sword in her arms seemed to have guessed something, and raised her eyebrows as slender as willow leaves.


"There are only three supreme saints in the ancient wasteland now, one is Shaohao, one is Ruowu, and the other is naturally the notorious Lin Xun."

The beautiful woman in black slowly opened her mouth, but there were strands of sword intent surging in her eyes, and she was incomparably sharp, cutting the void into countless tiny cracks.

"This person looks young and has a dusty aura, just like the rumored Lin Xun. Now, who do you think this person is?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of restlessness in the field.

It's him! ?

A group of supreme sword saints, their eyes were condensed together, and the contempt in their hearts was restrained, and the whole body was filled with an invisible and fierce aura.

They locked Lin Xun with anger, some were eager to move, some were murderous, some were surprised, and some smiled playfully.

Lin Xun, how dare this son appear in their Great Luo Realm!

On the green lake, the red lotus blossoms shattered into powder, sprinkled on the lake, and smeared a rouge-like red.

The atmosphere between heaven and earth is so depressing at this moment that people can't breathe!

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and today's Lin Xun have long been known by the powerhouses of all ethnic groups in the Nine Regions, and his deeds are still one of the hottest topics on the Nine Regions battlefield.

He once made a riot in the Gorefiend Realm, killing the Gorefiend Ancient Realm to shame.

He also placed a holy ban, killed the coalition forces of the seven regions, executed 70 supreme saints, and destroyed 210,000 troops.

Such a blood-stained hands and a notorious peerless ruthless man, who wouldn't know? Who dares to despise?

However, none of these Sword Saints in the Daluo Realm would have thought that they would see Lin Xun here.

This is so surprising!

"Lin Xun, you have the guts to break into my Daluo Realm, aren't you afraid of death? As far as I know, you are the leader of the Ancient Desolate Realm. Once you die... the Ancient Desolate Realm camp will collapse and vanish!"

A beautiful young man standing with a sword in his arms looked arrogant and his eyes were cold.

In a word,

It made the chill in the field even more intense.

In exchange for an ordinary true saint here, just the terrifying killing intent in the field can make his mind collapse and fall into despair.

But when all the enemies were around, Lin Xun seemed to turn a blind eye, raised his fingertips, and a light curtain emerged, outlining Zhao Jingxuan's figure.

"Have you seen this man?"

It is still the same, but all the strong people who have heard these words have now been put to death.

These supreme sword saints were all startled, almost messed up.

Before, they thought that Lin Xun went out in person, and he must have heard some news that he was going to sabotage their actions, so they all paid attention to it and did not dare to neglect.

But I never thought that this guy came here to find someone! ?

The beautiful woman in black with the sword in her arms suddenly sneered: "This is your confidante? It looks very beautiful, but depending on the situation, she is afraid that she has already suffered, otherwise, if she knew that you are now in the Nine Regions battlefield. Fame, how could I not find you?"

In the voice, there is a touch of yin and yang, a taste of schadenfreude.


Someone else said coldly, "If we have seen this woman, do you think...she can still be alive?"

"You foolishly came here to inquire about the enemy's news. Could it be that you, Lin Xun, are lacking in heart? Even if we have met this woman, can we still tell you?"

Some people sneered, feeling that Lin Xun's behavior of looking for someone is simply... such an idiot!

Lin Xun put away the light curtain with his fingertips, and his eyes swept across the top swordsmen, and said, "All of you are practicing swordsmanship?"


The crowd sneered again.

In the Daluo Ancient Region, which strong man does not cultivate swords?

"I have a sword, can you all have the courage to look at it?"

Lin Xun was calm.

With a fluttering word, this group of supreme sword saint statues suffered the greatest humiliation and provocation in the world.

They are the ultimate sages of kendo, and they have been immersed in kendo for many years. Even in the ancient region of Daluo, they are all kendo saints admired by thousands of people, and the world is watching.

But now, a young man from the ancient wilderness asked them if they had the guts to look at them. How arrogant and arrogant was this tone?

"Humph! I'll wait to see what's mysterious about your sword. If you don't see it enough, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave today."

Someone snorted coldly, the sword energy around his body surged into the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds.

"The swordsman, the genus of the great murderer, would rather bend than bend, kill Wuji, just based on these words, you must be here today!"

There are also people who look indifferent and hunt in clothes.

"According to the rumors, this guy is a Taoist master, a Taoist master, but he dares to challenge us with the method of swordsmanship. How ridiculous?"

Someone ridiculed.

Having said that, these supreme sword saints were not careless, all of them were running their Qi machines one by one, ready to wait.

All of them have heard of Lin Xun's power, but as the supreme swordsman, they can't believe that in kendo, they will not even have the ability to watch Lin Xun's sword!

Clang clang!

In the nearby void, sword chants resounded like a tide, resounding through the sky.

Every Supreme Juggernaut is like a divine sword with a mighty power that penetrates the sky and the earth, and the power radiated from the whole body has a kind of sharp sword intent.

This world is in turmoil, and everything is chilling.

"One sword is enough to break the courage of the sword!"

Lin Xun raised his head suddenly, those eyes that were deep and deep, like a pair of divine swords, pierced through the void and glanced at everyone.

At that moment, many people only felt a tremor in their hearts, and their bodies suddenly froze.

Their eyes flickered, they felt an inexplicable pressure, and without any hesitation, they turned their Qi machine to the extreme.

More than a dozen supreme sword saints, just like more than a dozen peerless swords, the sword intent reaches the sky and covers the earth, covering the ten directions, causing the mountains and rivers in a radius of thousands of miles to collapse in an instant, and the mountains, rocks and vegetation are all powdered by the fierce breath!

Right at this moment, behind Lin Xun, a Dao sword appeared and swept out at this moment.


This sword is clean and free of impurities, like a pool of the clearest spring water in the world.

But when it stabbed out and fell into the eyes of those supreme sword saints, it was a different scene.

It is obviously a sword, but it seems to be transformed into thousands of handles, densely packed, like a torrent, crowded with heaven and earth, filled with mountains and rivers, and covered with stars!



In a trance, the countless sword qi turned into a heavy sword formation, covering the sky and the sun, covering the sky!

Kendo is the most severe way of attacking in the world.

And this sword, however, deduces an infinite, boundless, and omnipresent atmosphere, which is extremely fierce and terrifying to the extreme.


This piece of heaven and earth seemed to explode, unable to withstand the power of this sword, the land of the four wilds was full of vast sword energy.

In the field, there was a fierce collision sound, mixed with angry screams, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, flaming and dazzling, the sun and the moon were dull.

First of all, the supreme sword saint who was as handsome as a young man couldn't bear it, and the holy sword of his life moaned in front of him, while he was bleeding from seven orifices and groaning in pain.

Immediately after, the body of the beautiful woman in black was cut by sword energy, which could not be resisted and resolved.

Afterwards, one after another in the field was severely injured, some were pierced, some were cut off from their arms, and some were cut off in the middle...

Everything happens in an instant!

And the vastness, like the endless sword energy, whistled freely, making the mountains and rivers in all directions dim, and the world overturned.


"What kind of swordsmanship is this? How can it be so terrifying?"

"This... This is the legacy of the arch-enemy of our Daluo Ancient Territory, Emperor Taixuan Sword!"

Screams, screams, and roars resounded in the torrent of rolling sword energy.

More than a dozen supreme saints are all seriously injured at this moment, completely discolored, and no longer have the calm and calm self-confidence before.

They struggled as hard as they could, but they couldn't escape.

That kind of sword energy is too terrifying, omnipresent, omnipresent, mysterious and mysterious, mysterious and unpredictable!

This reminded them all of a person, a terrifying existence that once overwhelmed all the sword cultivators in the Daluo Ancient Region—

Taixuan Sword Emperor!

The man who was known as the first sword emperor in the ancient wilderness in the ancient times!

When the sword qi dissipates and the smoke dissipates.

There was chaos in the sky and the ground, and the sights were all broken and destroyed.

Even that big green lake has turned into an unfathomable huge ravine, with dense cracks and criss-crossing.

And the more than ten supreme sword saints, all of which have blood-stained bodies and serious injuries, all look extremely miserable, and have no previous style.

With one sword, more than ten supreme sword saints were severely damaged.

At this moment, the world is silent!

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