The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1197: Brother, have you been abused?

  Chapter 1197 Brother, have you been abused?

  Leng Rongrong made several calls to Mo Linyuan, wanting to confirm this matter.

  But Mo Linyuan's phone call has been unable to get through.

  Finally, Leng Rongrong sent a message to Mo Linyuan and asked him to call her back when he saw the message.

  She chose to believe in Mo Linyuan.

  Everything will be discussed after contacting Mo Linyuan, she doesn't believe that he will deliberately conceal these things from her.

  Leng Rongrong went downstairs casually after resting in the room for a while.

  Li Ruhua and the others looked at Leng Rongrong’s face carefully, and looked at Leng Rongrong as usual, but they were even more worried about Leng Rongrong.

  Imagine that if you are married to a woman and adopt a child, you find that the child was born by your wife and another man.

  How does it feel?

  It feels absolutely uncomfortable.

   "What are you doing?" Leng Rongrong saw that Li Ruhua and the others were watching her very carefully, and she was even milder than before, but she was a little uncomfortable.

   "That's it, it's nothing." Li Ruhua smiled, "Why don't we go shopping? Aren't we going to attend a banquet? Young lady, you are the protagonist. Let's buy the best dress?"

   "Yes, go buy a dress!" Qin Xiong nodded, "Go shopping is interesting, let's go shopping together!"

   "Okay, I also want to buy a dress. We must attend the banquet where Rong Rong recognizes our ancestors!" Sun Zhenzhi also nodded repeatedly.

  After such a discussion, a group of people, led by the housekeeper Jiang Po, went to the mall together.

   "Then what, housekeeper Jiang, is it necessary? With us here, do we need to bring so many bodyguards?"

  At the entrance of the mall, Qin Xiong's mouth twitched and looked at Jiang Po and the bodyguards who had surrounded the entire mall.

   "Of course it is necessary, this is to protect our eldest lady." Jiang Po said very naturally.

   "But there are too many people, isn't this the goal more obvious?" Qin Xiong touched his head, "Can I still go shopping like this?"

   "Of course it can." Jiang Po glanced at Qin Xiong, then nonchalantly instructed his people to block some entrances and exits and check the people entering and exiting.

  I will also bring some people to follow Leng Rongrong.

  Leng Rongrong several people entered the mall.

  In the shopping mall, Leng Rongrong only needs to glance at it, no matter what he sees, Jiang Po will run over and buy it all.

  Leng Rongrong didn't even have the chance to look more.

   "Hey, buddy, you are a bit too shit, right? How can you make people shopping?" Qin Xiong looked at Jiang Po, who had just packed up all the things from a jewelry store and bought it.

  The reason for buying this jewelry store was simply because Lord Rong glanced at a ring, just inadvertently.

  "The boss ordered, as long as the lady likes it, you have to buy it." Jiang Po took it for granted.

  Leng Rongrong: "...I didn't say I like it either."

   "You just watched it." Jiang Po firmly believed in his instincts.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

  Very good, it is more terrifying than her godfathers.

   "Let's go. Look at the others." Ye Rong continued to walk forward, and his eyes fell on a dress shop.

  Jiang Po suddenly rushed to the dress shop.

  Leng Rongrong's legs just about to walk there stopped...

  Also let people not go shopping?

  She has no chance to buy anything...

  Li Ruhua touched her bare head, “This steward Jiang is so difficult to deal with, he can simply buy the entire mall.”

   "Forget it, keep watching." Leng Rongrong was about to move forward when she heard the quarrel in the dress shop.

   "Jiang Po, is there something wrong with you? Is this dress shop opened by you? This dress is my first fancy. Why are you stealing my dress?"

   Huang Yuan's angry voice came.

   "You clearly said you didn't like it just now." Jiang Po said, "So I'm all in."

"I said I don't like it, but I didn't say I don't buy it. What you grab, there is always one thing that comes first!" Huang Yuan said angrily, "What kind of messy style is it because of the new lady in your family? Is she just such a buying method?"

"This dress is indeed the first thing Yuanyuan fancy, please return it to Yuanyuan." Gao Yajing stood beside Huang Yuan, looking at Jiang Po, "Mr. Jiang, you won't bully people like this on the 19th floor, right? ?"

  Leng Rongrong went outside and walked in. When she saw Gao Yajing, she had a few surprises under her eyes.

  I did not expect to meet Gao Yajing here.

"Leng Rongrong?" Gao Ya narrowed her eyes, "Is this person yours? Are you bullying people like this? Are you born to **** other people's things like this? Men you **** , You also grab things? In addition to grabbing, what else can you do?"

   "Grab?" Leng Rongrong raised her eyebrows, "Have you paid?"

   "No." Gao Ya was stunned for a moment, "Even if we didn't pay, this thing is our first fancy. Why do you grab something?"

   "If you didn't pay, it's not yours, it's not yours. I paid to buy it first. What's the problem?" Rong Ye looked at Jiang Po and winked at Jiang Po.

  Jiang Po used to pay directly.

  Leng Rongrong looked at the store manager again and asked, "Now the things belong to us, right? Did we buy them or grab them?"

   "Of course I bought it." The store manager immediately replied with a smile.

   "Well, that's it." Leng Rongrong nodded, she glanced at Gao Yajing, smiled, and turned away.

  She was in a bad mood at first, but she unexpectedly met Gao Yajing. Seeing her, she was in a bad mood.

   Gao Yajing...

  The Mo Linyuan she met first.

  If Xiao Nanyu is really Mo Linyuan’s son, who is his mother?

  Does Gao Yajing know?

   "Leng Rongrong!" Gao Ya stomped her feet cleanly, she grabbed Huang Yuan's arm and said, "Yuanyuan, you see, she is such a person, grabbing someone else's things is always taken for granted."

   "Heh, when does she think she can be proud." Huang Yuan glanced at Leng Rongrong's back contemptuously, "Let's go, don't buy it."


  "Are you sure? This news is true?"

  In a large office, Leng Qingle narrowed his eyes and looked at a black-clothed man beside him. This black-clothed man was full of bloodthirsty breath.

  "This is evidence." The black-clothed man put an item in front of Leng Qingle, "The paternity test is genuine."

"Interestingly, this child is actually Mo Linyuan's biological son. I want to find a way to investigate this child's biological mother." Leng Qingle opened the paternity test and glanced at the line of words on it, "It seems that they can make them understand themselves. Killed. It's time for me to find Master... Brother, you should be abused badly now, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

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