The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1198: Si Ye was detained

   Chapter 1198 The Fourth Master Was Detained

  In a dark castle, Fourth Master Mo was kicked to the ground.

  He is wearing a black shirt, tailored to fit the body, which should have been exquisite and meticulous, but at this moment, it is full of wrinkles.

  Due to the infiltration of blood, the black shirt has some dull bright red.

  Mo Linyuan clutched his shoulders and stood up. He lowered his head and panted slightly, like a beast that had been injured.

In front of   , an old man wearing a Tang suit was standing. He was holding a crutch in his hand. On the crutch was carved a lifelike little black dragon. The bottom of the crutch was stained with blood.

   "I won't do this." Mo Rinyuan raised his head very firmly, he knelt on the ground, his eyes deep and terrifying.

"A Yuan, from the beginning, I trained you to get you that thing for me. As a result, you found it, but you never told me?" The old man sneered, "Hid you hide her? Do you know that I can easily abolish your kung fu? I can get back what I give you at any time. If I get everything back from you, then you are a waste!"

   "I can do anything for you except her." Mo Linyuan still looked at the old man in front of him.

   "Being a teacher doesn't need you to do anything else, being a teacher, as long as you kill her for me, and get me back the ring!" The old man looked at Mo Linyuan fiercely.

   "She is my wife, I won't do this." Mo Linyuan shook his head.

  "You shouldn't have these extra feelings." The old man suddenly moved towards Mo Linyuan.

  Mo Linyuan hit back, and the two fought back. The kung fu was so powerful that the entire castle seemed to be shaking.

  Mo Linyuan flew around and, the old man leaped slightly behind him, and the two of you came and went in the air for a while.

   Within a few minutes, Mo Rinyuan was stepped on the ground by the old man in Tang suit.

  He squeezed Mo Linyuan's shoulders hard, and the already injured shoulders, Cai Lie seeped blood.

   "Apprentice, I love you very much as a teacher, but you always don't cooperate, which makes me very distressed."

   "Let's go to the basement to reflect on it for a few days."

  The old man in Tang suit lifted Mo Linyuan up, "Come on, lock him up for me!"

  Two men in black costumes walked up and took Mo Linyuan away and locked him up.

  A few minutes later, the door opened and Leng Qingle walked in from outside.

  He is dressed in a light-colored Tang suit and a pair of cloth shoes, making him look like a different person.

   "Master, I have said that brother is unwilling to cooperate, I am willing to help you." Leng Qingle stepped forward, "I can help you share your worries for what you have to do."

  "You--I just want him to do this!" The old man sat on a rocking chair, shaking the chair slightly, "Old man likes it."

  "Master, what exactly are you looking for?" Leng Qingle knelt on one knee and looked up at the old man.

   "Why, do you still dare to inquire about me?" The old man snorted, "You will know when you know it. You show me less in front of me."

  Leng Qingle squeezed his fist, his eyes narrowed fiercely.


  The banquet arrived as scheduled.

  There is no news about Mo Linyuan. The matter of Mo Nanyu makes Lord Rong a little impetuous, especially because she can't contact Fourth Master Mo.

  Although Mo Linyuan said that he might lose contact when doing things, and he will contact her when things are done.

  But she will be inexplicably uneasy, her eyelids are always jumping.

  Leng Rongrong allowed Li Ruhua to dress herself up, but she was not happy at all.

  "Madam, how do you think this makeup goes with this hairstyle? I think it fits well. Today is a happy event, so I prepared a red dress for you as ordered by the boss of Xuanyuan. What do you think?"

  Li Ruhua asked seriously.

   "It's fine if you think it fits." Rong Ye said absently.

"Madam, are you still thinking about it? Let me see, you don’t think about those things. When the fourth master comes back, you can ask if it is clear. If the fourth master did not lie to you, it would be best, if the fourth master If I lied to you, let's beat him up for a while?"

  Li Ruhua took out all his best to comfort Leng Rongrong.

   "Hmm." Leng Rongrong nodded.

  She then changed into a dress prepared by Li Ruhua.

  Huahua’s work as a stylist became more and more smooth. The dress he chose was a big red, but it didn’t look tacky at all. Moreover, Leng Rongrong’s snow-white skin could control this dress.

After changing into her dress, Leng Rongrong was simply beautiful.

   is not only beautiful, but also has a strong momentum all over the body.

   "Madam Shao is so beautiful." Li Ruhua said with a look of envy, "I basically say goodbye to red, but Madam Shao, you are really suitable for this red."

  From upstairs to downstairs, Leng Rongrong was praised by the group again.

  Song Junlin several people have been surprised.

  Although Rong Ye has a red dress in the entertainment industry, this red dress is more domineering than those ancient costumes and more suitable for her.

  Obviously the makeup is very light, but the domineering is not weak at all.

  The banquet was held in another villa in this manor that was specially used for banquets.

  So Leng Rongrong went directly to the banquet building over there.

  The manor is relatively large, and it takes more than ten minutes to drive to the banquet building.

  When Leng Rongrong and his party arrived at the banquet building, the guests in the banquet building were almost there, and the courtyard was full of jubilant red lanterns.

  There are all kinds of laughter in the room.

  Xuanyuan Nantian was very happy, and laughter came out from time to time.

  Leng Rongrong cheered up, and she headed towards the banquet hall.

  Li Ruhua, Jiang Po, Song Junlin and others have been by her side.

   "The little girl is here!" Xuanyuan Nantian saw Leng Rongrong at a glance, immediately laughed honestly, and quickly walked to Lord Rong's side, "Rongrong, here comes."

  "Dad." Leng Rongrong said hello to Xuanyuan Nantian, then turned to nodded at the people around him, with a smile on his face.

  The people around nodded, sighing that it’s good.

  Although the daughter of Xuanyuan Nantian has always been living outside, she looks very decent, beautiful and temperamental.

  "Hey, come, let me introduce to you. Some friends of Dad."

  Xuanyuan Nantian took Leng Rongrong and started to introduce her friends.

  She said that she was introducing a friend to Leng Rongrong and also introducing her daughter to a friend, but it seemed more like showing off with joy.

  It seems to be extremely happy to have such a daughter.

"Hahaha, of course, that's the case. My daughter must have my genes. Lao Qiu, it's okay. Although you only have three sons and no daughters, but starting today, you have a niece. Up!"

  (End of this chapter)

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