The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1311: Master, is this not so good?

  Chapter 1311 Master, is this not so good?

  When he got home at night, Tang Luo's legs were soft.

  He was almost smashed to death by Mrs. Young’s big truck, which was terrifying.

  It was also the first time that he knew that Madam Shao’s strength could be so great, so if Madam Shao had to deal with someone, he could squeeze a person into a ball with one hand.

  The living room at night is surprisingly quiet.

  Li Ruhua wears a long nightdress with a pink hair band. It looks a bit cute in the rough.

   "Don't worry, Madam Young won't pinch you to death, and you don't have to be afraid."

   "But the young lady is so powerful, it's really scary."

   Tang Luo thought of the truck, his mouth twitched. He was almost kicked by the truck at the time, but the fourth master quickly rescued himself.

  If there was no Fourth Master, he would have become a muddy puddle.

  I feel a little scared when I think of it.

   "Huahua, you will pay attention to it in the future. If Rong Ye drank, you should not provoke it. She is really a bit scary when she is drunk. It can be said that the six relatives do not recognize it.

   "Who said no." Li Ruhua calmly patted Tang Luo on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't provoke Lord Rong, I am more self-aware."

  Tang Luo: "..."

  So is it because he didn’t know himself?

  Of course not, he used to be completely worried that Lord Rong would kill all those people, okay?

  He just didn't want to have blood on Ye Rong's hands. The ghost knew how Ye Rong could be so scary.

  Tang Luo calmed down in the living room for a long time before he went back to the room to sleep.

  Li Ruhua drank tea in the living room for a while. Huang Yuan wanted to come and find Leng Rongrong, but when she saw Li Ruhua wearing a skirt, she cursed Li Ruhua directly, saying that he was a pervert.

   Huahua: "...Where it's abnormal, no one stipulates that skirts can only be worn by your women."

   "You are a pervert!"

  Ms. Huang cursed a few words, then turned and left.


  Ye Rong only woke up at about noon the next day. When she went downstairs, she saw a large truck in the yard and asked curiously, "What is this car for?"

   Tang Luo, Li Ruhua, Huang Yuan, storm, rain, crit...

  Everyone and all animals turned their heads to look at Leng Rongrong with a very complicated expression.

   "Why look at me with such a look?"

Leng Rongrong twisted her arm, squeezed her shoulder again, frowned and said, "Why did I come back yesterday? I seem to be broken, how do I feel like I was beaten up, and my whole body aches. What?"

  Everyone looked at Leng Rongrong silently, their expressions became more complicated.

   "Master Rong, don't you remember anything?" Tang Luo asked, rubbing his cheek.

   "I don't remember..." Leng Rongrong looked at everyone's looks a little weird, and her expression became a little weird, "I was really beaten?"

  Everyone: "..."

  Rongye, don’t you know how good you are?

  How can you be beaten by someone? Is it okay for you to beat someone else?

   "I didn't speak at all, and the expression was strange, so did I get hit by someone or I hit someone else?" Leng Rongrong frowned and asked suspiciously.

   "I didn't hit anyone, just almost killed someone." Tang Luo said cautiously beside him, "Almost killed me."

  Leng Rongrong looked at Tang Luo in shock, "Really? What did I do to you, Xiao Luoluo?"

   "You almost smashed me to death with this big truck." Tang Luo tried his best to show a light smile, acting very calmly.

  Although he was shocked yesterday.

   "Really?" Leng Rongrong swallowed, "I'm sorry, I don't know what I did."

  Tang Luo spread his hands, "You really don’t know?"

  Tang Luo turned around and took out a tablet, called up the home monitor, and then it showed that Rong Ye dragged the truck and walked up the mountain step by step last night.

  They all wanted to help, but they were all driven away by Lord Rong.

  Rongye still angrily said that they looked down on her and actually wanted to help her. She obviously could, she was very good, but everyone looked down on her.

  Tang Luo and the others are a little speechless and depressed.

  "I pulled it up by myself? Whose car is this? Why did I pull it?"

  Ye Rong saw the real scene in the surveillance video, and she can see that she really pulled the car up.

  She did do such a nonsensical thing, but she had no impression of herself.

  Tang Luo then took out his mobile phone and showed Leng Rongrong a section he had taken yesterday.

  "You use the truck as a quilt, and you want to give them some drunk quilts."

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

   "Cough cough cough, I probably drank a little bit yesterday, and you guys won't stop me."

   "I stopped, you said you want to shoot me to death with a big truck." Tang Luo rolled his eyes.

  Not only did she say that, she actually did it. He was almost shot dead by a truck, or the Fourth Master saved his life.

   "I'm sorry..." Leng Rongrong patted Tang Luo on the shoulder, "I should have really drunk too much."

  "What about this big truck?" Tang Luo asked.

  "Return to the owner." Rong Ye said naturally.

  "Because you had to move back yesterday, we have already bought the owner with money." Tang Luo said.

   "Really..." Leng Rongrong's mouth twitched, "Then, let it go for the time being."

   rubbed her temples, Ye Rong didn't know what to say about herself, she actually pulled the NPC truck back.

  At noon, Ye Rong drove directly to the ancient street to find Mr. Bu.

  Nie Sha still followed Rong Ye.

  Master Rong was a little helpless, but he couldn't drive away the clingy kid, so he could only follow along.

   Xiao Nanyu also followed because of Nie Sa's following Rong Ye.

  Along the way, Xiao Nanyu and Nie Sa have been communicating with their eyes with big eyes and small eyes.

Xiao Nanyu wanted to say something, but when he saw that Master Rong was driving, he didn't say anything. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Nie Sa, and asked silently, "Master, it's not good for you to follow my mom like this? "

  Nie Sha stared back silently, and replied, "If there is anything wrong, I'm happy to do it."

  The two little Mengbao stared all the way. When he got there, Lord Rong turned his head, and both of them instantly became very cute.

  In the antique shop, the boss took out the finished ring.

  Master Rong glanced at the ring in the box and was very satisfied. This boss is very good, doing exactly the same thing, even she herself has a feeling of indistinguishable truth.

  (End of this chapter)

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