The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1312: Husband, be careful!

  Chapter 1312 Husband, be careful!

   "How about it, okay, little girl?" Bu Lao looked confident.

  He has always had the ability to fake it.

  Leng Rongrong nodded a few times when he heard Bu Lao’s words, “The old man is very good, and he can almost do things like fakes. Even my master can hardly tell whether it is real or fake.”

   gave the old man a thumbs up, and the old man was suddenly very happy.

   "Hey, I just said, I can do it. It's not that I boast. I can pass on this skill from ancestors. I have done a lot of things. Anyway, even experts can't tell the truth."

   Old Dese said, "Your ring is very rare, but it is not so difficult to fake it. As long as you master the skills and see how it is, it is still easy to make."

  Leng Rongrong nodded when he heard Bu Lao's words and flattered.

  Bold suddenly became very happy, Rong Ye wanted to give him money, he even said that he did not need money.

   Said that Rong Ye gave him a lot of knowledge, so he can talk about money and everything in person.

  Of course, Lord Rong is not the kind of person who eats Overlord’s meals, so he gave the money to the old man, “Mr., I’ve worked hard for you. If I need it, I’ll still come to you.”

  After bidding farewell to Lao Bu, Rong Ye drove home.

  In the car, Xiao Nanyu and Nie Sa were still staring at them.

  At home, Master Rong went to find Fourth Master. Xiao Nanyu and Nie Sa were sitting in the back garden. You looked at me and I looked at you.

   "Master, don't you think it is not appropriate for you to do this?" Xiao Nanyu said.

   "I feel suitable." Nie Sa folded his arms around his chest, full of suffocation, "If I don't stay by her side, what if she is in danger again?"

   "I will protect Mommy." Xiao Nanyu said solemnly, "Don't bother Master to help Mommy."

  "Do you have that ability?" Nie Sha raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, I'm so good, how could I not have that ability." Xiao Nanyu hummed, "Master, when you get here, your cultivation level is gone, and even if you have one, you will be suppressed. So, you still go back. Cultivate, I will take care of my mommy's side."

  Nie Sha stared at Xiao Nanyu, a little angrily.

  He almost forgot if he didn't mention it. His body was the body of a little kid. Such mention reminded him thoroughly that his current body is the body of a little kid, which is really depressing.

  "Master, you see, your body is not much bigger than mine." Xiao Nanyu said heartily.

   "Do you want to die? Itchy skin?" Nie Sa stared at Xiao Nanyu.

   "No, Master, I care about you. Really, I hope you can protect yourself first." Xiao Yuer said solemnly.

   "Heh—you are not afraid that I will separate Rongrong and that wild man." Nie Sa coldly snorted.

"Master, that's not a wild man, that's my daddy, they are already married." Xiao Nanyu said seriously, "Really, you are the third party. As the saying goes, there is no fragrant grass in the world," Why do you hang on a flower. There are so many beauties in this world, you watch TV more and find more suitable ones. My mom didn’t like you in the past life, and in this life I can’t like a little kid with no full hair. Right? Stay careful, you will become my mommy's son."

  Nie Su: "!!!"

   is so annoying.

  Xiao Nanyu was stared fiercely, and then Nie Sa walked away angrily.

   "Master, don't be angry, look at you, I'm as tall as I am, right?"

  Nie Sa became even more angry.

   "Master, you are actually quite cute like this!" Xiao Nanyu said with a grin.

  Nie Sha turned his head, with a murderous look, he could almost kill Xiao Nanyu in seconds.

  Xiao Nanyu stepped back a few steps, not daring to mess around anymore, just looked at Nie Sa with a smile.


  In the study, Ye Rong handed the box to Mo Linyuan.

"The ring made by Mr. Bu Lao, I looked at it, it can be regarded as fake. Even the little black dragon inside is lifelike." Leng Rongrong said, "But I'm not sure if I can fool your master. After all, he wants If you find this ring, you should know this ring."

"Try it first." Fourth Master Mo said, "If you don't deliver things in time, Song Junlin and the others should be in danger. He is a person who only sees himself in his eyes. He doesn't care about the life or death of others. For him, the passerby has only one dead word."

   "Hmm." Leng Rongrong nodded, and she approached Mo Linyuan with a little worry in her eyes, "Husband, you must be careful... or I will go with you?"

   "If you go with me, he will doubt it." Fourth Master Mo rubbed Leng Rongrong's head, "Don't worry, I will protect myself. Even if it is for you, I have to live well."

  Leng Rongrong directly met Fourth Master Mo’s eyes, and was silent for a long time without speaking.

  She can't wait to save others by herself.

  But Fourth Master Mo said, Master, he knows him better than she does.

  Furthermore, that person is really very powerful, and he can't be dealt with by ordinary people. Even Fourth Master Mo can't deal with him by himself, so he can only do this.

  After the two of them stayed in the study for a while, Fourth Master Mo went out.

  Tang Luo had already prepared everything. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, they went straight to see Fourth Master Mo’s master.

  As soon as the two left, Lord Rong felt that the whole world was quiet.

  Inexplicably empty.

  In the house, although the storm, rain, Huang Yuan and others were playing, her mind was completely absent from these people, and her mind was full of wondering whether the Fourth Master could come back safely.

  Because of work needs, Lord Rong is still busy.

  She asked Huang Yuan and the **** crowd to manage the development of those barren mountains, and she became busy everywhere.

  The work arranged by Ji Chengyu for her is not very much, so it is not particularly busy, but occasionally runs more.

  After being exposed because of divorce, there are a lot of black people on the Internet.

  There are still many people who compare Leng Rongrong with Chen Cheng, and they say that Leng Rongrong was robbed of her status as a sister because of the divorce.

  Leng Rongrong felt somewhat ridiculous.

  The company is all hers, Chen Cheng is nothing.

  She doesn't have much opinion on Chen Cheng. After all, it is the company's artists who can make money, and people have not targeted herself. She just doesn't like the agent next to Chen Cheng and Jin Xuan doesn't like it.

  This Jin Xuan seems to have a grudge against her and often targets her.

   didn't know what fate was. After the blind date show, Ye Rong went on the same stage with Chen Cheng several times. Every time he met, Chen Cheng didn't say anything, it was Jin Xuan who had been talking bad about her all the time.

  (End of this chapter)

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