The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1330: The richest man is nothing more

   Chapter 1330 The richest man is nothing but so

  Leng Rongrong thought that Mo Linyuan would be back soon, and she felt more at ease.

  After lunch, Lord Rong took a group of people to do some work.

  Ning Jun still pestered her, saying all sorts of sultry things, but Su Meng was still not too willing to give up to the little milk dogs, but Rong Ye didn't take much care of it, and there was no less arrangement for the work that should be arranged.

  In the evening, several uninvited guests greeted the cottage.

  Although the program team has tried their best to persuade them to leave, these uninvited guests have no intention to leave.

  Su Meng’s father, Su Huanian and Su Meng’s grandmother, Qin Qi all appeared in the cabin.

Li Ruhua was taken aback by the two of them, especially the grandmother, who looked very bad-tempered and wore an expensive dress. Although she was very old and had white hair, she was very energetic. .

  Speaking full of anger, and arrogant to others, like an old queen.

  Su Huanian is slightly better, but he is also a domineering appearance that makes people afraid to approach.

  Because these two people came, the program team immediately sent someone to find Leng Rongrong.

  After all, Su Huanian and Qin Qi came to Su Meng and Leng Rongrong.

   "Miss Leng, hello." Su Huanian had a pretty good attitude when he saw Leng Rongrong, with a small smile on his face, he reached out to shake hands with Leng Rongrong.

   "Hello." Ye Rong nodded at Su Huanian.

But the attitude of Qin Qi next to him was not so good. She glanced at Leng Rongrong, and then sneered, "What are you doing so politely with her? My granddaughter gave her a shame, and she was shameless, and why did she do it politely? ?"

   "Grandma!" Su Meng had just returned from the field, wearing a summer hat, and threw herself into the arms of the old lady.

As soon as the old lady saw Su Meng, she was terrified, and she was shocked and shouted, "What's the matter, what are you doing to my granddaughter! It's you little bitch, right, you little **** let her Is it right to work? She ate at home and we were reluctant to let her do it by herself. When we came to you, we actually let her work? Don't you know who she is?"

  The old lady had a bitter and mean tone, she pointed at Leng Rongrong and she screamed.

   "Little bitch, do you dare to treat my dear granddaughter like this, believe it or not I will let you not see the sun tomorrow?"

  The old lady is extremely arrogant, and her temper is very bad at first glance.

   "The daughter of our tens of billions group, but you can bully?"

  Leng Rongrong looked at the old lady with a smile, but there was a little coldness in her eyes, "Try it, can you let me not see the sun tomorrow."

The old lady squinted her eyes, "You still arrogant with me? You bullied my granddaughter, and arrogant with me without apologizing? Little hoof, I tell you, you can't offend our family. If you know you, apologize to my granddaughter. , And then give your few pet puppies to my granddaughter as a gift, and we won’t care about the others."

   "Can't you offend me?" Leng Rongrong laughed, "I think you can't offend me."

"Heh, what can't you offend a little girl movie. Even if it is the Mo group, it is nothing more than an ant to us. Do you think you can bully people by relying on your divorced man? "

   The old lady chuckled, and she guarded Su Meng, “The road I have traveled is more salt than you have eaten. I warn you now that you are obedient, and don’t regret it in the end.”

  Leng Rongrong was unmoved, "You are here to tell me this? Before I get angry, I ask you to leave, otherwise no matter whether you are tens of billions or hundreds of billions, you will eventually become bankrupt."

   "Oh, you dare to be arrogant with me?" The old lady was furious.

  Su Meng grabbed the old lady and said, "Grandma, don't be angry. If you get angry, your health will be bad."

"Yes, mom, don't be angry, let me talk to Miss Leng." Su Nianhua said, "Miss Leng, we are not malicious. I know that Su Meng is allowed to work because of the rules of the program group. Don’t say anything, but I still want to buy your dogs, so let’s give you 100 million."

   "One hundred million, for ordinary people, it is impossible to make a few lifetimes. You have already made a lot of money like this."

   "I don't care about the others, just give us the dogs."

  Su Nianhua persuaded with painstaking efforts.

  Leng Rongrong's mouth twitched twice, "A hundred million? Do you think of my dog ​​as a tattered one? You want to buy one hundred million? Any dog ​​in my family is worth more than this."

  Little milk dogs are already internet celebrities, so they can make money by themselves.

  Not to mention the storm.

  Furthermore, for ordinary people, a hundred million that can not be earned in a few lifetimes, for her is the feeling of ordinary people seeing a penny on the ground...

  She would never pick it up.

   "One hundred million, I won't pick it up if you throw it on the ground. Do you think I will sell my dog ​​for one hundred million?" Leng Rongrong rolled her eyes.

   "Oh, what kind of pretense, do you have money? At first glance, people who have no money, dare to arrogant with us! One hundred million, I think you haven't seen it before."

  The attitude of the old lady became more arrogant.

   "..." Leng Rongrong looked at the old lady, she leaned back, and then turned to Li Ruhua and said, "Huahua, go take out my cards."

  A few minutes later, Li Ruhua took out a small box.

  Leng Rongrong photographed the box on the table. The small wooden box looks like it is made of pear wood. It is very exquisite and it is very valuable at first glance.

  Leng Rongrong opened the box and took out a stack of cards.

  The stack of cards is almost all black, otherwise it is golden. They all look very unique and rare. Most people have never seen such cards at all.

  Of course, some netizens often see it on the Internet.

  So as soon as these cards are released, the barrage is instantly fried.

  【Huatian’s black card, without tens of millions of deposits, it is impossible to have this card! 】

  【Longyin's gold card, I heard that only those with deposits ranked in the top three of the entire bank have it! 】

  【Fuck, isn't that the black card of Tianxue Bank? I heard that there are only ten black cards in the world, but Rong Ye actually has five in his box? This is a proof of deposit! "

  【Mah...These cards are all status symbols! 】

  【Damn, the world's richest man is nothing but that? 】

  【Rong Ye... who is she? Isn't he the richest man in the world? 】

  In front of Lord Rong, Su Huanian's face changed. Among these cards, there were several cards he wanted but not qualified, but the girl in front of him actually had them.

  As for the old lady, she is still arrogant as always. She doesn't recognize these cards, isn't it just a broken card? If she wants to do it, she just asks his son to do it casually.

  "What are you doing with these? I want to say that you are rich? Cards, you can use cards without money. The large number of cards does not mean that there is more money... Do you think we are all fools?"

  (End of this chapter)

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