The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1331: Really rascal

   Chapter 1331 What a rogue

  Rong Ye looked at the old lady opposite with a pair of round eyes, her pretty little face with a light smile, she didn't say anything, she just looked at the old lady quietly.

  And the old lady had a mocking smile on her face, and her eyes looked down on Leng Rongrong.

  Instead, Su Meng, who was leaning against the old lady's side, changed a little, wondering if she had read it wrong.

   Su Huanian on the other side changed abruptly. He stood up abruptly, then looked at Leng Rongrong’s cards and asked, “Are you all true?”

"Is it possible that Mr. Su hasn't seen these cards? I'll tell you the ones that are true?" Leng Rongrong blinked at Su Huanian, "Mr. Su, do you think you can afford the things in my hand? ?"

   "Sorry." Su Huanian hurriedly apologized.

  Leng Rongrong looked at these bank cards, and he knew that the person in front of him was an unreasonable master.

  He is a business man at any rate, and he is a bit influential, so he knows how these cards exist and what it means to own them.

  The number of these cards is very small, and the people possessing them are not ordinary existences regardless of their status or social status.

  Leng Rongrong holds these cards. If she owns these cards, it can only show that although she is so young, she is already very, very powerful.

  If these cards are not her own, but someone else’s, but they are in her hands, it can only show that the backer behind her is very powerful.

  Even a powerful and terrifying existence.

  Some of these cards were not owned by Su Nianhua, so Su Huanian was still a little afraid of Leng Rongrong.

  "Do you still buy my dog?" Leng Rongrong looked up and took a sip of tea slowly. There was a hint of oppression in her indifferent eyes, which made Su Huanian a little depressed.

   "Don't buy it, we are afraid that we can't afford all of Miss Leng's plants." Su Huanian is very witty.

  Of course, some people are not very funny, especially the old lady next to her.

She screamed in surprise, as if she was crazy, "What can't be afforded, how can we not afford it. Are you afraid of a yellow-haired girl? Son, how can you not even be able to afford a dog? You can't treat my baby like this Granddaughter! What Su Meng wants, we have to give it!"

   "Mom. Calm down, we can't afford this." Su Nianhua said hurriedly, "Mom, let's go back, let's go!"

   "Where are you going? The dog hasn't bought it yet! Didn't you see that Mengmeng likes it? What Mengmeng likes is Mengmeng's! If you can't buy it, you have to get it!"

  The old lady obviously loves Su Meng very much.

  Although Su Meng was slightly surprised by Leng Rongrong’s card, she really wanted those puppies.

  So, she hugged the old lady's arm and acted like a baby, "Grandma, I really want those two puppies!"

   "Have you seen it, Meng Meng likes it!"

  The old lady turned her head and looked at Leng Rongrong, her attitude became even more arrogant.

  "You gave the dog to my family Mengmeng, didn't you see that she liked it?"

   "She likes to have something to do with me, and I am not her grandmother." Leng Rongrong twitched the corner of her mouth, and she couldn't reason with unreasonable people.

"Don't deceive people too much." Huahua couldn't help but say, "The dog belongs to our family. We sell it if we like it, and don't sell it if we don't. There are some things that you can't buy with money, not to mention. , My host is not short of money, she just thinks it’s too much.”

  "What qualifications do you have to speak with a bald head? Get out of the way." The old lady looked at Li Ruhua, rolled her eyelids, then picked up her walking stick and was about to hit Li Ruhua.

   Huahua froze for a moment, and did not react for a while, and even forgot to hide.

  How can I think of an old lady who can still smoke someone with a cane!

  Leng Rongrong suddenly became annoyed when she saw that Huahua was about to be hit. She raised her head violently and grabbed the old lady's crutches. She seemed to be holding it lightly, but she also took a little bit of effort.

  So the old lady's wrinkled face grinned, but there was no way to pull the crutch.

  She used her strength several times, her face changed, and she looked at Leng Rongrong in disbelief, "Are you bullying me for being older?"

  Leng Rongrong didn’t let go, but looked at Su Nianhua, “Mr. Su, I’m not here for you to spoil yourself. I don’t welcome you here. Besides, I’m recording a show now. Do you think this is good?”

   "Mom, forget it, people refuse to cut love, let's go." Su Huanian is more reasonable than the old lady.

   "Dad, but I really like those puppies!" Su Meng shouted.

  "You like dogs, we can buy them elsewhere." Su Nianhua frowned.

   "The other dogs are different from the dogs here." Su Meng was reluctant.

  "My granddaughter must get what he wants!" The old lady said angrily, "Little hoof, give us the dog!"

  While talking, the old lady pulled the cane very hard.

  I don’t know how long after pulling it, Leng Rongrong suddenly let go, and the old lady took a crutches and suddenly turned a somersault back.



   "It's killing!"

   "This little hooves murdered, hurry up and call the police!"

  The old lady was fine, but she lay on the ground and refused to get up, and she started yelling.

   "Leng Rongrong, how could you treat my grandma like this, you did it on purpose!" Su Meng rushed to the old lady, looking up at Leng Rongrong cursing.

Leng Rongrong was still sitting, she leaned against the chair lightly, looking at the direction of the old lady on the ground, "I didn't do anything. Didn't she let me loosen it? I let it go. She fell by herself. Who is to blame!"

   "You still quibble, you fell, you dare to quibble!"

   "No reason, this woman bullies the old man!"

  The old lady patted her thigh and scolded.

   cursing, the old lady began to cry again.

  In the live broadcast room, many people originally commented that the old lady was unreasonable, but it was inevitable that some people who had just entered saw it. They didn't understand what was going on, so they started to blame Leng Rongrong.

  【Rong Ye is really, what do you care about with an old lady? 】

   [They all say old children, old children, they are just like children when they are old, and their tempers are just like that. Wouldn’t it be enough for Lord Rong to apologize to others? 】

   [Indeed, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal. After all, it was Rong Ye who let go first. Although the old lady is unreasonable, it is also wrong for Rong Ye to do this. What if someone hurts? 】

   [Above, I think what you said is somewhat unreasonable. The most terrifying thing in this world is the bear child, and this kind of old and disrespectful. Yeah Rong didn't leave anything at all, she just let go of the other party's crutches, there must be a cause, there will be results, it was the other party who caused the trouble first, and the fall can't be counted as Lord Rong's head! 】

  [Yes, I also think this old woman caused the trouble first, what happened to Lord Guan? 】

  (End of this chapter)

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