The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1332: Walk the big cat

   Chapter 1332

  【The old man who is like a child is cute, but the old man who is like a bear child is terrible! 】

  【Rong Ye is so wronged, there are still people coming to touch porcelain in his own home! 】

  【The dog belongs to Master Rong, and Master Rong says that he will not sell it, so who can force her? Why are you going to force Lord Rong? 】

   [Isn’t that right, Ye Rong’s own dog, why should others like it? 】

  【It was originally from the Su family who was struggling to be strong. Su Meng was originally the kind of character that the whole world has to rely on her, I can't understand her a long time ago, every time I shoot a movie or something, I treat myself as a princess! 】

  【Rongye, don’t be afraid, we are all on your side! 】

  Although it is said that Lord Rong should let the old lady, but most people are quite reasonable and think this matter is still wrong with the old lady.

  The old lady shouldn't treat Ye Rong like this.

  The dog was raised by Master Rong. If Master Rong said that he would not sell it, he would not sell it. How could it be so threatening and lure.

  The old lady fought and rolled on the ground for a while. Su Nianhua was persuading the old lady, but she couldn’t.

  Rong Ye watched the Su family squatting there, after thinking about it, turned his head and exhorted Li Ruhua a few words.

  Li Ruhua nodded, then turned around and moved a few chairs over, directly surrounded Su Nianhua and three of them, and made Stormwind stand at the periphery and watch them, nicknamed the protection of the crime scene.

   “Ye Rong said, you’re breaking into the house privately, you are still playing and rolling here, and you have to touch porcelain, so wait until the police come to deal with it.” Li Ruhua said, turned and walked away.

   "Would you like to help you drive them away?" Ning Jun stuck to Leng Rongrong's side and asked with a pair of peach eyes.

   "No need." Leng Rongrong refused indifferently.

   "Is there any other work to do?" Logo was leaning on the sofa in the living room. Seeing Leng Rongrong coming in, he stood up and asked.

  He has a clear breath and wears a white shirt, which makes people look very comfortable.

   Among the four people who came this time, the one that Leng Rongrong liked most was this Logo.

He works very seriously. Although he is not fast or special at work, he is very careful and conscientious in everything he does. The key is that he has few words. He will do what he does if he is asked to do it. He is very clever. appearance.

   "Want to work?" Leng Rongrong turned her head, her tone softened a bit.

   "Well, it's still early, I want to do something." Logo said.

   "Why don't you go for a dog walk?" Leng Rongrong looked at the little puppies at Logo's feet, "They need moderate exercise, Logo, if you like, you can take them out for a walk."

   "Okay." Logo nodded.

   "You four little guys, follow the little brother Luo Ge for a walk, be obedient, you know?" Rong Ye knelt down and knocked on the four little heads.

  The four little ones wagging their tails happily, and followed Logo away.

  Ning Jun looked at Leng Rongrong reluctantly, "Why are you so kind to Logo, but cold talk to me?"

   "Where am I kind to him?" Rong Ye raised his eyebrows.

"Your attitude is just wrong, you are kind to him and indifferent to me!" Ning Jun asked with a face of dissatisfaction, "I am better-looking than him, and I have done my job. How can you treat it differently!" "

  Leng Rongrong glanced at Ning Jun deeply, "I let him walk the dog to be kind? Do you want to be kind to me?"

   "Of course, I also want to be kind!" Ning Jun stared at Leng Rongrong.

   "Okay, Da Bai, come here!" Leng Rongrong shouted, and the big white tiger rushed in from the outside, recklessly slipped his foot and knocked Ning Jun directly to the ground.

  Ning Jun: "!!!"

  "You go to walk the tiger. It is kind enough, I will let you walk a big one!" Rong Ye said solemnly.

  Ning Jun got up from the ground and looked at the big white tiger in horror.

  The big white tiger wagged his tail at Ning Jun enthusiastically and roared.

  Ning Jun almost died in fright, "Rong, Lord Rong! Is this kindness?"

   "Isn't it what you want!" Leng Rongrong touched Dabai's head, "Dabai, he will take you for a walk, remember to follow along."


  Dabai happily raised the huge head at Ning Jun, and it roared again.

  Ning Jun didn’t want to leave, but Dabai stared at him, tilted his head and looked at him, showing terrible teeth urging him...

  Ning Jun: "..."


  Why does he want to walk the tiger!

  This tiger does not eat people, right?

  Can it eat people if they don’t agree?

  Ning Jun was a little embarrassed, but under Da Bai's coercion and lure, he had to follow Da Bai and then went out for a tiger walk.

  At the same time, the old lady screamed outside.

  The old lady is probably going crazy.

  They were surrounded by chairs. Li Ruhua also surrounded them with **** people, and Li Ruhua said that in order to protect the crime scene, it is best to keep the old lady inside.

  Every time the old lady remembered it, she was stared at and said she would not move.

  She was mad.

  "You guys, we will never let you go. Why do you treat me like this? If you treat me as an old man, netizens will scold you to death!"

  The old lady started looking for the camera as she spoke, and then cried to the camera.

  Li Ruhua were unmoved.

  As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, everyone praised Lord Rong, saying that Lord Rong is absolutely perfect. This is definitely a good way.

  It is necessary to use such a method to deal with such a dead skinny person.

  【Old lady, you think too much, we will not scold Rongye, we will only scold you! 】

  【Although I like Su Meng's face quite a lot, Su Meng is all wrong here, okay? 】

  【Although Lord Rong is arrogant, but his arrogance is justified! What is Su Meng, and what is the old woman, do you still feel right? 】

  【Is it great to have money? Ye Rong is richer than you, okay? 】

  Fans scolded the old lady.

  Naturally, the old lady did not know, she cried all kinds of things.

  As a result, two hours later, the police did not come. The sky was completely dark and the old lady's legs were numb. Finally, she felt something was wrong.

   "What about the police? Didn't you say that you called the police? What about people?" The old lady scolded.

   "Call the police? We didn't say that we called the police. Didn't you say that you were going to call the police? Ah, did you not call the police?" Li Ruhua asked in surprise.

   "You fool us!" The old lady stood up angrily, pushed a chair away, and rushed to beat Li Ruhua.

As a result, before the crutches were hit, Bailuo was caught. Bailuo frowned and looked at the old lady. "Old man, don't use too much force. If you break a fracture later, it won't be cured. The old man's bones are not so It’s easy to recover. It’s not many years left, and lying down is not a problem!"

  (End of this chapter)

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