The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1351: I have a dangerous way

   Chapter 1351 I have a dangerous way

   "Don't think about it." Leng Rongrong sneered at Qiao Wu.

"Little girl, you are so courageous. You die on my hand once, do you want to die on my hand again?" Qiao Wu suddenly collapsed, "The ring is right now It’s useless for you, you might as well give it to me! If you give it to me, I will spare your life. You won’t lose this deal!"

   "I thank you, old stuff!" Leng Rongrong rolled her eyes at Qiao Wu.

   "You don't need to thank me, just give me things." Qiao Wu said with a smile.

   "Give you a ghost!" Leng Rongrong suddenly whistled.

  The storm suddenly rushed in from outside, and then the storm rushed directly towards Qiao Wu.

  The two big animals move very fast.

  Qiao Wu was caught off guard and was thrown down, Leng Rongrong immediately rushed up, wanting to take Qiao Wu.

  Gern did not hesitate, he and some of his powerful men also sprinted towards Qiao Wu.

  Mo Linyuan unambiguously attacked the storm.

  The storm was stunned by the attack. This guy didn't know that Mo Linyuan had lost his memory, and he didn't even recognize him.

  So when Mo Linyuan attacked it, the storm was always screaming, as if explaining something.

  It's just that Mo Linyuan didn't listen, and the storm was anxious.

  Nie Sha said angrily, "His brain is broken! I don't remember you anymore!"

   "Woo?" Baofeng glanced back at Nie Sha, a little suspicious, and looked at Fourth Master Mo.

  As a result, Fourth Master Mo attacked it very ruthlessly and threw it away.


  The storm screamed and looked at Mo Linyuan in disbelief.

  At the same time, the rainstorm was also a bit miserable. Mo Linger and Leng Qingle attacked the rainstorm at the same time. The rainstorm was immediately **** by the two with ropes.

  The old man not far away yelled: "Detain these two for me! I still want to use them for alchemy!"

   "Yes, Master!" Leng Qingle and Mo Linger responded at the same time, and then swiftly turned to the storm.

   "You still want to move my pet!" Leng Rongrong's eyes flashed, and her face suddenly became annoyed, "Old thing, why do I think you are so unpleasant!"

  She is also a good-tempered person. I don’t know why she hates Qiao Wu when she sees this.

  I always want to beat this Qiao Wu.

   "I think you owe you a long beating!"

  While talking, Leng Rongrong frantically attacked Qiao Wu. Although Qiao Wu was older, his kung fu was indeed very powerful, much stronger than Mo Linyuan.

  Leng Rongrong took the initiative to attack for less than a few minutes before she was forced to retreat frantically by Qiao Wu.

  In a moment, Qiao Wu pinched her neck.

   "Do you dare to move her!" Nie Sa suddenly flew up, and a small figure kicked towards Qiao Wu with incomparable dominance, "If you dare to move her, I will let you fly away!"

   "You are—" Qiao Wu was kicked and backed up quickly. He backed up and flew up the steps.

   Immediately, he looked at Nie Sha with a strange expression.

   "Don't recognize me?" Nie Sa raised his eyebrows, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Old ghost, don't you even recognize me?"

  "Mozun Nie Su?" Qiao Wu suddenly realized, and then he laughed.

   "It turned out to be you! You have become like this! You ruined most of your life's cultivation and saved a woman who didn't belong to you. Are you willing?"

   "Hahaha, Demon Venerable, such a powerful Nie Sa, turned into a kid, with your current ability, you still let me die?"

   "Are you joking?"

  Qiao Wu looked at Nie Sa jokingly as if he was teasing a child.

  Nie Sha was initially angry that his body could not recover, but when he heard Qiao Wu's words, he was even more frizzy.

  He attacked Qiao Wu like a storm.

   "You dare to make fun of me!"

   "Are you tired of living?"

  For an instant, when Nie Sa and Qiao Wu were fighting, the people on both sides couldn't help.

  The crystal chandeliers in the air where the two were fighting were shaking crazily, and two afterimages flew around, and they were already on the second floor in a while.

  And downstairs, the rest of the people had originally stood at gunpoint, but this moment, they all fought.

  The gunshots continued to sound, and the scene can be said to be very chaotic.

   "Quickly take the Fourth Master away!" Quan Yu shouted, "First, let the Fourth Master faint and take away! Young lady, quickly, you take the people away, and we will deal with the rest!"

  Leng Rongrong really wanted to take Mo Linyuan away.

  But Mo Linyuan now doesn't recognize his six relatives, only knows the master Qiao Wu, they still can't beat him.

  Storm was also beaten by Mo Linyuan, so he groaned angrily.

   After Leng Rongrong and Nan Si looked at each other for a few times, he directly surrounded Mo Linyuan.

   "No matter what method is used, he fainted me!" Leng Rongrong said coldly.

   "Although I really want to faint the boss, I think it's still a bit hanged... We have never been the boss's opponent." Nan Si shrank his neck as if it were a quail.

   "If you are not an opponent, you have to stun Si Ye, first carry it back and talk!" Tang Luo said with a serious face, "There is no other way, Si Ye doesn't know us, so I can only take him away first!"

   "Yes." Leng Rongrong nodded.

   Immediately, everyone surrounded Mo Linyuan from all sides.

   Fourth Master Mo had a cold face, still looking like the six relatives did not recognize him. He did not know any of his beloved wife and dearest brothers.

  Instead, he was a little angry that these people surrounded him.


   Bang Bang——

  Nan Si was the first to rush up and was the first to be beaten up.

  He fell heavily to the ground, covered his chest, and his painful tears were about to come out, "My day, the boss, anyhow, he is also a brother, you can't lose your memory. Just do it to us!"

  Mo Linyuan glanced at Nansi with an extremely cold expression in his eyes.

  Nan Si covered her chest and pretended to cough up blood.

  Damn, why did he come to rescue some boss? He should go on vacation with Yinger.

  They will be beaten to death by the boss, right?

  The eldest brother has not recognized the six relatives!

  "Young lady, let's give up first!"

   Nan Si shouted, "I think we can't beat the boss! If we didn't knock the boss out, we might be tortured to death by the boss first!"

  "Close your crow's mouth!" Leng Rongrong let out a low voice.

  At this moment, Tang Luo, who was already injured, was also beaten out by Mo Linyuan.

   Tang Luo was directly hit in the direction of Nan Si, and Nan Si, who was about to stand up, was hit and almost fainted.

   "Fuck, brother, do you want to kill me?"

"This is not the time to play around." Tang Luo stood up laboriously, and he looked in Mo Linyuan's direction with a cold face, "It's fine for the Fourth Master to forget us, why forget the young lady too! You have to find a way to remind Fourth Master!"

   "I have a dangerous way." Nan Si said suddenly.

  (End of this chapter)

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