The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1352: Can make you die for the first time, also can make you die

   Chapter 1352 can make you die the first time, and also make you die the second time

   "What dangerous way?" Leng Rongrong and Tang Luo almost unanimously.

  At this time, there is no other way. You can try the dangerous way.

  A dead horse becomes a living horse doctor.

   "I have a special weapon here that can directly razed this place to the ground... Last time I asked Mrs. Young, your second father, Chen Lan. Maybe I can blow Si Ye out." Nan Si said.

  Leng Rongrong: "...that is to catch us together and die together?"

  Nan Si: "So I said it's a dangerous way. It can blow everyone out, and it depends on who wakes up first."

   "Get out!" Tang Luo cursed.

   "No, I have another way. I heard from Qin Ruchen that he had treated a patient with amnesia before and used a method to restore his memory."

  Nan Si said solemnly.

   "What way?" Leng Rongrong looked at Nan Si expectantly while avoiding Mo Linyuan's attack.

  "The patient has a loved one, so they created a danger for that lover. After the patient with amnesia was stimulated, he instinctively thought of his lover."

  Nan Si said seriously, "In other words, at this time, if Lord Rong is in danger, maybe Si Ye will remember anything!"

When    was speaking, Nan Si suddenly grabbed a pistol from a person next to him, and then pointed the gun at Ye Rong.

   "What bad idea are you!" Tang Luo shouted cursingly, "This chance is not great!"

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

"Madam, now is the time to test whether the Fourth Master really loves you!" Nan Si said towards Leng Rongrong, and then he looked in the direction of Mo Linyuan, "Boss, I really want to shoot. You. If you don't want to get up again, your wife will die!"

  Mo Linyuan's eyes were as cold as ice, so he looked at Nan Si's direction without speaking.

  But it can be seen that he does not believe what Nan Si said.

   "He can't believe you." Mo Ling'er had been watching the show all the time. She folded her arms and said, "If the master makes a move, there is no way to change it!"

"Brother, don't you plan to help Master catch them all?" Leng Qingle also folded his chest, he leaned aside, did not help, just watched the excitement, "Master said, let you take this woman To win."

  Mo Linyuan glanced at Leng Qingle coldly, "I don't need you to teach me what I do."

  Leng Qingle: "..."

  Leng Rongrong looked at Mo Linyuan, her pupils shrunk, "Mo Linyuan, do you really miss me coming?"

   Mo Linyuan's dark eyes had no feelings, and he shot Leng Rongrong suddenly.

  Leng Rongrong gritted her teeth and didn't give up, but also swiftly shot Mo Linyuan.

  The two played against each other again.

  At the same time, the group of people in the national prison, the other people in the Mingyuan Empire, and the people on Qiao Wu's side were in a difficult relationship, and many people had fallen.

  Qiao Wu’s people are almost all kinds of masters.

  Rongye's side, many people have been controlled, and many more seriously injured, the scene tends to be weaker.

   "Rong, if you can't beat them, withdraw first!"

  Gern realized that if they continue to fight, they may be wiped out, so at this moment it is still a thirty-six plan!

  Leng Rongrong looked at Mo Linyuan, she gritted her teeth.

   Originally came to rescue Mo Rinyuan, but now in this situation, Mo Rinyuan has nothing to do. They are about to have something.

  She glanced at the fallen or injured brothers. She knew that there would be more people in danger if she didn't evacuate.

After taking a deep look at Mo Linyuan, Leng Rongrong shouted, "Tang Luo, Quan Yu, Nan Si, let the brothers prepare to withdraw!"

  The matter of saving people can only be discussed in the long term.

   "Want to go?" Fourth Master Mo suddenly attacked Leng Rongrong.

  He grabbed Leng Rongrong by the wrist, and his strength was so great that she couldn't break free.

  At the same time, he stared at the ring on Leng Rongrong's finger, and reached out to take the ring.

   "Mo Linyuan!" Leng Rongrong growled low.

   Fourth Master Mo had a cold face, just marrying the ring, but the ring seemed to be worn tightly, so there was no way to take it off.

   "Master Rong!" Nan Si rushed over, wanting to help.

  At the same time, Tang Luo led a few people to save the storm and rain.

  Mo Linger and Leng Qingle also participated in the fight.

  The scene is chaotic again.

   "Nie Sha, do you think you can beat me? With your body? A milk doll, can you fight me?"

   A small figure was thrown down from mid-air, and suddenly hit the ground.

  Nie Sha fiercely spat out blood.

  And Qiao Wu fell steadily on the steps.

   "Nie Sao!" Leng Rongrong exclaimed.

  At this moment, Qiao Wu suddenly rushed in the direction of Leng Rongrong, he grabbed Leng Rongrong’s wrist and dragged Leng Rongrong away from Mo Linyuan’s hand.

   Mo Linyuan was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw Qiao Wu, he didn't say anything.

  Leng Rongrong only felt that her neck was pinched by a rough hand, and she was forced to look at Qiao Wu.

  "Take your ring off and give it to me!"

  Leng Rongrong gritted her teeth and looked at Qiao Wu, "Let them go, let everyone go, I'll give you the ring!"

   "Can't give it to him!" The wounded Gern exclaimed.

   "Let them go!" Leng Rongrong looked at Nie Sa who wanted to get up from the ground, but couldn't get up, and felt a little pain in her heart.

  She didn’t know who Nie Sha was and why he was so great.

  But she knew that Nie Sha was injured for herself!

   Seeing Nie Sha like this, her heart seemed to be tightly pinched by something, and a feeling of guilt spread.

  Her nose was sore, hot tears almost fell.

  She seemed to have seen the appearance of Nie Sa, and there seemed to be a shadow in her mind overlapping with Nie Sa.

   "I'll give it to you and let all of them go!" Leng Rongrong looked at Qiao Wu and said with red eyes.

   "This is only obedient." Qiao Wu laughed.

  Leng Rongrong took off the ring, looked at Qiao Wu and said, "You let them go first!"

  Qiao Wu squinted his eyes, he suddenly grabbed the ring in Leng Rongrong’s hand, and smiled evilly, “Are you so innocent? Silly girl?”

   "You lie to me!" Leng Rongrong suddenly lifted her hand, and the black ring flew back into her hand, and a few silver needles in her hand pierced towards Qiao Wu suddenly.

  Qiao Wu was unprepared, and he yelled twice when he was pricked.

   "Smelly girl, I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time!"

  Leng Rongrong felt that her neck was suddenly caught. She didn't know what Qiao Wu did to her. She felt that she suddenly lost all strength, and all her skills seemed to have dispersed.

  Following, Qiao Wu grabbed her hand and suddenly started to fold her fingers with the ring.

   "Girl!" Nie Hao suddenly let out a low growl.

  He flew up suddenly, that small body suddenly seemed to be radiant, suddenly transformed into an adult man, with long black hair floating in the air, he struck Qiao Wu like lightning.

  At the same time, Fourth Master Mo seemed to have thought of something, his face was ugly, he almost instinctively rushed to Qiao Wu's side like Nie Sa.

  (End of this chapter)

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