Chapter 1353 Penniless

   "Nansi, fried!"

  Leng Rongrong worked hard and shouted loudly with the last strength.

  They can't escape, their only hope is to let Nan Si blow up here.

   blasted everyone out, maybe they have a chance to escape from here!

   Nan Si was stunned for a moment. After he realized what Leng Rongrong had said, he suddenly took out what he had asked for from Chen Lan and threw it out.

  Almost instantly, the thing exploded.

  Huge power, rushed to everyone.

  Everyone flew out, because Nan Si threw in the direction of Leng Rongrong, so Qiao Wu and Leng Rongrong were rushed out.

   "Damn it!"

  Nie Sha suddenly rushed towards Leng Rongrong, he blocked Leng Rongrong's front and protected her vitals.

  Behind, the prince and several people instinctively wanted to rush to protect Lord Rong.

  Mo Linyuan fiercely covered the direction of his heart. He looked at Leng Rongrong who had been rushed out, and he only felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

  It was too late when he wanted to pounce, he was blocked by a falling wall.


  Storm saw that his master was impacted. Although he was also injured, he rushed towards Leng Rongrong without saying a word.


   There was crying in his voice, and the storm rushed forward desperately.

  The heavy rain broke free of control and rushed to this side.

  The whole villa is crumbling, and the whole world seems to collapse.

  All the people can no longer care about the fight. Some people are directly stunned, and some people rush out.

When Leng Rongrong fell heavily to the ground, there was almost no sensation in her whole body. She didn't know what Qiao Wu did by herself, but at the moment she flew out, she clearly felt Qiao Wu stabbed. What acupuncture points for yourself.

   But it was too late to be sure what happened to him, Leng Rongrong fainted almost instantly...


  Leng Rongrong was no longer in Qiao Wu’s house when she woke up again.

  When she opened her eyes, she felt pain all over her body and couldn't use any strength.

  She was originally a woman with great strength, but it is very exaggerated to have great strength.

  But at this moment, she didn't even have the strength to raise her hand.

  When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the sky, a gloomy sky, and then she saw that she was covered with a lot of newspapers...

  Leng Rongrong: "???"

  She remembered in a trance that she seemed to be blown out.

  Where is she now, and what is the situation?

  It took a lot of energy before Leng Rongrong sat up. Although she felt that she had no strength on her body and was aching, she did not seem to suffer any injuries.

   "Poor Dao, really a serious person!"

   "Don't go, the poor fortune telling is really accurate! I just let you forget it, you can't help but pay!"

   "Looking for death!"

  With the sound of fighting, the Taoist priest suddenly rolled in front of Leng Rongrong.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

   "The master!"

  Taoist rushed over, hugged Leng Rongrong’s leg, and cried earth-shaking.

   "What are you doing?" Leng Rongrong frowned and looked at the kneeling Taoist priest. The Taoist priest was very embarrassed. There was not a trace of clothes on the whole body.

   "Woo, sect master, we are so miserable!" The Taoist started sobbing and sobbing.

  He told Leng Rongrong what was going to happen in a mess.

  Leng Rongrong only then learned that after they bombed Qiao Wu's house, everyone passed out.

   Then, almost everyone was separated.

  When the Taoist priest woke up with Leng Rongrong and the prince, the red clothes were gone.

  Storm, rainstorm even disappeared.

There are only three of them, and the Taoist priests don’t know where this is. The people here are talking about things he can’t understand. When they meet someone who can understand him, they say he’s a liar and beat him up. pause.

   "...We have been awake for three days." Taoist said, "Master, you finally woke up, you slept for three days and three nights, we are all worried about what is wrong with you. Fortunately, you are fine!"

   "Where is the prince?" Leng Rongrong frowned.

"Going out to make money... We don’t have any money or food. We have been trying to make money these days, but the people here don’t know what bird language they are talking about. It's harder."

  Speaking, the Taoist priest made a roaring sound.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

  Looking at the surrounding environment, Lord Rong was probably sure that they were in a park. As for which country they were from, she was not sure.

  She knows the characters of many countries, but the characters of this country do not seem to be in her scope.

  Leng Rongrong flipped through the newspaper covering her just now. After reading it for a long time, she suddenly saw the facade of the Beidi Clubhouse.

  This place has a branch of her Beidi Club!

   "The master, what should we do?" The Taoist priest touched his hungry belly, looking at Leng Rongrong with helpless expression.

  "Have you seen this shop?" Leng Rongrong pointed to a photo in the newspaper, "Find it. This is my shop. If we find it, we have food and we can go back."

  "Is this?" The Taoist priest seemed to see the dawn, his eyes lit up, "You take a rest here first, I'll call the prince, let's go find this shop!"

   "En." Leng Rongrong nodded.

  After the Taoist priest ran away, Leng Rongrong felt her strength.

  She found that her strength really disappeared, and her kungfu seemed to disappear suddenly.

  All of her skills were lost overnight.

  For a time, there was a panic in my heart.

How could this be?

Is it because of Qiao Wu?

  Qiao Wu, did all her skills go away for the last time?

  Although her heart was chaotic and panic, Leng Rongrong tried her best to maintain her composure.

  She sat on the bench, and after waiting for a while, the Taoist priest called the prince.

  Leng Rongrong raised her eyes and looked at the two of them, "I have one thing to tell you."

"whats the matter?"

The prince    was as ragged as a Taoist priest, and his whole body was dirty. He was originally very handsome, but at this moment, his face was covered by soot.

   "I have lost all my skills and strength." Leng Rongrong said.

  The prince and the Taoist were both startled, and then looked at each other.

   "How could this be?" Wang Ye asked.

   "It should be Qiao Wu's ghost." Leng Rongrong said, "You two are good at kung fu, are you still there?"

   "Yes." The prince and Taoist nodded one after another.

   "That's fine, I'm not afraid of danger." Leng Rongrong nodded, "Let's find the Beidi Club first."

  They are now penniless, and it is a problem that they can't even afford to eat. Here is another place where the language is not communicated, which is very difficult.

  (End of this chapter)

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