Chapter 1359

   "Master Rong...Should we make long-term discussions?" Aiman ​​asked cautiously.

   All in all, this black master is terrible. She knows that Rong Ye is also very powerful, but Rong Ye is penniless now... the two people next to him seem to be a little abnormal in spirit.

  Leng Rongrong and Heiye bid for a while.

  There have been voices of discussion around.

   "What is the origin of this woman? At this sky-high price, she dare to continue?"

   "It would be ridiculous if she can't pay for it."

   "What do you look at, do you think that woman is very good-looking, and his wife is not as good-looking as her?"

   "You dare to compete with Hei Ye, you don't want to die, who doesn't know what Hei Ye is. I think she is deliberately attracting Hei Ye's attention and making Hei Ye like her?"

  "This woman actually used this method to seduce Heiye!"

  Leng Rongrong:? ? ?

  Why did she seduce this black master?

   frowned, glanced at the black master, he was actually raising his eyebrows and looking at her, Leng Rongrong was a little annoyed.

   Thousands of calculations, I didn’t even think that such a moth would appear at the auction.

  Originally, I caught my hand, so I looked back and found an excuse to take a look at these two, and then think of a way to take it away.

  If this continues, I am afraid it will be endless.

  Hei Ye’s assistant asked in a low voice, “Master, I am afraid that I want to attract your attention, right?”

   "Interesting." Hei Ye raised his placard with interest.

   "It's pretty and interesting, but I don't see any good women!" The assistant said solemnly, "We can't be seduced by human appearance."

   "When did you seduce me by a woman's appearance?" Hei had a calm face, looked at Leng Rongrong, and waited for Leng Rongrong to raise his card, but Leng Rongrong did not raise it.

  Three hammers finalize the sound.

  Hei Ye owns the storm.

  Leng Rongrong sat with a calm complexion. She glanced at Hei Ye from time to time. This person didn't seem to be a completely unreasonable lord.

  Since it is not easy to offend a person, then it is not a crime.

  "What should I do? This torrential rain fell on the hands of Hei Ye, and it will be even more difficult for us to come back." Aiman ​​looked anxious, she hadn't even touched the storm or rain!

  The prince and Taoist also looked at Leng Rongrong, "Are you still grabbing? But it seems that you can't grab it!"

  The prince and Taoist priests had already keenly discovered something.

  The only person whispering to the black master seems to be the only assistant, but if you look closely, you will find that there are many people in the entire venue, and the sight of the black master is very vigilant from time to time.

  These people are all Black Lord's bodyguards at first sight. There are so many of them, they must not be able to grab them.

   "Ceremony first, then soldier." Leng Rongrong said.

  "Do you want to ask him?" Ayman shook his head, "The thing Hei fancy, just now so desperately competing with us, I am afraid it will not be so easy to let it out!"

  "My things are not so easy to give to others." Leng Rongrong's face was cold.

  Ayman nodded, inexplicably at ease, she knew that Rong Ye was great.

  She can definitely get back what belongs to her, whether it is the storm or the companies under her name.

  The auction is over.

  Ayman paid the money, took the red shirt out, and then a few people left the auction house and onto the road outside.

  In the early morning, the sky was still dark, and after everyone at the auction had left, the whole road was very quiet, without any sound.

  Leng Rongrong and several people were waiting on the side of the road.

  Heiye and Baofeng have not come out yet.

   "Hong Yi, what did you do, you were actually sold? I didn't expect you to be so valuable." The Taoist priest looked at Hong Yi in surprise, "I knew we should sell you when we had no food."

  Red: "...Is there any humanity, smelly Taoist priest! If I am not stunned, can I be sold? The effect of my medicine is only half gone now!"

   "So, what have you experienced?" The prince leaned on the street lamp, shook the fan in his hand, and looked suspiciously at the red shirt.

"I don't know. After I was stunned that day, I was picked up, and then I was always stunned. I was sold and sold for a long time before arriving at this auction. If it weren't for you, I guess. I don’t know what color embryo bought it!"

  The red dress stared at Leng Rongrong as she spoke.

   "The master, I know you are the best! I love you!"

When    was speaking, Hong Yi suddenly rushed towards Leng Rongrong and kissed Leng Rongrong’s face.

  Rong Ye was looking at the direction of the door. Because of the loss of her power, she didn't react for a while, and before she had time to resist, she was kissed so solidly.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

   "Red... Calm down, I am a woman. Also, I don’t love you, I have someone I love!"

   Speaking of this, the figure of Mo Linyuan flashed through Rong Ye's mind.

  The thought of Si Ye made her feel a little heavy.

  But she knew that Si Ye should have nothing to do, and the ring was still in her hand, so even if Qiao Wu didn't like her apprentice, she would definitely not do anything to him.

   Looking down, Leng Rongrong's fingers pinched her little black dragon ring.

  She rubbed this ring lightly. She didn't expect that the antique ring, which she had never cared very much about, had so many secrets hidden, and so many people wanted it.

  "Hey, here comes Heiye!"

   Ayman stabbed Leng Rongrong in the shoulder.

  Everyone looked at the Hei Ye who came out of the underground auction site. He was walking in front, followed by a large group of people.

  Behind, someone came out pushing two huge cages. The sound of the cages pushing away was huge, and it was like a train passing by.

  Leng Rongrong raised her head, she put down the hands that held her arms, and walked directly towards Heiye.

  Ayman followed closely behind.

   "Hei Ye?"

  Leng Rongrong stood in front of the black master, and then she stretched out a slender white arm that looked as beautiful as white jade, "Hello, my name is Leng Rongrong."

  He wiped his hands in his trouser pockets, and did not stretch out. With a continuous smile on his face, he looked at Leng Rongrong, "The rumored Lord Rong, I know you."

   "Do you know? That would be better." Leng Rongrong narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Hei Ye, I have something to talk to you."

   "Is it because of these two pets? I bought them. No matter what they were, I bought them and they are mine." Heiye smiled, with a little black belly.

Leng Rongrong's eyes narrowed, "Since Hei knows me, he should know that these two were mine? If they were sold by me, then I won't say anything, but they were robbed. Go."

  (End of this chapter)

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