The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1360: I look short of money?

   Chapter 1360 I look short of money?

   "So what, what does it have to do with me?" Heiye shrugged, "Then you are going to find the person who robbed you instead of me, right?"

   "It's not unreasonable for Hei Ye to say that." Leng Rongrong smiled.


   "So, I will pay you to buy my storm, what do you think?" Leng Rongrong said, "I will pay double the price."

   "Do I seem to be short of money? Do I seem to buy them to make money?" Hei Ye looked at Leng Rongrong interestingly, "It doesn't look like it, right?"

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

  The black master really looks like he doesn’t get in.

Although Ayman was a little nervous, she still tried her best to speak for Leng Rongrong, "Hei Ye, these two pets belonged to Lord Rong, and she didn’t mean anything else. She knew that if she was snatched back by the pet, she would come to you. That’s not appropriate. That’s why I wanted to buy them back with you. These two pets are very spiritual, and they also want to return to their side. They won’t be happy if you keep them..."

  "It has nothing to do with me whether they are happy or not. I just keep them and I am happy. Why do you want me to be responsible for your lost pets?"

  Leng Rongrong was a little speechless.

What    said is quite reasonable.

  However, it is impossible for her to give up the storm and rain. No matter who is in the hands, she will get it back if she doesn't come back.

  "Hei Lord, I know how it feels to fly the duck with its mouth, but I must take it back with the storm and rain. If I can't take it back, I can only grab it. They are my pets and will listen to me."

  A pair of clear eyes looked straight at Hei Ye, his eyes were neither humble nor overbearing, just staring at Hei Ye.

  Heiye still looked at Leng Rongrong with interest, "In that case, you will all die miserably together."

   "That's not necessarily." Leng Rongrong was awe-inspiring.

   "Miss Leng, I heard that you have had a lot of things recently, and your husband Mo Siye has also had problems. Do you think you have any ability to compete with me?"

  Hei Ye laughed.

   "It's like I've always relied on my husband." Leng Rongrong pouted, "Do I look so useless?"

  Black Lord, but he was silent.

   "Hei Ye, really refuse to return the storm and rain to me?" Leng Rongrong raised her eyebrows and looked at Hei Ye.

   "If you have the ability, you can grab it. Let's make a bet. If you can grab these two from me and take them home safely, I can promise you one thing unconditionally!" Hei Ye said.


   "On the contrary, you promise me one thing unconditionally!" Hei Ye said in a negotiable tone.

   "Okay." Leng Rongrong nodded, smiled suddenly, and then shouted, "Storm, rain, out of the cage!"



   There was a violent impact sound, and the person who was still pushing the big cage was instantly knocked to the ground.


   Just when the black master was about to take action on Leng Rongrong, Leng Rongrong suddenly dodged back, and a whip in the hand of the red shirt suddenly drew towards the black master.

  The two fought instantly.

  The bodyguards around Heiye all took out their guns, and the black hole pointed their guns at Leng Rongrong who was about to open the cage.

  Master Rong smiled at the bodyguard, "Try it, can you kill me!"

  The bodyguard was going to shoot at Leng Rongrong’s forehead, but when Leng Rongrong said so, he was persuaded instead, shuddering, he didn't dare to stop.


   "Hei Lord, your bodyguard is not good enough. You are so courageous, you can't fire a gun!"

  Leng Rongrong smiled and looked at the bodyguard.

  The bodyguard suddenly pulled the trigger, but the bullet did not fly out, and Leng Rongrong did nothing.

  At the same time, the rest of the bodyguards pulled the trigger more or less, and then everyone was stunned. There was no bullet in their weapon.

what happened!

  They can’t be so confused that they don’t even release the bullets.

   "Hei Ye..."

   "This woman has magic tricks!"

   "She changed our bullets away!"

  Leng Rongrong:? ? ? ?


  She couldn't help but smile.

   "Demon trick?"

   "Yes, I have a demon method, and I can turn you into stones! Are you afraid!"

  Master Rong raised his eyebrows and looked at the people. These people were taken aback for a moment, and they were all a little frightened.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

  It's so funny, why are these people so timid.

   "Ha!" Leng Rongrong made a casual gesture and snorted. As a result, a group of bodyguards were all scared and hugged her head.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

  She rushed to the cage in a funny and speechless manner. While Ayman stopped the bodyguards, she pulled out a hairpin from her head and began to unlock it.

  While unlocking, Leng Rongrong blew a whistle.

  When Ayman was about to beat the bodyguards, countless rats, snakes, cats, stray dogs and the like suddenly appeared around them.

  These animals joined the battle at once.

  But for a moment, Heiye and the others were all caught and ran away holding their heads.

   "Master, you get in the car first!" The assistant opened the door of the car and stuffed the black master, who was covered with small milk cats, into the car.

  Hei Ye's entire face was green, the car drove away suddenly, and his body was covered with meowing kittens.

   Looking back, she saw Leng Rongrong standing in the middle of the road, waving at him.

  Hei Ye brought up a little milk cat and put it aside, and then took out his cell phone and made a call.

  "Try to find a way to stop Leng Rongrong so that she can't leave the country. And get the wolf and horse back!" Heiye finished speaking and hung up the phone.

"Meow meow!"

  Several little milk cats climbed onto Heiye's lap, and kept shouting at Heiye.

  Hei Ye: "..."

  At the same time, Leng Rongrong has released both the storm and the rain.

  And those bodyguards are surrounded by animals.

  Leng Rongrong left calmly, nothing happened.

   "Master Rong, how did you do it, why did they have no bullets?" Ayman asked curiously, "I thought we would die miserably!"

   "Mouse, when I was at the venue, I asked them to help destroy their guns. How else would we get back the storm and rain? However, sending it back now is a problem. He will definitely block our way back to China."

  Leng Rongrong frowned.

  Although this black master is interesting, he is also a dangerous person, and naturally it is impossible to let himself go easily.

  Today is also considered lucky, the auction venue restricts too many people to enter, so he does not endure much.

at the same time.

  On a private jet.

   Tang Ziyi asked cautiously, “Xiao Rongrong said we don’t need to come over, so we rushed over to find her, will she be angry?”

   "Grandpa San, why are you so persuaded!" Xiao Nanyu rolled his eyes at Tang Ziyi.

    It’s a bit busy these few days, it will be more explosive at the beginning of the month, try to be more popped!



  (End of this chapter)

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