The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1368: Fans of reality

   Chapter 1368 Fans of reality

  The next day, Ye Rong directly left Jiang Fu, Chen Lan, Tang Luo, Quan Guanjia and others at Yunfu Mountain. She went to several hills nearby.

The live broadcast of    is still going on, because she has been missing for a few days, various rumors have appeared on the Internet.

  I don’t know who it came from. Some people actually said that she was dead and killed.

  Receiving a call from the director, Leng Rongrong decided to show her face first and let the netizens and fans know that she is still alive and not dead.

  As for Yunfu Mountain...

   will definitely fight, although she said that we will investigate Qiao Wu together, but she thinks they will definitely fight.

  Although both sides are fighting because of her, she feels that she can’t help her godfathers. What's more, now not only the godfathers, but also the relatives and 19 uncles and uncles...

too frightening!

  Leng Rongrong didn't even dare to tell the godfathers about what she had lost.

  She intends to look back and secretly find Master Su Wei to find out what is going on with her.

  If the daddies know that their efforts have been lost, they will probably be even more irritable. At that time, let alone explode Yunfu Mountain, they can blow up the entire galaxy.

  Leng Rongrong appeared in the live camera while riding a storm.

  As soon as she appeared in the whole live broadcast room, it was boiling.

  She has just washed her long hair, she hasn’t blown it too dry, she has a clean face and no makeup, but she has more aura and looks better than makeup.

  She rode a snow-white storm, and the huge storm seemed to be a mythical beast only found in a fantasy world.

  It's like a goddess descending from the sky on a **** beast, as if she could fly at any time.

  Especially when the storm is running, so cool.

  【Rong Ye finally appeared again! 】

  【Rong Ye is so beautiful and greasy! 】

  【My Lord Rong is a real goddess, no one can be more goddess than her, she is afraid that she is not a goddess! 】

  【Storm is also so handsome, oh, oh, I envy Logo, Logo actually got a small storm! 】

  【Rong Ye also has three little milk dogs, I don’t know if she will give it to others! 】

  [I heard that there are many artists who want to participate in this live show recently. Everyone is competing crazy. Even if they come to work, everyone is doing it. Everyone's goal is Mini Storm. 】

  [Yes, I heard that a lot of artists are fighting for the show. 】

  【Speaking of speaking, Lord Rong should choose people who are good to them. Logo obviously has a good relationship with Storm and them, so Lord Rong gave him the little one. 】

  【Logo is really a very gentle person. I heard that he takes that little one wherever he goes, and has done a lot of work to take care of that little milk dog. He deserves to be the piano prince! 】

  [No one wonders where Lord Rong has been during this time? 】

  【I heard that something happened to her, she was badly injured and lost all her effort, is this true? 】

  【No way, Master Rong is so powerful, how could he lose all his kung fu! 】

  【If Rong Ye lost all his kung fu, would anyone like her? 】

   [I heard that she has indeed lost all her kung fu. She used to be able to push large trucks with her bare hands, but now, I guess she can’t pull anything! Lord Rong is no longer the old Lord Rong, I don't like Lord Rong who is so powerless! 】

  【No matter what Rongye is, I like it! 】

  【Don't you like Rong Ye because she has a lot of strength, she is special, she is rich? But I heard that all of her properties have fallen into the hands of others, and she has no kung fu now. She is useless like this! 】

  In the live broadcast room, suddenly began to discuss what happened after Rong Ye lost his kung fu.

  And Leng Rongrong didn't notice this at all, she rode the storm up the mountain in a short while.

  Hei Ye came up on the torrential rain after a while. He was supposed to be with Ye Rong, but the torrential rain prevented him from riding, so he tossed for a long time.

  Hei is dressed in black, with a black ribbon on his wrist, which makes him look special.

  He is handsome, so when he appeared, he attracted the attention of all the audience.

  The person who was arguing about whether Lord Rong lost his skills, did not continue to argue about this matter in an instant, but began to pay attention to Hei Ye.

  Everyone is curious about who Hei Ye is.

  Rong Ye always seemed to have some strange people around him.

   Such a cool and handsome man, everyone loves it.

   "Master Rong!" As soon as Li Ruhua saw Master Rong, she was so excited that she almost cried. He rushed forward and howled, "Master Rong, you are finally back. I am so worried about you!"

  Li Ruhua, who originally wanted to hug Lord Rong, seemed to have noticed something, and his stretched out hand stopped the movement.

   "Master Rong, you, you, you-isn't it true?"

   "What?" Rong Ye frowned and asked.

  Li Ruhua grabbed Leng Rongrong, leaned to her ear and turned off Mai and asked very quietly, “Is your kung fu and your strength really gone?”

   "How do you know?" Leng Rongrong was taken aback, she didn't dare to tell her godfather.

  How did Li Ruhua know about this?

  No one knows about this matter except the Taoist priests, but she has warned them about this matter, and she can never tell them.

   "Online, I'm talking on the Internet." Li Ruhua looked at Leng Rongrong in a daze, he covered his mouth, and then started crying sadly, "Really, you are really gone?"

"How to do?"

  "What should I do?"

   "Master Rong, what do you do? It's fine if the fourth master is gone. If you have lost all your skills, what will you do in the future?"

   "Many people on the Internet are watching your jokes... As a result, do you really have nothing?"

   "Woo, woo, blame me for being so useless, if I was a little useful, even if you don’t have any effort, I can protect you!"

  Huahua was heartbroken as she talked, and he began to cry with blame.

  A two-meter big man was crying, and he shocked everyone in the live broadcast room. The scene was really shocking.

  【Hua Hua is not a mother, but Hua Hua is emotional! 】

  [This is not a mother, who else is more mother than him, he still wears a skirt! 】

  【Huahua, if you need, I can introduce you to change your personality! 】

  【So what did they talk about, why did Huahua cry like this? 】

  Leng Rongrong was also frightened by Huahua’s crying. It was obvious that she had lost all of her effort. As a result, she had to comfort Huahua.

  "Huahua, don't cry, I'm fine. Although you can't protect me, there is a black master to protect me. Don't worry, I have a very good bodyguard." Leng Rongrong patted Li Ruhua's thick shoulder and said with relief.

  "You don’t have to comfort me anymore. I know that you have lost your time and fans will not follow you anymore. You must be sad. You are just pretending to be strong."

   "Master Rong, it's okay, you can cry, it's okay to cry out!"

   "I'm really nothing." Rong Ye's mouth twitched.

   "I know, you are still sad, and you will feel better when you cry!"

   "I am not uncomfortable..."

  If you don’t have any kungfu, you can learn it again, and you can save it if you don’t have any kungfu. She doesn't lack people to like, and there is no lack of protection. What's so uncomfortable...

  Li Ruhua didn't think so, he firmly believed that Rong Ye must be sad inside.

  Huahua comforted him, and finally, he became impatient with Rong Ye comfort.

  (End of this chapter)

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