The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1369: Men can't say no!

   Chapter 1369 Men can’t say no!

   "Li Ruhua, please be quiet, do I look like the kind of person who is going to die after losing my effort?" Rong Ye irritably looked at Huahua who had been comforting her.

   Huahua nodded desperately, "Like!"

  Leng Rongrong: "???"

  Where did she look like? How could she not know that she was like the kind of person who would die if she lost her effort.

  Kungfu is gone, learn again if the big deal is a big deal, find it back after a big deal, and it’s not a dead person.

  People can't come back from the dead, it's just a kung fu, not to mention that even if she doesn't have kung fu, she has very powerful weapons, and there is a black master by her side, so protecting herself is not a big problem.

  She doesn’t live to this day by her own strength, has she?

  Rong Ye rolled her eyes at Huahua. After a long time, she asked sincerely, “You are so worried about me, so how can you live to this day with that three-legged cat skill?”

  Huahua: "..."


  Huahua, who originally wanted to comfort Lord Rong, became petrified in an instant, and then turned away silently.

  Leng Rongrong shrugged, her ears were finally clear.

Ye Rong played with a few little milk dogs, and took Hei Ye to tour his territory. By the way, he watched the work of the new guests. After watching for a while, Ye Rong returned to the cabin. side.

  As a result, as soon as she entered the yard, she felt an unusual smell.

  When he reached the door, Ye Rong glanced inside and saw that the godfathers seemed to be in the hut.

what's the situation?

  Could it be that she knew about her loss of kung fu?

  Huahua can know, the godfathers may not know it, if the godfathers know...

  Damn, it will explode!

  She is a kung fu, from a very young age, godfathers began to train them, in order to let her have enough self-protection ability, the godfathers can be regarded as hard work.

  As a result, she suddenly disappeared when she said that she hadn’t done anything. Can **** fathers be annoyed?


   "Have you beaten my godfathers?" Ye Rong turned to look at the black master beside him.

  Hei Ye: "???"

After taking a close look, Master Rong said seriously, "I don't think you can do it, or let's run away! I have already understood the situation with the International Prison, and I have to go to Gern to get more information. ."

   "You mean I don't look good?" Hei frowned and his face was unhappy. "Do you know what a man hates to hear? It's a woman who says he can't!"

   "I tell you, I'm good at it!"

  Hei Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Just your godfathers, I will deal with them casually!"

   "Really?" Rong Ye looked suspicious, "I know you are great, but my godfathers are even better!"

   "No matter how powerful I am, I will not be afraid." Hei Ye said, "You can go in, if you fight, I will protect you! Since I am your bodyguard, I will do my duty faithfully."

   "Okay." When Leng Rongrong heard this, she nodded very satisfied, and then walked into the small courtyard.

  As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Fu and the others suddenly looked back at her, all with a little irritation on their faces.

   "Dad, big daddy, second daddy, third daddy, master..." Leng Rongrong raised her hand and greeted cutely, "Why did you come here to find me?"

   "Leng Rongrong!" A group of people shouted at Master Rong.

  The sound was loud, and Rong Ye, who was always so courageous, jumped.

   "What's wrong?" Rong Ye pretended to be very innocent, "Why are you all so angry? Did I do anything wrong?"

   "Su Wei, look at her, what is going on!" Jiang Fu looked at Su Wei.

  "Let Dr. Qin also take a look, Dr. Qin is also very good." Steward Quan said on the other side.

  Although the two sides still had some contradictions, at this moment, the focus was on Master Rong, so they did not tear them up.

   "What's the matter, I'm fine, I don't have any problems!" Leng Rongrong worked hard and showed a smile.

"The whole world knows that your kung fu is gone, do you still want to conceal us?" Tang Ziyi said with a grumpy face, "Xiao Rongrong, are you trying to anxiously kill us? You are all like this, that **** Mo Linyuan runs away Where did it go! I am so angry!"

   "Men don't have a good thing!" Chen Lan was also very angry.

  "Friendly reminder, Mr. Chen Lan, it doesn't matter if you scold the scumbag, but don't scold us all!" said the seventeen on one side.

"Don't talk about our Fourth Master, our Fourth Master doesn't know this situation. If he knew that Rong Ye was like this, he would definitely be very worried." Tang Luo tried hard to speak for Mo Linyuan, "Four Master is just a special situation now. If he hadn't lost his memory, he would definitely not let Rongye be like this!"

  "Yes, yes, we have to aim at Qiao Wu together, not at Si Ye, Si Ye loves Rong Ye very much!"

   "Master Rong, don't worry, although the Fourth Master is not there, our Mingyuan Empire is your eternal backing, and we will always protect you!" Tang Luo shouted loudly.

   "Get out of the way, who wants you trash to protect, we will protect Xiao Rongrong ourselves!" Tang Zi screamed irritably.

   "We just want to protect Lord Rong!" Tang Luo hands on hips.

   "We will protect ourselves!" Tang Ziyi raised his eyebrows!

   Both sides glared.

   Then Qin Ruchen and Su Wei were excluded to see what happened to Leng Rongrong.

  The scene is a bit chaotic, and the two sides are still in terrible confrontation.

  Critical strikes, rainstorms, and storms were all a little dazed for a while, and I don’t know whose team should stand.

  Several Taoist priests are discussing seriously. Taoist priest: "Where is it better for us to stand?"

  Prince: "No matter where we are, we will offend the other party, so we don’t stand anywhere and become a third party!"

  Red: "Smart! We also protect the master!"

  Hei Ye: "..."

  Isn't it the task of his bodyguard to protect this woman?

  Su Wei and Qin Ruchen both checked Lord Rong.

  The results of the inspection were almost the same, and there was no reason for it. It was impossible to find out why Lord Rong suddenly lost her effort, and why she lost her original strength.

  This irritated the godfathers and relatives even more.

   "I'm so angry, all men are unreliable, Xiao Rongrong should still be protected by us!" Jiang Fu said angrily.

   "Actually, I'm still reliable. I will try to protect Mommy." Xiao Nanyu raised his hand and said cautiously. He has been struggling to remain neutral.

  Xuanyuan Nantian, Jiang Fu, Tang Ziyi, Chen Lan collectively turned to look at Xiao Nanyu.

   Then, several people said indifferently: "Huh, Mo Linyuan's son, I hate it too!"

  Xiao Nanyu: "???"

  I am not only Daddy’s son, but also Mommy’s son. I have always stood firmly beside Mommy!

  (End of this chapter)

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