The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1388: Godfathers will cry, make trouble, and hang themselves

   Chapter 1388 God fathers will also cry, make trouble and hang themselves

   "Oh, I'm so mad! What you call us godfathers are fake, they are all hired for the purpose of firing people!"

   Tang Zi easily crushed the cup in his hand.

   "What's the matter with the comments on the Internet?" Jiang Fu frowned, "Where do we look fake?"

  "Otherwise, I will disconnect them? Or make some viruses to give them?" Chen Lan thoughtfully.

  It’s just that although he has caused a lot of fans to disconnect from the world before, but recently, fans seem to be misled.

  The things he did before have also been revealed. Because of these things, these fans on the Internet not only scolded him, but also scolded Xiao Rongrong.

   Thinking of these things, everyone was a little irritable.

"What kind of shit? It's not okay for our Xiao Rongrong to quit the entertainment industry!" Xuanyuannan said in an anxious manner, "We Rongrong is so good, why do they say that to her! She just lost her kung fu, so why should she say her? It's a liar, and plastic surgery. Does Rongrong and I need plastic surgery? Both my mother and I have such good looks and good genes. Can you give birth to an ugly one?"

   "The photo on the Internet shows that it is fake, but many fans believe the sunspots without thinking."

   "What to do, we can't let Xiao Rongrong do this, don't scold me!"

  Daddy and godfather are almost mad.

  But at this time, no matter what they say is useless, because fans have completely believed that Rong Ye has been speculating on people's design, believe that the godfathers are fake, and everything has a script.

  At this time, no matter what they say, no one will believe it. What they say is wrong.

  Jiangfu several people actually tried to say something, but even their own fans began to show off their fans and scold them.

   Said that Leng Rongrong really started to wash white. Sure enough, the previous things must be true. Otherwise, she would not be in a hurry to wash white.

  This time, the godfathers and relatives are worried.

  After all, everyone doesn’t mix the Internet very much. Although they are all super gods in reality, they have no way to block these leisurely voices on the Internet.

  Even if Chen Lan used his method to make everyone unable to speak, it was of no avail. Xiao Rongrong would become even worse in everyone's heart.

  As for the person involved, Lord Rong doesn’t care much about what he says on the Internet.

   Even when everyone liked her the most, there were still people hacking her. If she wanted everyone to care about what she said, she wouldn’t be mad at her.

  There are so many people cursing now, everyone almost forgot about it.

  She has achieved her goal anyway, and the entertainment industry may not continue to mess around. Now she just wants to find her husband.

  It’s just that she didn’t expect that her dad would care so much, and each of them seemed to be bleeding into the brain with anger.

"Don't be angry, I don't care." After Leng Rongrong came in from the outside, she smiled at several dads, "This kind of thing is normal, even if the artist has a good reputation, he will be caught. black."

   "Then how can I not care, I will get angry when I see it!" Tang Ziyi jumped up, "How can I wrong you like this!"

   "The anger is the most irritating, we explain that they still don't listen, all pretending to be deaf and dumb, only believing those sunspots!" Seventeen patted his thigh and said.

   "What should we do, how should we explain it?" Eleven said with a sad face, "The more we talk about them, the more they say we are a group performer. Do we look so cheap?"

   "Little Rongrong, we know that you are laughing and laughing. This is a big blow to you, don't you worry, dads and uncles will definitely give you a solution!"

  Daddys are more angry than one, and one more than one wants to clarify all this.

  Leng Rongrong actually felt very warm in her heart when she saw daddy like this.

  Although dads do things sometimes impulsively, especially after encountering their own things, they always protect themselves and are slightly impulsive, but they actually love her very much and they do it for her good.

   "Don't be angry, it's not worth irritating yourself for these unnecessary remarks!"

   "Someone should be deliberately spreading rumors!"

  Leng Rongrong said thoughtfully, "In fact, it will be better after a while. With other big news, this matter will be overshadowed!"

   "Also, I plan to quit the entertainment industry, so the reputation is not important to me anymore, I always want to fade out of everyone's sight!"

   "No, this matter can't be forgotten, if you really quit, they really think you are such a person!" Xuanyuan Nantian suddenly shook his head in anger.

   "I just chatted with them in the support club, everyone is thinking of a way!"

  Xuanyuan Nantian has been familiar with the people in the club since he joined Rongye's club.

Everyone in   Rong Ye’s support club is a great figure, and one is richer than one.

  So after the incident, Xuanyuan Nantian's first thought was to find a support club.

  Although many fans withdrew from the support club, the veteran-level players in Rongye's support club are still there.

   "Dad, it really doesn't matter." Rong Ye said, "I just want to find A Yuan quickly."

  Speaking of Mo Linyuan, the daddy uncles in a room turned black.

   "What are you doing with him? You have been hacked like this. He hasn't come back yet!"

   "Huh, he is not qualified to appear!"

   "A man who can't even protect his own woman is not qualified to be a man!"

   "Little Rongrong, give him up!"

"By the way, Rongrong, we have found a lot of good men for you. Would you like to see those men first? Didn't you say that you like Mo Linyuan? We have found you like him, better than him It's perfect!"

  Rong's mouth twitched and looked at the godfathers, "Can I refuse?"

  Jiangfu: "You can refuse."

  Rong Ye: "Really?"

  Chen Lan: "If you refuse, we will cry for you!"

  Tang Ziyi: "We can still show you something!"

  Xuanyuan Nantian: "We have made an appointment. If you disagree, we will hang ourselves!"

  Su Wei blew on the nails he had just painted, shrugged and said, "They have decided to deal with you with one cry, two troubles and three hangings, so I don’t think you can refuse!"

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

  Daddys are ruthless!

  Knowing that he is not good enough for dads, Lord Rong said after thinking about it, "Then, what if I don’t like it?"

   "It doesn't matter if you don't see it, you can read it first!" Jiang Fu said, "If you see it! If he can forget you, can't you go looking for a new love?"

  Leng Rongrong rubbed her temples, "Look at it, but you can't force me!"

   "Madam!" Tang Luo just came in from the door, just hearing all the words, looked at Leng Rongrong in disbelief, "Master Rong, this is not appropriate!"

  (End of this chapter)

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