The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1389: Fourth Master is coming back!

   Chapter 1389 The Fourth Master is coming back!

   "Fuck, Madam, I have rewritten and reformed, you are not so good!" Nan Si followed Tang Luo, and a 趔趄 almost fell, "Isn't it right for you to find a mistress at this time?"

  Nan Si hadn’t spoken yet, a crit flew out of the house, chasing Nan Si and pecked.

   "Fuck, crit, what are you doing! If you bully me, I will sue Yinger!"

  Nan Si flew in fright and ran around while clutching his ass.

   "Chuck chuck chuck chuck!" The crit screamed frantically. As soon as I heard the voice, I knew that this guy should be cursing people. If it weren't for it, he might be able to curse Nan Si to death.

   "It hurts, my ass, help! Crit, calm down!"

  Nan Si was scared and passed out.

   "I, although I used to be a bit spendthrift, but now I have changed the evil and returned to righteousness, I have not spent much time and drink like this, you can not bully me like this!"

   "Dead chicken, if you do this again, I will find Yinger to give a small report!"


  Leng Rongrong twitched the corner of his mouth. The crit was obviously dissatisfied with Nan Si's frequent spending time. He felt that Nan Si was not worthy of Xu Ying'er. This guy attacked as soon as he saw Nan Si.

  Tang Luo looked at Leng Rongrong deeply, he took a deep breath and said, "Madam, you give Siye another chance! Siye really loves you!"

  Jiang Fu stood up and walked in front of Tang Luo. He looked at Tang Luo condescendingly, "We didn’t give him a chance. Why, you want to bully us Rongrong?"

   Tang Luo choked, and said in a panic, "No, no, I didn’t mean that!"

  Jiang Floating Head, "It’s best if it doesn’t mean that. If you dare to bully our Xiao Rongrong, you won’t be able to eat it!"

  Tang Luo: "..."

  Behind Tang Luo, the steward Quan and the rest of the Mingyuan Empire all just arrived.

   Quan Yu was the first to shout: "The young lady is the young lady of our Mingyuan Empire. The young lady must never be snatched away by anyone else!"

   "Brothers protect our young wife!"

   "If the young lady is not protected, the vinegar jar is back, we can't explain it!"


  Leng Rongrong looked at a group of housekeepers: "...Vinegar jar?"

  So everyone calls Mo Linyuan that way in private?

  If this is to let Si Ye know this name, not all have to be skinned.

   "Bah, baah, I made a mistake, it's not a vinegar jar, it's our fourth master!" The housekeeper hurriedly changed his words, "Brothers, hurry up and grab the wife!"

  A group of housekeepers rushed over to grab Lord Rong.

  Rong Ye looked bewildered, Tang Ziyi and several others immediately protected Rong Ye and stood in front.

  In terms of the number of people, there are still more maidens, so the husband’s side seems to be a little confused.

  At this moment, the sound of a car suddenly came from the yard, and one black car rushed in.

   Then, the old man of the Mo family walked in with the help of a group of people.

  Then another motorcade also came, Mo Linyuan’s brother Shen Ye brought Xiao Yan, Xu Shiting and others together.

  The momentum of the Mingyuan Empire instantly became a lot stronger.

  The atmosphere on both sides became violent.

  Leng Rongrong was caught in the middle, with a strange expression.

  "Rong Ye cannot be on a blind date. Although the fourth master has lost his memory, he still loves Rong Ye!"

   "Why can't we go on a blind date? We are looking for someone better than Mo Linyuan! We are in charge of Xiao Rongrong's marriage!"

"Ah, can some of you listen to my old man say a few words?" Old man Mo took a step forward, and then said earnestly, "My old man did a bad job about the wedding last time. Waiting for the little four. Let's have a grander wedding again! Rong Rong must marry decently, and girl Rong and our fourth child are actually very good. I think their young couple are very happy together! This life is alive, It’s not easy to find a suitable partner. For children, let the children consider for themselves..."

   "Yes, you are wrong with this old man! Isn't the one you Mo Linyuan wanting to marry deserted! You married the wrong person!" Tang Ziyi stared at Old Man Mo with wide eyes.

  The old man's eyes twitched, considering whether to pretend to touch a porcelain, and he fainted before talking.

  As a result, Tang Ziyi fell to the ground before he could respond.

  Old man:? ? ?

   "Oh, I'm so stunned!" Tang Ziyi raised his head and said with a weak face, "Old man, you use a trick!"

  Old man:! ! ! !

   "Woo, Xiao Rongrong, they bullied us!" Tang Ziyi screamed.

  Old man Mo was choking and couldn't say anything. He didn't expect his old man to want to touch porcelain, but Tang Ziyi gave him this opportunity.

  Leng Rongrong's mouth twitched.

  She decided to ignore the people on both sides, let them fight!

  Leng Rongrong turned around and went to the study, where she was busy contacting some people she knew, searching for news about Mo Linyuan.

When    was searching for a message, the phone rang suddenly.

  After that, she saw that it was Xiao Nanyu's call.

  Leng Rongrong answered immediately.

   "Mommy, let me tell you, I found Daddy!"

  "Have you found your daddy?" Leng Rongrong's eyes lit up suddenly, "Where is he and how is he?"

"He is with me. Although he has a stinky face and has not recovered his memory, he has been persuaded and pulled by me. I am going to bring him back!" Xiao Nanyu said gruffly, "Mummy, you Don't worry, we will be on the plane soon, and we will be able to meet soon!"

  Because Xiao Nanyu and Mo Linyuan were about to board the plane, the little guy didn't say much, and hung up the phone.

  A few minutes later, Leng Rongrong received a photo from Xiao Yuer.

   is Mo Linyuan photographed by the little guy.

  The little guy is really with Mo Linyuan, and at the airport, he will be back soon.

  Great, he has nothing to do.

  Being happy, Ye Rong couldn’t help worrying about the godfathers again. They obviously still couldn’t accept that Mo Linyuan was their godfather, and their opinions about him were getting bigger and bigger.

  At this time, he is in a state of amnesia again. If we meet again, the scene may be terrible...

  Four masters, will they be bullied by godfathers?

  She should have told Xiao Nanyu that she would be back later!

  At the same time, on the plane, Xiao Nanyu and Fourth Master Mo were sitting together. As soon as they sat down, many people around were staring at them.

   "Isn't that Mo Nanyu?"

   "Isn't that Mo Linyuan!"

   "Leng Rongrong has had such a big incident recently, and they seem to be in a very good state. They seem to have no problems!"

   "So what is the relationship between them and Leng Rongrong? Are they also fake?"

   "I can't tell you!"

  It happened that a reporter was on the same plane. When he saw Mo Siye and Xiao Nanyu, he immediately became energetic.

  After all, they had participated in the live broadcast with Ye Rong, so everyone knew Si Ye Mo and Xiao Nanyu.

  (End of this chapter)

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