The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1394: The storm in a little pink dress!

  Chapter 1394 The storm of putting on a little pink skirt!

  Chen Lan, Jiang Fu and Xuanyuan Nantian walked directly to Fourth Master Mo, and several middle-aged men looked at Mo Linyuan coldly.

   "We want to beat you more!"

   "If we hadn't promised Xiao Rongrong, we would be able to beat you today to remember the memories of your previous life!"

  The godfathers looked at Fourth Master Mo condescendingly.

   Fourth Master Mo's eyes were a little confused.

  Xiao Nanyu supported her forehead with a small hand, and leaned into Si Ye’s ear and whispered, “Daddy, they are your father-in-law... you will have a hard time offending them!”

   Fourth Master Mo glanced at Jiang Fu and several people, frowning.


  So many father-in-laws?

  He has so many father-in-laws?

  No way, a father-in-law is terrible enough, how does a group of father-in-laws feel?

   Fourth Master Mo did not speak, he did not recognize these father-in-laws, he continued to calmly bask in his own sun, trying to remember some things, of course, he still didn't remember anything.

  Jiangfu and several people wanted to punch someone, but because Lord Rong stood behind and gave a warning look, the godfathers were all settled.

  Luggage and everything are handed over to Huahua for handling.

  Then, several godfathers went to move out a pony and sat next to the Fourth Master neatly.

   Fourth Master Mo glanced sideways at several people, and then thoughtfully.

  So many father-in-laws, can't it be his?

  He is not so irrational, he will find a woman with so many fathers.

  Who dares to find so many women with fathers, no man dares.

  Xiao Nanyu observed his father's expression, the corners of his mouth twitched, daddy, what is your expression, how is it Chi Guoguo's disgusting expression.

  How dare you dislike your father-in-laws!

  Fuck grandpas are terrible, and my grandpa is terrible too!

  Xiao Nanyu supported her forehead with a small hand, headache, terrible headache, dad who lost his memory is really not afraid of it, even the father-in-laws are not afraid!

  One hour later, Tang Ziyi received a call.

  "Here is coming!" Tang Ziyi stood up suddenly from the pony and said excitedly, "The first blind date is here!"

   confronted Fourth Master Mo for an hour. Fourth Master Mo completely ignored their godfathers, and almost didn't blow them up directly.

  However, the godfathers are happy now, this son-in-law can't do it, right? The new son-in-law is here!

  They asked Song Junlin to arrange it specially, and they were looking for someone who wanted to surpass Fourth Master Mo, and it would work with Xiao Rongrong.

   "Huahua, get ready!" Chen Lan shouted at Li Ruhua.

   "Storm, heavy rain, crit, big white, you all pay attention, don't scare our future son-in-law!" Jiang Fu looked at the big animals rolling in the yard.

  So, the storms all squatted aside obediently.

  After taking a few glances, Su Wei said seriously, “I think we need to decorate a little bit here, and we need to decorate these few too, and Xiao Rongrong should also dress up a little.”

   "Yes, yes, you have to put the fans here!" Chen Lan's eyes lit up.

  Leng Rongrong:? ? ?


Are you serious?

  Godfathers do what they say, and then act quickly.

  A few minutes later, Lord Rong witnessed the storm, rainstorm, and crit with his own eyes. These serious male pets, Dabai, wore a pink veil and a big pink bow...

  The storm grievedly looked at the huge and incomparable big bow on his body, and whimpered with the pink veil.

  Is it bad to be an individual?

  Why do you wear such a strange thing? It is a male wolf, it is not a female!

  And, that wolf can wear clothes?

  What the **** is this big bow?

Storm wanted to remove the bow, but when he moved his head, Tang Ziyi's laser eyes swept over, "Storm, don't let it go! If you do it, we will beat you together! There is also heavy rain, don't shake your hoof. Don't you think you are beautiful? Da Bai, you are so cute, don't you feel it? Also, crit, don't think I didn't see you **** secretly!"

  The four animals dared not move, and squatted obediently.

   On the other hand, the other two Coyotes were very happy and rolled around wearing skirts.

   "They seem to be male...except for the two small ones." The corner of Rong Ye's mouth twitched and looked at Tang Ziyi, "You give them so many bows to wear like wedding dresses, which doesn't fit their aesthetic!"

  "It doesn't matter whether they are male or female. The important thing is that they are dressed like this cute, and they can make you look like a little princess. Don’t you think this looks dreamy?"

  Tang Ziyi has a grandiose expression on his face.

  Rong Ye: "I don't think so."

   "Girls generally like pink things like this!" said second dad Chen Lan.

  It’s right to like pink, but few girls like big tigers, right?

  Rong Ye is unable to complain.

  She can only look helplessly at Storm.

  The storm whimpered a few grievances.

   "Huahua, take your master to dress up." Dad Jiang Fu gave orders.

   Then Rong Ye was taken away.

  When Ye Rong saw the pink princess dress that was extremely exaggerated, Ye Rong was shocked.

   "Huahua, you don't want me to wear this kind of skirt, are you? This kind of skirt, do you look in my style? You might as well let me wear a set of sportswear!"

  Pink can still be accepted, but this kind of puffy skirt is so big, how can she wear it out.

  She is not a three or five year old girl, she is in her twenties!

  The godfathers are really crazy enough.

   "I think it looks pretty." Li Ruhua said regretfully, "I just don't have my size. If you have my size, you should be able to try it."

  Master Rong twitched the corner of her mouth twice unconsciously, and she took a deep look at Li Ruhua.

  She remembered some things in the past.

  It seems that Huahua was not like this at first, why is he getting more and more serious...Is it because of himself, is it because of her persecution?

  Or, there are really only 0 times for women's clothing, or countless times?

  How do I feel a little sorry for Huahua’s family...A good man, turned into a bald girl...

   "Master Rong, you can choose one." Li Ruhua said next to him, "This is an order from godfathers. If you don't wear it, I will die miserably!"

   "Okay, I will choose."

  After choosing for a long time, Lord Rong finally chose a dress that is pink, but not very exaggerated, and the skirt is not that big.

  Except that the huge bow behind the back is slightly exaggerated, it is still more everyday.

  Next, Li Ruhua brought a pair of small leather shoes and matched them with Rong Ye.

  (End of this chapter)

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