The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1395: Your name is more special than Huahua's name

  Chapter 1395 Your name is more special than Huahua’s name!

  After getting dressed, Li Ruhua put on makeup and hair for Rong Ye.

  The long hair was curled up, and then usually **** and put on a big bow.

  All of a sudden, Ye Rong became a beautiful pink girl with a bow.

  Although the clothes are a bit pink, they are unexpectedly suitable for Rong Ye.

  Rong Ye himself has white skin and is very matte and tender. After dressing up like this, it seems to be tender again, and the whole girl seems to be shining.

   really looks like a born aristocratic princess, she has a unique temperament.

  "Good-looking!" Huahua couldn't help but said as she looked at Master Rong, "This one is something you can control Master Rong, it's perfect for you!"

  This kind of pink is beautiful, but it is stunning, but it is not beautiful, it is just a soil bun.

  When Leng Rongrong went out, the godfathers were amazed.

   "Just as cute as when I was a kid!"

   "Woo, I kind of miss Xiao Rongrong when she was still a milk dumpling, so cute!"

   "Time is too fast, Xiao Rongrong is so old, but still so cute!"

   "Woo woo woo, I haven't been with Xiao Rongrong. I haven't seen Xiao Rongrong when she was a child. It's really a shame!"

   "Brother Nantian, don't get excited. We have videos and photos of Rong Rong when she was a child. I will show you later. You are not absent."

   "Mommy, you are so beautiful!" Xiao Nanyu also jumped to the front of Rong Ye. Although she didn't want Mommy to have a blind date, Mommy was really so good!

   Xiao Nanyu rushed towards Fourth Master Mo after a wild flattery.

   "Daddy, look, mommy is not beautiful!"

   Fourth Master Mo looked up, and then he was stunned for an instant.

  For a moment, it felt as if the heart had been hit by something, and there was a feeling of electric shock.

  The two looked at each other, and no one spoke.

   Fourth Master Mo quickly stopped turning his head.

  Lord Rong saw that Si Ye didn’t look at him anymore. He was a little bit disappointed. He still didn’t think of it, and didn’t know when he would remember it. Now that the godfathers are all around, it’s not good for Master to help check Si Ye’s situation.

  The sound of a car came from outside.

  Some cars drove in and stopped at the parking space. Song Junlin and Qin Xiong got out of the car first, and then a group of men got out of the car.

  A group of men, standing in rows.

  The scene looks very exaggerated.

  Leng Rongrong:? ? ?

  Damn, is the scene so big?

  Have you found so many people for her?

  Is this comparable to the imperial concubine selection?

   "Old Qin, look at them first. I will first ask the godfathers where to watch, whether to watch them together or take turns." Song Junlin wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  He has tried his best to get so many men, God knows how difficult it is.

After Song Junlin took a deep breath, he ran to Jiang Fu and said, "Goddess, I have brought all the people. These are all carefully selected by me. There are thirty-four people in all circles. , They are all geniuses! Do you think you will come to talk with Lord Rong one by one or come up directly and let Lord Rong watch together?"

  Jiang Fu talked to each other for a while, and then Jiang Fu said, "Come on one by one, let's see if it is unclear."

   "Okay, then I'll arrange a number for them, one by one!" Song Junlin took the order and hurried back.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

A few minutes later, Ye Rong was arranged at a long table. The godfathers also sat on her left and right sides. There was a beautiful tablecloth on the long table and a lot of flowers were placed on the table. A pink gauze was also tied on the leg.

  A group of people are sitting like judges.

   Then, Song Junlin started shouting.

   "Number one, it's up to you, you go up first. Remember to behave better!" Song Junlin held a notebook and shouted number one over.

Behind   , Qin Xiong, Hu Xin, and Sun Zhenzhi are all managing the remaining men.

  And Xiao Nanyu and Mo Siye still sat at the door to watch the fun.

  Li Ruhua, Tang Luo, Quan Yu, and Nansi moved a pony to sit.

  Nan Si: "This is the proper way for the emperor to choose his concubine! Lord Rong is really happy, so many outstanding men!"

  Quan’s steward stepped on Nansi’s foot, “Say a few words, haven’t you seen the long grassland above Si Ye!”

  Nansi: "Oh, then we can't stop it, what else can we do besides watching the excitement! Isn't the Fourth Lord watching the excitement himself? I think it doesn't matter how many prairies grow on the Fourth Lord!"

   Tang Luo: "Four Lord, do you really care about it? That is your wife, your favorite wife, if you do nothing now, you will regret it if you restore your memory!"

  Nan Si: "If you regret it, then regret it. Anyway, it's not that we regret it!"

  Tang Luo: "Believe it or not, I will record your words, wait for the fourth master to restore his memory and show him?"

  Quan steward: "Four Lord, Tang Luo is right. Mrs. Young is your favorite person. If you don't do anything, you will regret it! Don't you feel anymore for Mrs. Young?"

  On the other hand, Xiao Nanyu also persuaded Si Ye with earnest words.

  It’s just that Fourth Master Mo was unmoved. Although he felt a strange feeling in his heart when he looked at the woman, it seemed to be jumping like crazy, but he restrained it.

   Reasonably tell him that he is unlikely to find so many godfather women to be his wife.

  There are so many old men, isn’t it scary?

  On the other side, the blind date man has already played.

  After he came up, he sat on a chair opposite the long table, facing a group of godfathers and Ye Rong, there was no stage fright, and when he saw Ye Rong, his eyes were bright.

   "Gods, this is the profile of male guest number one!" Hu Xin rushed up with a pile of materials, and then distributed them one by one.

   "Jia Cauliflower?" When Leng Rongrong saw the information, the corner of her mouth twitched, "Your name is very distinctive, why is it called Fake Cauliflower?"

  "This, my mother likes to eat cauliflower, so she gave me the name Cauliflower." Jia Caihua said seriously, "My name may not be so nice, but it does not affect my personal excellence!"

  Leng Rongrong: "You are excellent, what is your excellent?"

  Jia Cauliflower: "Everywhere is excellent. I am now in the IT industry, and I am considered a top talent. I am also very handsome, and my body is very good. I heard that Miss Leng is good at kung fu, and my kung fu is also good!"

   "Really? Then how do you rehearse?" Leng Rongrong asked her cheek.

   "Okay, then I will give you a drill!" Jia Caihua said enthusiastically.

  He pulled away his chair, and then, at a disagreement, he began to undress.

  He slapped shirtlessly, revealing a lean chest. There was no meat on his arms. When he turned his head, the back of his head was actually bald...

  I've seen a bald head, never seen a bald head...

  (End of this chapter)

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