The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1401: What are you waiting for! Run!

   Chapter 1401 What are you waiting for! Run!

  Red lips hooked, Rong Ye's eyes narrowed, and she suddenly waved her hand.

   "Oh, help!" Bai Jiuying didn't have time to react, he just let out a scream, and then he felt that he was nailed to the door by a flying knife.

  There were holes in his clothes. Although the flying knife did not hurt him, it was only a few millimeters away from the flesh on his body.

too frightening!

   Didn’t it mean that all the time has been lost?

  Why is a woman who has lost her effort so terrible?

  Furthermore, this woman still seems to be asleep.

  Master Rong yawned, glanced at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and then walked upstairs again, as he walked, saying, "It's impolite to noisy people to sleep!"

  Wait half an hour after Rong Ye returned to the room before the doors of other rooms dared to open.

  Everyone poked their heads upstairs, looking at Bai Jiuying's direction downstairs, and everyone had a little sympathy on their faces.

  This is the consequence of waking Lord Rong to sleep, it's too miserable!

  Bai Jiuying was hung on the door. After struggling for a while, he couldn't get down. He whispered, "Can you put me down! Help me!"

  Everyone glanced at Bai Jiuying, then smiled silently, and went back to each room.

  Bai Jiuying: "Hey, hey, you just left? Don’t you have any sympathy?"

   "Hey, help me!"

   "I'm not going to grab Lord Rong from you!"

  "Help me...ah..."

  Bai Jiuying hung on the door with difficulty, just watching everyone return to the room, and then the lights were turned off...

  Should he hang on the door for a day tonight?


  The night was getting deeper, and Bai Jiuying hung on the door and fell asleep.

  At the same time, a group of people came quietly outside the villa.

   "Is this here, Brother Hua?"

"It's here. I have investigated. That woman moved here recently. This is absolutely not wrong!" Huashang said triumphantly with a cigarette in his mouth, "Today, we can finally get revenge! "

   "Great, we can take revenge!"

   "The dogs trained by Master Wei are all very powerful. No matter how powerful the woman is, she can't deal with the dogs like Master Wei. She is dead!"

   "Who makes her trouble us, she is dead!"

   "Brothers, have the dog been held, let's go in! Let that woman pee her pants, if it weren't for her, we wouldn't be so embarrassed!"

   "Okay, brothers charge!"

  Hua Shang rushed to the gate with a group of people, and one person was still holding a large group of fierce dogs.

  At the same time, several storms also pricked their ears, and everyone heard the movement.

   "Woo?" A trace of cunning flashed in the eyes of the storm, wearing a pink skirt was too stubborn, anyone came to vent them?

   is really great!

  The storm came to the door, raised his paw, and opened the door easily.

  Then, the storm all retreated back into the yard, and a few guys lay down in the yard and waited slowly.

   "Hey, this door is not locked, let's go in!"

   "Hahaha, this stupid woman sleeps without locking the door, let's go!"

  Hua Shang led a group of people and then led the dog into the yard.

   "Oh, this yard is not bad!"

   "In such a big yard, there are so many vegetables, what kind of vegetable is the boss?" A man asked interestedly, pulling up a cabbage.

   "Cabbage, you don’t even know this!"

   "What's this?" Someone pulled up a carrot, "Wow, it turns out that carrots look like this!"

   "This is interesting, this is garlic!"

   "That's a leek idiot!"

   "What about this, is it a shallot?"

   "Idiot, that's garlic!"

  A group of people started to draw dishes and recognize dishes as they walked inside.

  After acknowledging it for a while, Huashang's group finally stood in front of the storm. When they saw the crit, Huashang laughed madly.

   "I'm going, what's wrong with this chicken? Wear a pink dress! Hahahaha, I'm so ridiculous, why do you dress the chicken like this!"

   "Women are like this, they like to dress like this when they catch something."

   "Hahaha, it's no good, this chicken is so funny, I will take a few photos, and it will definitely become popular on the Internet!"

  Huashan took out his phone and prepared to take a photo.

  Before taking photos, the crit rushed towards Huashang.

   "Fuck, are these chickens so fierce? Dog, dog!" Huashang's scared phone almost didn't fly out. He took two steps back, trying to avoid the crit, but the crit was particularly aggressive.

  When the dog came up, it was not afraid, and angrily attacked the dog.

  A vicious dog barked at the crit, but was not afraid of the crit. It rushed to the dog, lifted its wings and slammed its fans frantically, and pecked it with a sharp mouth.

  The well-trained evil dog was pecked in the eye and screamed.

   Huashang: "!!!"

   "Fuck, what are those two white balls, boss, it looks like a tiger!"

   "God, how come this tiger wears a pink skirt!"

   "There is also a black one. It's a horse. Why is it so big and wearing a pink skirt!"

   "Damn, boss, this place is a bit weird, how do I feel that horse wants to attack us too!"

   "The tiger is not right, what is the situation with that big white dog, it seems that he wants to attack us too!"

   "Brother Hua, what shall we do!"

   "Let the dog, what about the tiger, the dog trained by Master Wei has killed a tiger before!" Huashang shouted.

  All the dogs they were holding were released, and then the dogs confronted several of Stormwind.

  Originally, those dogs should have attacked Stormwind.

  But no one thought that after the dogs barked for a while, they all retracted their tails, and they didn't even dare to attack the storm a few more.

  A group of vicious dogs, it is natural to be counseled.

   "Wow--" Even the barking sounds of dogs seem to be begging for mercy.

   "Wow!" The storm was sitting awe-inspiring, and then called out.

  The group of dogs immediately turned around, and then faced the group of Huashang.

  Hua Shang and others looked at the dog, and they were shocked instantly, each of them seemed a bit creepy.

   "Brother Hua, what are these dogs doing?"

   "Me, I feel like they are going to attack us in turn!"

  "What to do, Brother Hua!"

   "Run! What are you waiting for? Run!" Hua Shang screamed and ran fast.

  It's just that he hasn't even reached the door. The heavy rain is already importing. The goods are all black, but a row of big white teeth are revealed with a smile. The heavy rain lifted his horse's hoof and snapped twice, directly locking the door.

   Huashang: "Fuck his sister..."

   Rainstorm: "Hululu——"

Huashang, "Damn, why does this horse smile so much like a human, I trust, how can it stand up, how does it do it, it can walk upright like a human, wait a minute, how does it look Hit me!"


   With a flick of the hoof of the rainstorm, Huashang was slapped to the ground.

  (End of this chapter)

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