The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1402: I am not a fairy, I am a demon!

  Chapter 1402 I am not a fairy, I am a demon!

  Next, Huashang and the gang who had come to abuse Lord Rong with full confidence were completely abused by several storms and the dogs they brought.

  A group of people were bitten to tear their clothes and pants, and their faces were swollen.

  Hua Shang cried and said, "Are all the animals here **** good?"

   "Brother Hua, will we die?"

   "Guess what they are doing? What are they going to do?"

   "Why is that tiger digging holes, why are those dogs digging holes!"

   "No, are they going to bury us alive?"

   "Brother Hua, hurry up and find a way to get out of here. After you leave, quickly go to Master Wei, and Master Wei for help!"

   "Oh, I don’t want to be buried alive, I don’t want to die!"

  A group of people leaned together and watched in horror that a huge hole was dug out of the vegetable field by the yard.

  Then, everyone discussed in a low voice to let Brother Hua run away, and they played cover.

  Huashan almost didn't move to cry, "Brothers, don't worry, after I escape, I will come back to rescue you, I will go in and ask Wei Ye for help. I am afraid that only Wei Ye can help us solve this matter!"

   "Brother Hua, whatever the family said, you saved our lives, so we trust you!"

   "While they are digging a hole, run away!"

   Huashang stumbled and ran away. A few of them saw the storm, but they didn't care.

  A few minutes later, the rest of the people were thrown into your pit, and then only one head was buried. Several animals were planting vegetables.

  The faces of several people who have been planted have incredible expressions.

  "Are these animals refined?"

  "Should they think we are plants, do they plant us here?"

  "Follow him, it’s better to plant here than to bury it alive. We will be saved when Brother Hua and Master Wei come over!"

  After a group of people chirped, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

  A few of the storms were lying next to them to rest.

  A few hours later, the sky was still dark, and Brother Hua woke up Wei Ye at the door of Wei Ye’s villa in a awkward manner.

Wei Ye was very angry at first, but when he saw Huashang who was bitten with a bare butt, he couldn't help frowning. He felt amused again and asked speechlessly, "Hua Shang, what's the matter with you? Me? How about borrowing your dog?"

   "Master Wei, you may not believe it, your dog, your dog is backwatering, originally to help me deal with the enemy, but helped the enemy deal with us!"

   Huashang said eagerly, “Master Wei, I can’t do anything, that woman’s house is too evil, I can only ask you for help!”

   "What woman, made you like this?" Wei Ye asked unhurriedly.

"An actor! The family actually raised a tiger, like a chicken, like a zoo, those animals are evil and difficult to deal with!" Huashang said, "Master Wei, my brothers are still in her hands. Can you help me this time?"

   "Huashan, do you know what I like best about you?"


   "You talk about loyalty." Wei Ye said, "Wait a minute, I'll make a call first and call some people over."

   "Thank you Weiye!"

   "No thanks. If you want to thank you, thank you for saving me. Thank you for your loyalty." Wei Ye said, "Isn't she just a woman? I will help you handle it today, let her kneel in front of you and beg you!"

  Half an hour later, Wei Ye brought Huashang back to Rong Ye’s villa to find a place.

  At dawn, a group of people arrived at the villa quickly.

  As soon as Lord Wei entered the door, he shouted with a cigarette in his mouth: "Which stinky lady is bullying my brother, get out of me!"

   "Which stinky lady is bullying our boss's brother, get out of here!" The next kid repeated with a big speaker.

  A few of them were sleeping on their stomachs. When they heard the movement, they turned their heads and saw Weiye several people.

  Storm just showed sympathy.

  They caught the bad guys last night and didn't dare to call Lord Rong. It was not because they were worried that Lord Rong would get out of bed. As a result, there were a few people who were not afraid of death just after dawn!

   "Weiye, just those animals, those animals are very evil!" Huashang saw a few storms and immediately said to Weiye.

  Master Wei followed Huashang’s line of sight and looked over.

I frowned when I saw a few Stormwind, "...Weird, it looks familiar, how come you look like Lord Rong’s pet... Can’t it, Lord Rong’s pet should not be able to wear such fancy... Rong Lord is not such a tasteless person!"

   should not be.

  Thinking of this, Wei Ye feels at ease again.

  He can offend Lord Rong when he offends no one. These few are definitely not Lord Rong's. It is estimated that someone imitated Lord Rong.

  Master Wei led the crowd swaggering towards the storm.

  The storm did not make a sound, but took a few steps back.

   "Master, your deterrence is relatively strong, you see, as soon as you show up, they all automatically get away!"

  Hua Shang just spoke to praise Wei Ye.

  At the same time, a bucket of water suddenly poured down from upstairs, spilling Weiye and Huashang all over.

  And several storms shrugged, showing a "stupid human" expression.

  Hua Shang wiped his face, and understood that these few were not afraid of Master Wei, but just afraid of being splashed by water.

  Master Wei raised his head, and narrowed his eyes with a complicated expression.

  Upstairs, Leng Rongrong frowned displeasedly, "Early in the morning, did you set off firecrackers? What is the noise, do you want to die?"

   "This familiar voice—" Master Wei swallowed fiercely and rubbed his eyes vigorously. When he saw Master Rong's face, a bucket of water poured down.

  Weiye: "!!!"

  Why is Lord Rong!

  Who can tell him, did he see Lord Rong? Did he read it wrong?

   "Hua Shang, I, let me ask you a question, who is the actress who offended you? Is she called Leng Rongrong?" Wei Ye looked at Hua Shang and asked.

   "Master Wei, you also know her, it must be that she has too many scandals recently, so you only know it, right?" Huashang said a little excited, "Do you have a way to deal with her, right?"

   "It's your sister!" Wei Ye wiped his face, almost crazy.

  "What's wrong with my sister?" Huashang was confused.

   "Your sister is dead!" Wei Ye was about to cry, "Why didn't you say it earlier, it's Rong Ye! It's her! It's the devil!"

   "Who do you think is the devil?" Rong Ye lay on the railing, looking at Wei Ye with sleepy eyes, "Me?"

   "No, no, how could it happen, you are not a devil, you are a fairy!" Wei Ye worked hard to show a kind smile.

   "No, I am a female devil." Ye Rong shook his head, "I am not a fairy, I am going to kill someone!"

  After finishing speaking, Lord Rong turned and entered the house.

  Master Wei’s legs are already shaking.

  A few minutes later, Lord Rong arrived on the ground floor. When she was about to go out, she saw Bai Jiuying hanging on the door.

   "What are you hanging on the door? You still steal my flying knife!" Rong Ye stared at Bai Jiuying with wide eyes.

  Bai Jiuying: "..."

  He feels wronged and wants to cry!

  (End of this chapter)

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