The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1413: I carry you

  Chapter 1413 I carry you

   "We are not going to die. It is you who are dead now. If you yell again, I will let you die first." Rong Ye swept towards a group of men.

  The men closed their mouths immediately, this woman is a demon!

  Li Ruhua and Tang Luo also looked through their bags and clothes, and took off all the men’s clothes by the way.

  After all this was done, everyone set off again to the hotel where they wanted to stay.

  Because the driver ran away, a group of people only drove one car and left.

  Tang Luo drove, Huahua sat in the co-pilot, he looked down at his hand, and felt that he was so awesome.

   "Wow, I seem to have become a lot better." Li Ruhua said with a surprised look, "I don't know, I'm so amazing!"

  Rong Ye: "..."

  Tang Luo; "..."

  I train every day. If there is no improvement, Huahua will be a piece of wood.

  Three hours later, Leng Rongrong and his party arrived at the hotel they had booked.

  This is a small town, because it is messy, so the living conditions are also relatively poor.

  As soon as I arrived, I saw a group of people fighting around. The scene looked **** and terrifying, but no one paid any attention to it, no one blocked it, and people passing by just passed by in a hurry, as if they had seen nothing.

  Rong Ye and others didn’t bother when they passed by, and came to the hotel blindly.

  As soon as he got out of the car with his luggage, he saw someone fighting again at the door of the hotel. The man had been chopped down with blood, and there were people coming in and out, but they ignored him, and even the boss in the hotel did not come out.

   "This, this is too terrible."

  Li Ruhua swallowed, he suddenly felt that it was the wrong choice to follow him, he might as well stay at home.

  He thought it would be more fun here!

   "I said it's messy here." Rong Ye said, "You don't need to be nosy, let's go."

  A group of people checked in, and then went to the hotel room.

  Fortunately, although it was messy outside, the hotel was quite clean, so everyone went back to their rooms.

  After taking a break, a group of talents went downstairs and ate something.

   "Will Nie Sa really be in Tiandao Academy?" Rong Ye thoughtfully.

"I don't know." Xiao Nanyu shook his head, "I have used all my methods, but I have never found the master. Normally, unless it is the master hiding himself, otherwise, I will not be unable to find it. To him."

   "Then you mean, Nie Sa hides by himself?" Rong Ye frowned, "why did he hide by himself."

"Mummy, you know something. Although the master is very powerful, he has a fatal flaw. He is very glass-hearted and wants to save face." Xiao Nanyu said, "He hasn't cultivated anything before. This time, I think He may have less cultivation base. Therefore, he will feel ashamed of himself and then hide."

  Leng Rongrong: "...I don't have any kung fu, and I didn't hide."

   "So the master is a glass heart, although he is a thousand-year-old demon, although very powerful, although always his own way, but he is actually very glass heart." Xiao Nanyu shrugged, "he is actually quite cute."

   "It's really cute." Ye Rong nodded, and then felt a cluster of eyes staring at her.

   Ye Rong turned his head to the side, and saw that Fourth Master Mo was jealous.

   "I don't like him very much."

   "Of course you don't like Daddy. No one will like your rival. Even if you forget the past, you won't like him." Xiao Yuer said calmly while eating.

  Tang Luo and Li Ruhua were quiet for an instant, feeling that the young master dare to say anything.

  Rival in love...

  You guys are young, what kind of rivals are you!

  But, why does Si Ye really seem to care?

   "He is just a little kid." Rong Ye explained hurriedly, "You don't need to care."

   Fourth Master Mo nodded, "Let’s eat."

  Rong Ye was relieved.

  Jealous king, it is terrible to be jealous. Although I have lost my memory, I still like to be jealous.

  After some discussion, they decided to go to Tiandao Academy early the next morning.

  If Nie Sa was really at Tiandao Academy, Rong Ye would be easy to find in the past. After all, she had stayed at Tiandao Academy before and brought some students with him, and she was very familiar with the principal.

  The next day, early in the morning, a few people packed up and set off to go to Tiandao Academy.

  This small town is still very messy. There are all kinds of fights and hunts outside early in the morning. Ye Rong and a few people are from outside, so suddenly others are watching.

  However, a few people easily solved these things.

  After a few hours' drive, a group of people arrived near Tiandao Academy.

   "You can't get in a car here, you can only walk in." Rong Ye said, "You can walk to Tiandao Academy in about an hour."

  "This Tiandao Academy is so mysterious, I finally had the honor to see it. Can everyone in it fly over the walls?" Li Ruhua asked enthusiastically.

  Leng Rongrong: "...not so exaggerated."

   "The Fourth Master can fly over the walls. If you are curious, you can ask the Fourth Master to perform for you." Tang Luo said.

   "I dare not." Li Ruhua glanced at Mo Linyuan.

  Mo Linyuan looked back at Li Ruhua.

  Huahua had an urge to test it, so she asked, "Four Lord, are you interested in performing Feiyanzoubi?"

   "Do you want to feel it?" Mo Linyuan asked.

   "No, I don't want to feel it!" Huahua ran away and walked in the forefront.

   Tang Luo hurriedly followed.

   "Wait for me!" Xiao Nanyu also speeded up to catch up.

   Ye Rong and Mo Si Ye walked at the back, chatting as they walked.

  The one-hour journey was fairly smooth, and they quickly arrived at the entrance of Tiandao Academy, which was actually on a mountain and the entrance was at the foot of the mountain.

  There is a formation at the foot of the mountain, and most people can't get in, but Lord Rong knows this formation, so he easily unlocked it and entered the Tiandao Academy.

  A group of people walk up the steps.

  After walking for a while, Fourth Master Mo asked, "Are you tired? Am I carrying you?"

   "Fortunately, just take a short rest." Rong Ye said, "I am not that weak. Hey, hey, what are you doing!"

   Ye Rong hadn't reacted yet, Fourth Ye Mo had directly put her on his back and walked up the mountain.

  Master Rong wanted to struggle, but as soon as she struggled, Fourth Master said, “If you want to fall, continue to struggle.”

  So, Ye Rong had to quietly lie on the back of Fourth Master.

  Si Ye wears a black shirt with a wide back. When lying on his back, he has a special sense of security and comfort.

  (End of this chapter)

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