The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1414: He is here!

   Chapter 1414 He is here!

  Leng Rongrong hardly walked the whole journey, so he was carried to the top of the mountain by the Fourth Master.

  On the top of the mountain is the real gate of Tiandao Academy. The four characters of Tiandao Academy are written at the door. There are some students' voices in the college, which sound very lively.

  "Here!" Li Ruhua gasped, "I'm almost exhausted, Fourth Master, are you a human being? You are so tall, you are afraid of coming up easily, and you are carrying someone on your back!"

  On one side, Tang Luo was also a little out of breath.

It's that Xiao Nanyu walked by himself the whole time, but his face was not red and heartbeat, and he said very calmly, "Huahua, it's because you have too little physical strength, and I don't feel tired. The mountain is a little higher, but not high What an exaggeration."

   "This is not an exaggeration, we have all been climbing for a day, okay, it's getting dark soon!" Li Ruhua's mouth twitched.

  He swears that he hasn’t exercised like this in a long time.

  He just didn’t expect that Young Master’s physical strength is really extraordinary. After climbing the mountain for so long, he didn’t say he was tired.

  Under normal circumstances, isn’t it just that the child gets tired from climbing the mountain, and then yells and lets Daddy and Mommy hold or carry it on their back?

  But the young master did nothing.

  He didn't cry, didn't let anyone tell him, but he still felt sorry for his mom.

  Li Ruhua felt that if he were a child, he could shamelessly ask Fourth Master to carry himself, but Xiao Nanyu gave up such a good opportunity.

  Sure enough, this is not an ordinary child...

  Huahua once again regretted that she came here with them. He should have stayed at home. It was too tired.

  What Huahua did not expect was that he would regret coming to this place even more.

  This place is far less fun than he thought, and even a little scary.

   "Let's go in." Leng Rongrong had already stepped down from Mo Linyuan's back. The mountain was a bit cold, and Fourth Master Mo put his coat on Rong Ye's back.

  A group of people directly entered the academy.

  The academy is very big. I walked all the way. At first, I didn't see a single figure. Gradually, figures began to appear.

  When Li Ruhua saw these figures who were practicing, he fell into an inferiority complex.

  Those kids who seem to be very good at Kung Fu, who are practicing Kung Fu, actually seem to be in their teens...

  Compared with the kid here, he is simply a scum.

  I thought I was a lot better, but I didn’t expect it, but I was too ignorant.

  Leng Rongrong looked at everything around her and felt a sense of familiarity, as if she was back when she was young. At that time, she was also practicing here, but she was different from others.

  Others practice the exercises seriously, but she is a little lazy.

  Just the talent is there. Even though she is very lazy, she has great strength, and her kung fu is better than others.

  A group of people went directly to the dean’s office.

  Although it was night, the dean was still busy in the office. He was not surprised by the arrival of Leng Rongrong, but he was still a little alarmed.

  Especially after seeing Lord Rong.

  The dean's old man covered his beard with trembling hands, and then stared at Leng Rongrong, "Girl, what brought you here? Did you drag your family?"

   "Find someone." Leng Rongrong sat opposite the dean. She couldn't help but feel the urge to pull the old man's beard. "Grandpa dean, your beard seems to have grown!"

"Isn't that nonsense! I am missing you, my beard is good, of course it will not be missing!" The dean looked at Leng Rongrong nervously, "What are you doing, what do you want to do? Would you like to pull your beard again? Let me tell you, you are no longer the little girl you used to be. You are not so suitable! How can someone pull a beard every day?"

  Leng Rongrong looked at the old man helplessly, "Okay, don't pull out his beard. Old man, are there any new students in your college recently?"

   "Of course we have. We have been recruiting students here, and we can get in if we have the right ones." The dean took it for granted, "There are new students every month."

When    was speaking, the dean looked in Xiao Nanyu’s direction, his eyes gleaming, "This kid looks like a good seed, is it going to be sent to Tiandao Academy?"

   "No." Xiao Nanyu said decisively.

   "Dean, what do you think of my qualifications?" Huahua couldn't help asking.

   Dean looked at Li Ruhua, then frowned and said, "Tiandao Academy is not accepted by everyone."

  Li Ruhua: "...Am I too old?"

  Dean: "Not only are you too old, you are also too poorly qualified. You can tell at a glance that Bai Chang is a tall man."

  Huahua: "Heart-struck..."

  Tang Luo patted Li Ruhua on the shoulder, almost silently laughing.

  After chatting with the dean for a few words, Leng Rongrong began to talk seriously about Nie Sa, and asked the dean whether there is Nie Sa in here.

  The dean looked at the photos for a few times and shook his head, “I’ve never seen such a big child.”

   "There are rumors that you are here, you can help me think about it, is it really absent."

"There are so many people in Tiandao Academy, and I can't remember so many. I'm not sure if there are any. Otherwise, tomorrow, I'll let you find it." The dean said, "It's so late. Don't go down the mountain. Xiao Rongrong, the place you used to live is still vacant. Go live there!"

  Leng Rongrong and the others went to the small villa where Ye Rong had lived before.

  The place of Tiandao College is large, and the conditions are also very good. The students basically live in villas, and a few students have a villa.

  Some better students can live in a villa alone.

   Ye Rong was not only a student but also a teacher, so she lived in a villa alone.

  After she left, Tiandao Academy has always reserved her villa for her, hoping that she can occasionally come back to teach students.

  Although the villa is not big, it is enough for the five of them.

  The dean asked someone to bring some food.

  Several people were sitting at the dining table eating, and while eating, they talked about whether Nie Sa was here.

   "It should be here." Xiao Nanyu said suddenly, "I seem to feel the breath of Master."

   "Really?" Leng Rongrong looked surprised, "Then we didn't come here in vain. I will look for it tomorrow daytime."

   "Hmm." Xiao Nanyu nodded, "I should be able to find it, unless he doesn't want to see us."

  That night, when a group of people were sleeping, Xiao Nanyu suddenly woke up.

  He felt something, he got up from the bed in a cold sweat, and then left the villa alone.

  In the night, a small figure walked on a path.

  After walking for a long time, Xiao Yuer stopped by a small lake.

  (End of this chapter)

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