The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1415: The wicked master

   Chapter 1415

   "Master, where are you? What do you call me to come out alone?" Xiao Yuer stood by the lake and looked left, but she didn't see Nie Sa.

   "You promise me first, you are not allowed to laugh at me, otherwise I won't appear!" Nie Sa's voice came coldly.

  Xiao Nanyu: "...Master, why should I laugh at you? Come out, how could I laugh at you!"

   "Hmph, if you dare to laugh, I will punch you."

  Along with Nie Sha’s voice, a figure slowly walked out.

  Little Nanyu endured it again and again, but in the end she couldn't help it, and laughed crazy.

   "Hahahaha, sorry, Master, how did you become like this!"

   "You said you won't laugh!" Nie Sha's voice was very cold, but with a little bit of milk, it didn't sound so scary.

  Xiao Nanyu couldn't help but still wanted to laugh, the more he looked at Nie Sa, the more funny he felt.

  He was harsh and terrifying, and the whole world was afraid of his master, and at this moment he turned into a small milk bag.

  It didn’t matter if I looked about the same size as myself before, but now it’s a bit shorter than myself, small, soft and glutinous, that body is gone, only soft and cute.

   "I'm sorry, Master, but you are so cute, can I pinch your face?" Xiao Nanyu stretched out his hand and pinched the stern face of Nie Sa.

  Nie Sha was originally long and beautiful, but she became cute after shrinking. His facial features are still very beautiful, and his hair is still very long, but it has become a reduced version, which looks like an ordinary child about two years old.

  'S face was pinched by the little apprentice, and Nie Sa's face became even darker.

   "Hahaha, so cute!"

  Xiao Nanyu squeezed for several times, resisting the urge to hug Nie Sa.

  He knew that it would be fine if he squeezed it. If he really hugged his master, there is an 80% probability that his master would do it with himself and greet himself with his fist.

  I don’t know if the master’s kung fu after shrinking is still that great.

  "Master, even if your cultivation level is low, how can you shrink?" Xiao Nanyu asked her own question.

  Under normal circumstances, the cultivation base is reduced at most, that is, the skill is also reduced. He won't become a child. The situation of his master is really special.

   "That's why I practiced the exercises." Nie Sa said with a face, "If you know that there will be such a day, I won't use this exercise to practice!"

"Puff, it's actually pretty good, Master, you are so cute! I think Mommy's future younger brothers and sisters should be so cute to you." Xiao Nanyu said with a smile, and then suddenly became a little sad, "Neither I know if I can see my younger siblings... My time seems to be running out. I have to go back to that world."

  Nie Su did not speak, but stared at Xiao Yuer straightly, "Is this world affecting you?"

Xiao Nanyu nodded, "I feel that this world still has an impact on me. I think Qiao Wu tried so hard to get the ring for this reason. They came here because they thought the world was better for cultivation. , But they never thought that this world is not so easy to cultivate, and it will have an impact on us from another world. He should want to go back."

  Nie Sha nodded, "I also noticed it. It was not obvious at the beginning, but once noticed, the speed will increase. If we don’t go back, we will die here."

  The two sat on the bench next to them for a while, dangling their four short legs and chatting for a while.

  After the heavy topic passed, Xiao Nanyu couldn't help but start looking at Nie Sa and laughed, "Master, don't say, you are really cute like this! Hahaha!"

  Nie Sha has a dark face, and he doesn't look scary, but is still very cute.

  After a long period of gloom, Nie Sa found out that with a dark face, he couldn't scare the apprentice in front of him, and he was not fierce at all.

  Xiao Nanyu shook her calf twice, "Master, what are you going to do? Don't you want to see Mommy? Mommy has always been worried about you, but looking for you!"

   Murderous and murderous eyes swept towards Xiao Nanyu.

Xiao Nanyu shrugged, "It's not a problem for you to hide like this. You see that you are getting younger and younger. No matter how young you are, you will become a baby in a swaddle. I think, Master, you give up. If you want to recover, it is estimated that you still have to go back to our world. We still have to go back. Daddy and Mommy were born into this world because you used your life cultivation skills. They are people in this world, but we are not!"

  Nie Su was silent.

  Xiao Nanyu blinked with a pair of beautiful eyes and looked at the teacher next to him who was younger than he looked, "Master, we always have to go back."


  The next day, Leng Rongrong got up and found that Xiao Nanyu was not there.

   "Where is the young master?" Li Ruhua asked while eating breakfast, "Where did he go early in the morning? This place is a very good master, isn't it safe here?"

   "You are less safe here." Ye Rong glanced at Li Ruhua, and said very seriously, "Yu'er's skill is much better than you."

  Li Ruhua: "..." Heartbroken, old iron!

   Lowered her head to eat silently, Li Ruhua didn't want to say anything anymore.

  Rong Ye called Xiao Nanyu, Xiao Yuer had taken out her mobile phone, so she answered the call soon.

   "Mommy, don't worry, I will be back soon."

  After Xiao Nanyu finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

  Ten minutes later, Xiao Nanyu appeared at the door of the small villa with a milk doll still in his hand.

  "Master, what are you afraid of? Mommy won't eat you! Anyway, you are a little kid in Mommy's impression, and it's the same when you get smaller!"

   "You're just a kid!" Nie Su was very angry.

"Okay, I'm a kid, I'm a kid, let's go. You always have to see each other, do you have the heart to make Mommy worry about you? And you have to help Mommy look at this situation! "

  Little Nanyu persuaded him again and again, Nie Sa shook off Xiao Nanyu’s hand, and then said with a proud face, "I will go by myself!"

  "Fine, go by yourself!" Xiao Nanyu smiled.

   When the doorbell rang, Li Ruhua went over and opened the door.

   Then, the tall Huahua did not see anyone. He couldn't see from the angle of his head-up. He glanced down a little and didn't see anyone. He frowned and said, "What about people?"

  Nie Sao looked up at Li Ruhua fiercely, "Are you blind?"

  Li Ruhua was taken aback, and then she lowered her head to see Nie Sa, and Xiao Nanyu who leaned forward and back together with a smile!

"Yes, I'm sorry, kid, who are you?" Li Ruhua looked at Nie Sao, who was much younger than Xiao Nanyu, in a panic, "Little Master, are you making new friends now? Are you a socialite? "

  (End of this chapter)

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