The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1429: Stay edible

   Chapter 1429

   "Master Rong, what should I do with this?"

  After finishing all the express delivery, Li Ruhua looked at the animals and asked helplessly.

  Everything else is easy to say, how do you deal with these animals?

  They have a lot of animals in their own family, do they want to open a zoo if they leave them?

  Moreover, there is already someone from the zoo to send Lord Rong, so they don’t need the zoo either!

   "Send it back." Rong Ye frowned and said, "Tell them, we don't need animals, and we will send them back wherever they came from."

  "What about these chickens and ducks? These all look delicious." Huahua looked at a group of chickens, her eyes brightened, roasted chicken, roasted chicken, white cut chicken, all chickens are delicious!

  You can’t eat crit, can you eat all these chickens?

  Although they don’t usually eat chicken in front of the crit for the mental health of the crit, but Ye Rong is pregnant, so it’s right to take chicken tonic!

  "Leave those who can eat, and send those who can't." Rong Ye gave another order.

  Li Ruhua nodded, "Yes, you can leave it if you can!"

Next, Li Ruhua, Tang Luo and others began to busy packing these express delivery, some of them can be stored in the warehouse, and some of them will be used soon, or those that can be used, just stay here. villa.

   "Madam, it's time to eat fruit!"

  A babysitter came over with fruit.

  "Madam, snacks are ready for you too!"

  Another nanny also came over.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

  These babysitters were all delivered to her by friends she knew...

  So she hasn't given birth yet, and there are already a large group of nanny at home.

  Leng Rongrong's head is big.

  She is not as comfortable as she is alone. So many people serving her make her uncomfortable. It is still comfortable for Huahua to serve her.

   "I don't want to eat, take it." Rong Ye said, "You don't need to worry about me, just do your own work, I said, you can go home, and the money that should be given to you will not be less for you!"

   "That can't work, our employer said, we must take care of you!"

   "Yes, if we take other people's money, we have to do things for them. We can't just say nothing and don't do it. That's wrong!"

   "Madam, if you think we are doing something bad, you can just say that we can correct it."

   "Yes, ma'am. If you think we are too annoying, we will show up at a fixed time, and at other times we can hide and not show up."

  Leng Rongrong: "...It's not that you bother you, I just don't feel comfortable with this."

  Although she has lived this kind of wealth since she was a child, and may be accompanied by hundreds of bodyguards, there is really no time for people to take care of her in life.

  In addition to not knowing how to cook, she can handle everything in an orderly manner.

  After these babysitters came, she couldn't move anything. She was always an active person, but these babysitters seemed to be unable to even eat with a bowl, and she would not let her touch anything.

  She almost happily became a disabled limb, and she needed to be fed.

  This hasn't been born yet, it's really going to be born, isn't it even more terrifying?

  Huahua was also very distressed. With so many babysitters coming over to grab work with him, he was already doing a good job by himself, but after seeing these babysitters, he couldn't do anything.

  No matter what he does, these babysitters will tell him not to do it. He is a big man not suitable for those tasks.

  So Huahua was depressed.

  After a period of time, Master Rong finally couldn't bear it. She sent the babysitters away directly, directly to people in need, and asked them to work as babysitters for families in need.

  As for yourself, just one flower is enough.

  The babysitters were all sent away, and only Huahua, Rongye and Nie Sa were left at home. The rest of the people were busy with their own work and were working hard to make money, and expressed that they would take care of the two cute little ones in Rongye’s belly.

   "It's a bit boring." Ye Rong said, basking in the sun.

  "It's a bit boring indeed." Huahua sighed, "I feel like I have no pursuit in this life!"

   "I want something fun." Nie Shatuo said, he still looks like that, he hasn't grown up at all, and he is bored and depressed.

  "Why don't you study this ring." Ye Rong took out the little black dragon ring from his finger, and looked left and right, but he didn't see any tricks.

   "Nie Sha, have you seen that door?"

   "I have seen it." Nie Sha said.

   "What does it look like?" Rong Ye asked curiously.

   "The black, bronze gate... is very big, and there will only be a dark passage when opened." Nie Sha said, "The black dragon in this ring will fly out when the door is opened, and then guard by the door."

   "It will fly out?" Ye Rong widened his eyes and looked at the dragon in the ring. She had thought that the dragon inside was alive before. Is it true?

  It’s amazing.

   is actually a real dragon.

   "Yes, Shenlong." Nie Sha said, "This guy is very lazy. He only likes to sleep and eat."

  Leng Rongrong: "...Wait a minute, I seem to see it move!"

   "Did you move?" Nie Sha glanced, "It doesn't like someone calling it lazy."

  Rong Ye: "...Is that so? Really?"

   "Of course it's true." Nie Sha said, "It's a food-eater." You used to conquer...

  Li Ruhua: "...I am really eye-opening with Lord Rong. It seems that I can still see the gates of the alien world and the real dragon? If I see the dragon, can you bless me to get rich?"

  Rong Ye: "..."

  Nie Sha glanced at Li Ruhua, and then slowly said, "It will not bless you!"

   "Why, look down on me?" Li Ruhua touched her head, looking depressed.

"It's not the kind of dragon that can fulfill people's wishes. It's the kind of dragon that cheats, eats, drinks, and sleeps..." Nie Sa frowned. "This kind of dragon generally doesn't make trouble for itself, to give people what they want to achieve. ."

   "Is that so? Dragons are still lazy to make?" Li Ruhua's mouth twitched, "What's the use? It's still keeping the gate, can it hold it?"

  After Huahua finished speaking, the ring in Rong Ye's hand flew out suddenly and hit Li Ruhua's face.

  After turning a circle, the ring flew back to Rong Ye's finger.

  Rong Ye: "..."

  I discovered for the first time that this little black dragon ring is actually a ring with a temper.

   Huahua: "????? Did I get hit by a ring just now? So this ring is still alive?"

  Nie Sha nodded: "That lazy dragon is alive, it's just too lazy to move."

  Rong Ye: "...I am so lazy that I am too lazy to move a single line?"

  The three people squatted at the door and studied the ring of Lord Rong in an inconceivable way, but after that moment, the dragon refused to move again, as if dead.

  (End of this chapter)

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