The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1430: Terrible birth check

  Chapter 1430 Terrible birth inspection battle

  Time flies day by day.

  Since Rongye became pregnant, there have been many couriers and guests at home every day.

  The belly grew up month after month, but the Fourth Master never fell.

  Rong Ye’s pregnancy countdown, fans all over the world are looking forward to the birth of the child in Ye Rong’s belly. After the child is older, Su Wei can see that there is a boy and a girl in his belly.

  So everyone is looking forward to the birth of the dragon and phoenix. Of course, what everyone is looking forward to is the birth of Xiao Rongrong.

  After all, boys have Xiao Nanyu, and godfathers like girls more, especially those nineteen uncles, who are all born sons, and hope that there is a little princess to dote on.

Almost every day there will be a bunch of people in Rong Ye’s house. Song Junlin and others want to live directly and wait for the child in Ye Rong’s stomach to be born. They are still bombarded by godfathers for fear that someone will **** their little grandson and little granddaughter .

  Of course, even if the godfathers drive people away, it’s useless. Song Junlin and these people come over almost every day.

  In addition to looking forward to the babies in the belly of Lord Rong, everyone actually feels a little distressed about Rong Rong.

  In the early stages of pregnancy, Ye Rong's belly was not very pregnant, so she couldn't see anything, but after five months, her belly began to grow like a balloon.

  Probably because of twins, the closer the birth is, the bigger Rong Ye’s belly grows.

  The family feels sorry for Lord Rong.

   Staring at Ye Rong’s stomach, and seeing Ye Rong’s strenuous appearance, Tang Ziyi said angrily, “It’s so hard to have a baby, I knew I wouldn’t have it!”

  Neither Jiang Fu nor Chen Lan spoke, but nodded in agreement.

  Xuanyuan Nantian also looked distressed, "Rongrong, are you tired? Su Wei, can you make Rongrong more comfortable? Or let Rongrong unload the goods earlier."

"Unloading early is not good for the children. Rongrong is in good health. Although I am a little tired, I check on Rongrong every day. There is no problem." Su Wei said, "It's really not easy to have a baby. , Especially if the man is not around yet."

  Speaking of Mo Linyuan, everyone in the room was a little unhappy.

  Rongrong's belly is so big, and as a result, Mo Linyuan has been missing for so long without a trace. They all tried their best to find it. The whole world knew that Lord Rong was pregnant, but Mo Linyuan didn't know.

  It's annoying to think of it.

  This time is when a woman needs company the most, but Rongrong has no husband to accompany her.

  The godfathers had prejudices against Fourth Master Mo, but during this period of time they were all talking about it.

Although I know that the fourth master lost his memory because of Qiao Wu, he is still a little angry. After the fourth master comes back, the fourth master has to come to breastfeeding, and the fourth master needs to change the diapers, especially when it smells bad. Let Si Ye come!

  Rongye was not angry with Mo Linyuan, but when he went to the hospital for a check-up, he was a little envious when he saw other people accompanied by her husband.

  Of course, this loss of envy is nothing compared to the battle that I went to check-up.

  This day is the day of the check-up again, and we set off together when we packed up.

  Probably the Fourth Master is not there, so almost everyone is here.

  Almost every time I go to the hospital for a maternity check, the situation is the same. Everyone goes to the hospital together. The battle can be said to be very scary.

   "Actually, you don't have to follow me." Rong Ye said, "You are a large group of people following me, it is easy to scare other pregnant women."

   "That won't work, we must be with you!" Tang Ziyi said, "If someone is accompanied by someone, you have to be accompanied by someone. You are our little did you grow up so big in the blink of an eye..."

  Tang Ziyi seemed to think of something, feeling sore in his nose.

   "Little Rongrong is only this big, so why did she grow up so big all at once?"

  Tang Ziyi gestured with a sad expression on his face. He clearly felt that Xiao Rongrong was only four or five years old. The appearance of that little milk dumpling is still vivid, but now Xiao Rongrong is about to become a mother.

  Looking at Xiao Rongrong’s belly getting bigger day by day, I felt very unbelievable, and very distressed for Xiao Rongrong.

  But at the same time, everyone is really looking forward to the two small milk bags in Rongrong’s belly.

"Time flies too fast." Chen Lan also sighed, "When the children are born, the world will be faster. I always remember that Xiao Rongrong grew up fast. I used to hug us every day. Slowly, don’t let us hug anymore. I’ll run around by myself, and then slowly start to have my own thoughts, and I’m going to go out and wander on my own...

  Jiang Fu sighed, “Isn’t that right? I belonged to us when I was young. When I grow up, I don’t like being with us anymore. Godfathers are old!”

   Aside, Xuanyuan Nantian started to cry, "Have you considered my feelings? You have been with Xiao Rongrong when you were young, but my dear father never hugged Rongrong as a child."

  Jiang Floating: "……"

  Chen Lan: "……"

  Tang Ziyi: "……"

   "Cough, what, I feel sorry for you, the two grandchildren in the future, allow you to hold more than us!" Tang Ziyi patted Xuanyuan Nantian on the shoulder.

   "Just a moment? Do you want to be so stingy?" Xuanyuan Nantian was dissatisfied.

   "It's a lot in one shot, look, there are so many people lining up to hold the children!" Chen Lan swept around.

  Nineteen uncles, Song Junlin and others, and white radish and others...

  Everyone looked at Xuanyuan Nantian without blinking.

  Xuanyuan Nantian whispered: "...I'm my dear grandfather!"

   "What about my grandpa, my grandpa has to line up too and can't jump in the line!" Nan Si on the other side hummed, "Everyone wants to hug!"

   "The young lady still has too few children." Tang Luo said.

   Then, everyone looked at Tang Luo with terrible eyes, "What do you mean? Two are not enough? Why, have some opinions on our Xiao Rongrong's belly? Give one to see, how much can you give birth?"

  Tang Luo: "..."

  Very good, he said the wrong thing.

  Li Ruhua patted Tang Luo on the shoulder, “Little Luoluo, you must think carefully when speaking, and you can’t talk nonsense.”

  Especially in this situation, Rong Ye is so tired during pregnancy, and everyone looks distressed.

  Almost the world is paying attention to Lord Rong.

  After all, Ye Rong’s fans are all over the world, and they are all very valuable people.

  Rong Ye was helped into a car, Su Wei followed Rong Ye, Xiao Nanyu and Xiao Nie Sha also followed Rong Ye, and the rest of the people boarded their own cars.

  Storm, heavy rain, crit, a few big white tigers followed the convoy, and a convoy went to the hospital with great momentum.

  Before reaching the hospital, many reporters were already waiting on the way.

  When I arrived at the hospital, there were even more reporters. Everyone knew that it was the day of Rong Ye's maternity examination, so they were the first to come over and wait for the exaggerated team that accompanied the maternity examination.

  (End of this chapter)

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