The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1444: Whose seats!

  Chapter 1444 Who is in the row!

  【Enviable life! 】

  【There is a great dad, a great mummy, even grandma and grandpa are very good... The lives of the little darling and the little Ting'er are simply broken! 】

  【I think it is the little darling who is opening up, after all, Xiao Ting'er is the elder brother, I doubt that the elder brother will spoil the younger sister! So the little darling is the most favored in the world! Can't wait to see what she looks like when she grows up! 】

  【Winners in life, the kind that we don't see in ordinary people! 】

  【Woohoooo, I want to reincarnate suddenly! 】

  【The previous one, I'm sorry for your mom! 】

  【ZThe president of the country is here, I don’t know what gifts this darling will give to the little darling and Xiao Ting’er, I am looking forward to the gift opening! 】

  [It is said that unpacking gifts is estimated to be very exciting, after all, they are all big guys, and the gifts given by big guys should be extraordinary! 】

  [I heard that many big guys have prepared gifts after the news of Rong Ye’s pregnancy came out. It is estimated that it will shock the world. 】

  In the barrage, the fans who had no chance to arrive at the scene have already started talking.

After President   Z got off the helicopter, he was taken by Li Chenle to Rong Ye and Si Ye. After a few words of greeting, President Z couldn’t wait to see the children.

"so cute!"

   "Master Rong, my citizens have a request." President Z country president looked at Master Rong seriously, "They asked me to bring you a word."

  "?" Ye Rong looked at the president inexplicably. She didn't remember that she knew the people of the country very well...

  Although she and the guy in front of her have had shared hardships.

  Rong Ye met President Z because of an oolong.

  Someone wanted to assassinate the president, and then mistakenly thought that Ye Rong who had gone the wrong way was the president’s girlfriend, and then dealt with Lord Shang Rong. Ye Rong abused all those people in angrily.

   Then, Ye Rong also met the president and became acquaintances.

  "Our citizens said, can you invite your son to inherit my presidency." President Z said in a serious manner.

   "Huh?" Leng Rongrong looked at the president with a complicated expression, "Are your citizens so casual? My son is only a month away!"

"They said, too many people are vying for Xiao Ting'er, so let's grab it early to train. How about it, are you interested? Our people said that they are all fans of Xiao Ting'er and Xiao Ting'er, and they all like them very much. Our country is small, so it’s easy to take care of!"

  Leng Rongrong looked at the President of Country Z with an expression of "Are you serious?"

   "Think about it, our citizens are very good!"

   "The child is still young." Ye Rong twitched his mouth. "Let's talk about it later, they will choose by themselves in the future!"

  At the same time, the audience was shocked.

  There are actually some who directly invite the little guy to become the president. It's only a month, so country Z is going to grab Xiao Ting'er from them?

   [No, Xiao Ting'er is our Hua Guo, Rong Ye must hold on, can't be taken away! 】

  【Right, yes, neither Xiao Ting'er nor the little darling can be robbed! 】

  【This is our national treasure, Lord Rong, don’t be robbed! It's not good to be the president of someone else's family! 】

  The fans shouted in the barrage.

  After a few conversations with Leng Rongrong, the president gave the gift to Li Ruhua.

  Following, several more convoys came outside the hotel.

  All kinds of big guys came one after another, but fortunately, these big guys are all temperamental big guys in front of Rong Ye and others, with almost no pretensions, and even some cute.

  Next came several well-known painters and calligraphers, who came in to see the children and gave their gifts.

  Following, a few more teams of camouflage uniforms came, one after another a group of people walked in neatly, and several generals gave their gifts.

  The rest of the big brothers have also arrived one after another, and several international organizations also have representatives.

  Hacker League, Global Martial Arts League, etc., also have representatives of various bigwigs.

After many people arrived at the place, they first greeted a few words, and then asked if Rong Ye would like to let two little **** learn martial arts, some of the big men of national martial arts, taekwondo, and Muay Thai almost wanted to fight for Xiao Ting'er to fight with the little favorite Up.

Ye Rong looked helplessly at the group of people: "These two little guys don't even know how to crawl, they are early to learn martial arts! And, do you think that our two daddies are decorations? With us, do they still need to worship any teacher?"

  Everyone was startled when they heard what Rong Ye said.

  The person who was about to fight, instantly fell.

   Isn’t that right? With Lord Rong and Fourth Lord Mo, these two little guys can't learn anything. Lord Rong is the best at fighting this kind of thing. Is Lord Rong better than them?

  The big guys went to Li Ruhua to register gifts.

   Then, there came a group of big names in the entertainment industry, Xu Ying'er, Jiang Zhan, Luochuan and other people who were particularly popular in the entertainment industry recently.

  There are also some veteran actresses in the entertainment industry, and they have all come.

  After seeing the children, everyone likes it very much.

  Not long after, some top international mercenaries came again, and Chong Hanyue arrived with a group of people on the kill list almost at the same time.

  Among these people, some are still rivals, and some often fight in secret, but in front of Lord Rong, none of them is not worthy of face.

  Even if the rival was arranged at the same table, there was no quarrel or fight. Everyone reached an agreement that this full moon banquet would not be ruined.

  So the audience sees it very fantasy.

  In the live broadcast room, many viewers are wondering whether this world is fantasy.

  【That is the Dragon Corps, right? They seem to be the White Tiger Corps at the same table, right? I heard that the two corps have been at odds, and they would fight each time they met. How do you feel that they are in a good relationship now and are drinking together? 】

   [That’s not surprising, those two top designers who often competed, they had torn up a while ago, and now they are not sitting together, they are almost drinking a cup of wine! 】

  [Don’t you remember those two actors, aren’t they also rivals? Fans will pinch each other as soon as they meet, and they will pinch each other when they meet, but they are also sitting at the same table now! I didn't even pinch it, I was still chatting with a pleasant face! 】

  【Puff, I want to ask who is the seat in this row. Didn’t you find out? It seems that the opponent and the opponent are sitting at the same table. 】

  【I suspect that it was Rong Ye deliberately, these people should be Rong Ye’s friends, so they won’t fight when in front of Rong Ye! 】

  【Maybe Rong Ye hopes his friends can reconcile. 】

   [I don’t know if I can reconcile it. I saw that the two big guys have blushed, and they seem to be fighting, but they seem to be holding back! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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