The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1445: There are so many beasts!

  Chapter 1445 There are so many beasts!

  Rong Ye and Mo Si Ye are on stage, and almost none of the people at the next table are unknown, all of them are bigwigs.

  Most of these people are friends of Rong Ye, some are friends of Si Ye, and the rest are friends of godfathers and relatives.

  Song Junlin, who is also a host, said a few words on the stage, he was very good at talking, and the whole banquet hall laughed in a few words. of

  He saw that the atmosphere of a few tables was not right, and they were tense and joking to ease the atmosphere.

  Before the dinner, everyone has a very much-anticipated relief, that is, unpacking gifts.

  According to the request of the fans, it was decided to broadcast the gift opening for everyone to see.

The guests present also agreed to the live broadcast of gifts. Not only did they agree, but they also looked forward to what gifts they would give next. Especially they were very curious about what their rivals gave. Everyone hoped that the gifts they gave were better than their rivals. many.

  A guest at a table: "Li Hongshun, I tell you, my gift is definitely better than yours! Don't think of you as good as Lao Tzu in this life!"

  Li Hongshun: "Let’s go and see, don’t you think I’ll give it to you!"

  The next table: "Hurry up and open my gift! The little guys will definitely like it! That's a gift I chose very solemnly!"

   "Cut, my gift is the best!"

   Accompanied by the yelling voice of a group of people off the stage, Li Ruhua took a few people and delivered the gifts to the stage.

  The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked when they saw this scene.

  It turns out that at this banquet, the people who carried the gifts were all bigwigs from all walks of life.

  Various gifts were moved to the stage.

  The fans in the live broadcast room were very excited.

   "God, so many gifts!"

   "So envious!"

   "Next is the time to eat lemons!"

   "I don't know if I have a chance to give birth to a son or daughter and be in-laws with Rong Ye!"

   "It's too late, so many big guys, haven't you seen many big guys with their families and children? They all set up a group to make a baby kiss, but they were all rejected by Rong Ye!"

   "Yes, the children are so young, Rong Ye will definitely not agree."

   "However, some big brothers' children were so cute just now!"

  The fans in the live broadcast room are very excited.

  Master Rong took the tools and was about to start unpacking the gifts. The first gift was given by a calligrapher. It was an ancient painting, currently worth about 3 billion yuan.

  When fans saw it, they all said they were sour.

  The little milk bags are only one month old and have become the richest people in the country...

  And they are not as valuable as a gift in their lifetime.

  【Do you think that's all, there will be more! 】

  【I'm already on my knees! 】

  [I estimate that the cheapest gifts are hundreds of millions...]

  【Ten billions should be normal, and hundreds of billions are also normal. Anyway, they have not been born yet. These two small milk bags should already be the world's richest man and the world's second richest! 】

  Rongye then got the second gift. This gift was given by a real estate boss and directly to a newly built high-end villa area in the city...

  Following, the third gift was given by a hacker tycoon. The gift was a laptop. There is only one in the world. A very high-end laptop, which is of great value.

  Someone sent a bank card directly, indicating that one billion will be sent to the card every month to make pocket money for the children.

  There are also direct delivery of cruise keys, direct delivery of a hundred luxury car keys, and helicopters...

  Gifts can only be imagined by people, and there are no gifts that these people cannot give.

  The audience in the live broadcast room was very sour and envious.

  They even saw some of the latest things researched by the research institute here, and they gave them to two little cute treasures, which are all kind of good things that are marketable and priceless.

  Too spoiled.

  Everyone spoils these two little guys too much.

  The gift unwrapping process passed quickly. All fans have witnessed how ignorant they are. It turns out that gifts can still be given like this.

  This is something they never dreamed of.

  After that, everyone is ready to eat.

  Rong Ye and Mo Si Ye were sitting with friends, and beside them were the tables of godfathers and relatives.

Next to   , Bai Wanrong is surrounded by some big guys. Although they are all retired big guys who wash their hands, but those big guys are also the kind of ridiculous.

  Rong Ye and Mo Si Ye stood up and toasted with everyone around them. Thank you everyone for celebrating the children’s full moon banquet.

  As it turns out, just after drinking, everyone started asking when the Hundred Day Banquet will be held, and now we can prepare.

  Rong Ye: "..."

  She thought there was a full moon banquet, but the Hundred Days Banquet can be omitted...

  Why are everyone so anxious.

  I still want to take care of...

  These gifts are given one by one, and there is almost no place to pile the gifts...

  Although she said that there was no place for the cruise ship, someone sent it directly to a terminal, she said that there was no place for the plane to stop, and someone sent it directly to an airport...

  But it can’t be the case.

  The children are so young, don’t need these...

  Furthermore, she is worried that her family is too rich, and her children will find life boring when they grow up like her. After all, they have everything at birth, so what else can they pursue in life?

  She has discussed with Fourth Master, otherwise they will always pretend to be poor, pretending that their family has no money and are very poor, so that the children will be more fighting spirits from childhood.

  Of course, Rong Ye’s proposal was rejected by godfathers as soon as he said it.

  The godfathers said that it’s fine for Xiao Ting'er. The little darling is a girl. How can a girl be raised this way and be rich, otherwise he will be fooled by a boy casually in the future.

  The godfathers are more serious to the little darling than to the young master Rong.

  Master Rong was helpless, and felt that she could not resist so many people alone. Since she has a little darling, her words seem to be less effective than before!

  While everyone was eating, eating, and chatting, outside, a bodyguard suddenly rushed in.

   "Something happened, something happened outside!"

   "What's the matter?" All the bosses almost stood up abruptly, and some people directly took out their weapons, looking very nervous to protect the children.

   "It's dangerous outside, there are many animals!" the bodyguard said, "I don't know what's going on, they are all coming here. The aggressiveness is terrible, they are all beasts!"

   "Some animals have already entered the hotel directly, and others can drive the elevator by themselves and get up on the freight elevator!"

  The bodyguard's legs were shaking, "Everyone, get out!"

   "Animals?" The entire banquet hall was stunned, "This is the city center, how come there will be wild animals!"

  "Rong Ye summoned?" Someone looked at Rong Ye.

  Leng Rongrong shook her head inexplicably, "I'll take a look."

  (End of this chapter)

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