The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1447: You finally wake up

   Chapter 1447 You finally wake up

  "Stop, stop, okay?" Ye Rong choked speechlessly when he saw the small animals piled up in front of him.

  Although she really likes animals, she doesn’t open a zoo either, so many, it’s terrible!

  What's more, these are wild, and she is not suitable for raising them.

  Master Rong began to persuade these animals with great pains, saying that she didn't want to raise their cubs, but it was really not appropriate to give it to her.

  She thinks that these little animals are still suitable for them to raise on their own, and occasionally they can come to her house to have a meal. She does not refuse, but if she is asked to accept them all, it will not work.

  Wild still have to survive in the wild.

  She has the ability to open several zoos to raise them, but it is not suitable.

  "Stop!" Ye Rong said that the animals hadn't stopped yet, and the four masters gave an order, and the animals were instantly quiet.

  Netizens: "Si Ye’s deterrent is getting stronger and stronger."

   "If you want to Cengfan, Cengfan, take your own children away!" Fourth Master said coldly, "Otherwise, they will all go out."


  Everyone honestly took their cubs back.

   "Woo-" A wolf yelled twice, and then suddenly a stone rolled out of his mouth.

  Following the rest of the animals, they began to throw some stones and other things towards Rong Ye.

  Leng Rongrong glanced down at these unremarkable stones, "What is it? A gift?"

  Send the babe just now, now give the stone?

  Rong Ye stared at these stones for a few moments, and then saw all the animals nodding their heads. These animals looked at Rong Ye expectantly, and then seemed to want to see the appearance of the two small milk packs.

  After thinking about it, Master Rong took the little darling and showed them to the animals. She also squatted down to watch the children.

  At the same time, the little darling in Yeh Rong's arms also woke up. After yawning, she looked at the animals with her sullen eyes, and stretched out her two small hands, as if to catch the animals.

  A tiger leaned over and took the initiative to put his head under the hands of the little darling.

  The little darling scratched his little hand a few times, and the tiger seemed to enjoy it.

  Rong Ye: "..."

  How does she feel that her little darling seems to be able to control these animals?

   Didn't she have some hallucinations?

  The little darling is only a month old, can't it be so powerful, right? Being so small and knowing nothing, I definitely can't control and communicate with animals.

  Master Rong shook his head after thinking about it.

  And these animals seem to like the little darling more, and everyone came over and yelled in front of the little darling, as if to say something to the little darling.

  As for Xiao Ting'er's side, the animals didn't move in there, one by one they just scratched their heads to the little darling.

  After almost touching their heads, the animals can be considered to have dispersed.

   "Okay, all go to your banquet hall to eat." Ye Rong finally greeted the animals, and then asked Huahua to put away the stones.

  The stones sent by the animals were moved into the banquet hall.

  In the banquet hall, a big man in the jade business suddenly brightened his eyes when he saw these stones.

  Following, some big researchers with research have checked these stones, and finally everyone came to a very shocking conclusion.

  Although these stones don't look very eye-catching, they are definitely good things after being cut. They are all jade, and diamonds... all are good things.

  Rongye is not surprised by this result. These animals are very smart, and naturally they will not give away a few stones for no reason.

  At the banquet, everyone was very lively.

  Little darling and Xiao Ting'er were put on the crib, and the storm guarded them motionlessly.

The storm lay on the side, and looked inside from time to time, with a face that continued to be suspicious. Xiao Ting'er was always quiet, but the little darling has been constantly moving since she woke up. go with.

  It was only a month ago, but Baofeng felt that the little darling seemed to have the desire to talk, and she kept opening her mouth. Although she couldn’t hear what she was saying, there was a feeling that the little darling was cursing.

  The two ears of the storm were erect, and it frowned as it looked at the little darling, its ears shrugged.

At the same time, the little darling was lying on the small bed, struggling hard, she grasped and grasped hard with her two little hands, but could not grasp anything. Her dark eyes seemed to see that there was no one. When I saw one, I saw the suspicious look in Baofeng's eyes.

   "Ah, buzz... buzz—"

  The little darling opened his mouth hard to speak, but he couldn't understand what he said.

  So, the little guy seemed to be more anxious. She clung to her two fleshy little hands indiscriminately. After a long time, she seemed to feel tired again, so she put down her hands and barked.

   "Woo?" Storm looked suspiciously at the little darling, and then turned his head to communicate with the rainstorm next to him.

  The torrential rain did not seem to notice any strangeness of the little darling, but the crit on the back of the torrential rain was also looking at the little darling curiously, watching and watching, the crit met the little darling's sight.

  Then, the crit seemed to be taken aback, and after two giggles, he thumped and fell to the ground.

  At this moment, not far away, a four or five-year-old boy wearing a small suit, like a miniature version of Xiaoba, walked over here.

  The boy looks very small, but his facial features are exquisite and beautiful, and he carries a domineering and cold-hearted man who does not fit his age.

  When the critical shot fell to the ground, it happened to be at the feet of the little boy.

  The little boy took a cold look at the crit and walked over to the crib.

  The big white tiger saw the little boy subconsciously step away.

  The little boy quickly walked to the side of the small bed, but because he was still small, he was too short to see inside.

  The little boy glanced at the big white tiger, did not speak, only a few commands in his eyes.

  Seeing the little boy's eyes, Da Baihu squatted down subconsciously.

  Then, the little boy climbed directly on the back of the big white tiger. After the big white tiger stood up, he could just see the little darling in the small bed.

  The little boy looked at the little darling with a fond look. After a long time, he murmured: "You finally wake up..."

A few minutes later, a woman who looked like a boy’s mother hurried over and said, "Xiao Jiu, why are you here! Your grandfather is looking for you for something urgent, there is a problem on the company side and you need to solve it." a bit!"

  The woman hugged the little boy from the back of the big white tiger, and then she glanced at the big white tiger and several storms with horror, "Sorry, I disturbed you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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