The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1448: The little darling will be called brother!

   Chapter 1448 The little darling will be called the brother!

  The full moon banquet passed smoothly.

  In the following days, Ye Rong will concentrate on taking care of the children at home. Of course, the children will not be her turn to take care of. Every day, someone rushes to see the children.

  As time passed day by day, Ye Rong felt that the little darling was different from Xiao Ting'er.

  Xiao Ting'er seems to be a normal child, but the little darling seems to grow much faster than Xiao Ting'er, and this little milk bag looks at people differently every day.

The little guy seems to want to chat with people every day, and want to run around every day, but she is too young to get up and run, but she is very good at acting, sometimes fake crying makes people walk around and cry as soon as she puts them down She smiled happily as soon as she hugged it up and looked around.

  In comparison, Xiao Ting'er is very quiet most of the time. He basically eats, sleeps, and eats. He doesn't need to be hugged, and he doesn't like the way people hug him.

  Three months later, the godfathers organized another hundred-day banquet.

The   Hundred Days Banquet is even more exaggerated than the children’s full moon banquet.

  Almost all big names from all walks of life have appeared. Gifts can be said to be more luxurious than ordinary people can imagine. They were only a hundred days old. This pair of dragons and phoenixes has attracted worldwide attention.

  Because there are many people who pay attention to Xiao Ting'er and Little Beloved, Occasionally Rong Ye will post short videos and the like, so the two smart and cute little Mengbao become even more popular.

After the   Hundred Days Banquet, the godfathers and grandpas of the Mengbaos still ran all day to see the children.

  Sometimes, a group of people secretly want to take the children out.

  A group of people are very cute, grabbing children every day, and occasionally betting or playing games.

  Rong Ye looked at his family and everyone thought it was cute.

  Four masters are occasionally busy with work, and at the same time, they are also trying to get help from some mysterious organizations, and want to find Xiao Nanyu.

  Although everyone is happy after having Xiao Ting'er and Little Beloved, no one has forgotten Xiao Nanyu.

  Knows the general situation of Xiao Yu'er in that world, so everyone is more worried about Xiao Nanyu.

  Rong Ye will take some videos and photos every day and save them, in order to show Xiao Yuer.

  She knew that Xiao Yuer would come back to them one day.

  They will find him, and Xiao Yuer will find a way to come back to them, Xiao Yuer said that he will definitely come back.

  Rong Ye played Xiao Nanyu's video for two little milk bags to watch.

  When Xiao Ting'er and Little Bing'er saw Xiao Nanyu's video, they would finish watching it quietly, well-behaved and sensible.

  The two small milk bags can already crawl, but when watching the video, no one crawled around, just staring at the video.

   "My darling, Ting'er, this is your elder brother Yu'er." Rong Ye said, looking at the two small milk bags with a full face.

  "Brother, brother--" The little darling turned to look at Master Rong, blinked twice with a pair of black eyes, and actually shouted a little clear.

  Master Rong was shocked, "Little darling, what did you just say?"

  "" The little darling just learned to crawl, sitting on the floor mat, looking up at the big screen, then the little guy turned to look at Xiao Ting'er, ""

  Rong Ye: "..."

Although I have always felt that the little darling grows up much faster than ordinary children in all aspects, and learns to crawl earlier, and sits earlier than Xiao Ting'er, but she did not expect that it was less than seven months, little guy He will be called brother!

  Moreover, the little darling seems to be consciously calling. She knows that the big brother is on the big screen, and Xiao Ting'er is the little brother.

   "Beloved will be called Brother."

  At exactly this time, the godfathers and the nineteen uncles all came in, and Lord Rong immediately looked at them and said with some surprise.

   "What? Brother?" Tang Ziyi looked dissatisfied, "How come you learned to call you brother! Shouldn't you call grandpa first! No, little darling, call grandpa three!"

   "No, call the second grandpa first!"

   "Definitely call me first!"

   "No, call us first! But what does the little darling call us? You can call him grandpa or grandpa!" Thirteen on the 19th floor said.

  Then a group of men began to rush over to surround the little darling, with a pair of eyes straight, looking at the little darling expectantly.

  The little darling's wry eyes swept towards a group of people, and her fleshy cheeks twitched inconspicuously.

  Then, the little guy looked at Lord Rong, "Ma Ma."

  Everyone: "..."

   "Miss, me!" Li Ruhua rushed over, "Call me Uncle Li!"

  Tang Luo squeezed up, “Zhou Kai, the little lady will definitely call me first, little lady, I’m Uncle Tang Luo, call me Uncle soon!”

  "Hua Hua...Lolo..."

  The little darling looked at Li Ruhua and Tang Luo with milky voice.

Li Ruhua and Tang Luo looked at each other, and then the two old men hugged each other and made a girlish scream, "Call, call us! Although I didn't call uncle, the little lady knew us! Ah, good It's an honor, an honor!"

  Jiangfu, Chen Lan, Tang Ziyi, Xuanyuan Nantian and others have their faces black.

  One by one old men looked at the little darling in despair.

  Then the little darling waved his little hand, revealing an innocent smile. The little guy looked at Bai Wanrong standing at the back and shouted, "Grandma—"

  Although she is milky and slurred, everyone can understand that the little darling called her grandma.

  Bai Wanrong also looked surprised. She didn't come over, nor could she rob these big men, so there were fewer holding little darlings. Unexpectedly, the little darling called her grandma!

   "Little darling! How good!"

  Bai Wanrong immediately came up and picked up the cute and pink little darling wearing a little princess dress.

  The little darling blinked her eyes, and when she saw that everyone was happy, she laughed too.

  "Little darling, grandpa." Jiang Fu pointed to himself, "Da, grandpa, grandpa!"

   "Big, foreign, male." The little darling yelled out easily.

  "The little darling called me, the little darling called me!" Jiang Fu, the godfather who has always been relatively stable, was so happy that he was flying like a child.

   "Second Grandpa!" Chen Lan leaned forward, holding a small toy she made for the little darling, "Call Second Grandpa!"

   "Second, grandpa." The little darling blinked his black grape-like eyes.

   "Three Grandpas, I can't help but call Third Grandpas. Third Grandpa will take you to play and take you to the casino, OK? Third Grandpa is the God of Gamblers!" Tang Ziyi said excitedly at the little darling.

  The little darling’s eyes are shining brightly, and she seems to be very interested in Tang Ziyi’s casino.

   "The third grandpa." The little darling cried out milkyly.

   "Yeah, the little darling called me too!"

  (End of this chapter)

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