The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1451: Won every round

   Chapter 1451 I won every round

   "Heh, little darling, see if you see, these people all want to beat your third grandfather, you have to show your third grandfather a little bit of face, give them a little bit of power!"

  Tang Ziyi put the little darling on the gambling table, the little darling twisted and crawled to the side.

  Then, the little guy looked up at a man who was smoking, she stretched out her hand, and when the man looked down at her, she pulled out the cigarette from the man’s mouth.

  Man: "???"

  The little darling wrinkled his nose and said disgustingly: "Smoke, smelly."

When    was talking, the little darling threw the cigarette on the ground.

  Tang Ziyi only realized that the environment is smoky, and nothing else, there are really many people who smoke, but smoking is not good for children!

   "Everyone, today I brought my grandchildren to Tang Ziyi, so can you give me some face and stop smoking? Children can't smell the smoke!"

  Tang Ziyi shouted at the casino.

  Immediately, many people cooperated to extinguish their cigarettes, and the person in charge of the casino also began to ventilate the casino.

   Soon, the smell of smoke in the casino disappeared.

"Thank you, everyone!" Tang Ziyi said with a fist, "Come on, let's play this, little darling, do you know the rules? Listen to the third grandpa, you wait for the next one, you think it is big, you choose Big, if you think it’s small, choose the small one. Don’t worry, baby, even if you choose the wrong one, your godfather will be responsible. There will be no problem!"

  Hearing Tang Ziyi's words, the little darling blinked.

  The little darling seemed to understand, Tang Ziyi didn't say anything.

  It's officially started, everyone around is very excited, everyone thinks that the little darling must lose.

  This time, everyone can make good use of Tang Ziyi. Tang Ziyi will definitely lose miserably. After all, what a child can understand, a child must know nothing.

  If you guess at that time, you will definitely lose badly!

  The gambling started officially, and everyone began to bet on the big or small.

  Although Jiang Fu and several people complained about Tang Ziyi, Tang Ziyi still let the little darling bet.

  Because of the size, it is very easy for the little darling to bet a big one.

  The people around are smiling and waiting to open.

  Many people bet on small ones, and some bet big ones just like the little ones.

   "I don't know how the little darling's first luck was." Someone said curiously, "Judging from the state that the little darling can be reborn in the Mo family, the little darling's luck should be very good."



   "Little darling got it right!"

   "So awesome, little darling!"

   "Old Tang won again!"

  Tang Ziyi was very happy. He picked up the little darling and kissed him, "Little darling, as expected, he inherited the gambling skills of the third grandfather, very powerful!"

  Little darling: "..."

   "Which one is inherited, it is also inherited from me, you and the little darling are not related!" Xuanyuan Nantian rolled his eyes next to him.

   "That can be inherited too!" Tang Ziyi hummed, "I am the third grandfather of the little darling, and it is normal for the little darling to be like me! Come on, little darling, let's keep coming!"

  Tang Ziyi was very excited, and a group of people continued to play.

  Many people watch the excitement.

  Then bet a few more rounds, and then everyone was stunned, because the little darling had chosen more than once.

  She can choose the right one every time.

  Once twice, it is a matter of probability and luck, but it is a bit surprising to always choose and always be able to choose.

   "Little darling, this is the hand of God!"

   "God, how did the little darling do it? She is too good, right? Whatever you choose?"

   "Impossible, let the little darling play something else. The little darling is only one year old and hasn't arrived yet. Is it so amazing?"

  All the people around are incredible looking at the little darling. Everyone thinks that the little darling can be selected every time. It is really a miracle. How can anyone be so powerful.

  Then the little darling tried other ways to play.

  Tang Ziyi hardly interfered. Although everyone was a little unbelieving and felt that the little darling should not be very good at playing card games, something incredible still happened.

  The little darling is also very good at playing card games, she won everyone easily.

  No matter which table it is, no matter what is played, the little darling can win.

  It's not that she is lucky. No matter how lucky she is, she can't be so powerful. She is obviously really powerful.

   "Little darling... how can she be so powerful, she can't walk yet, so she can win this way!"

   "Hahaha... I didn't have any Tang Ziyi underpants that I thought I could win. As a result, I have been losing?"

   "God, it's too exaggerated, how come the little darling is so powerful..."

   "No, I want to bet another round!"

  "The little darling played the cards all the time, and Tang Ziyi didn’t help. How did the little darling do it?"

   "She can't guess so well, right? The only explanation should be that the little darling really understands and really does, so she can be so good!"

"No way……"

   "She doesn't even know the words, right? She doesn't know how to say, she will gamble? Can someone who wears diapers be able to go to the table and become a gambler?"

   "Facts have proved that this diaper seems to be a real gambling god!"

   "A generation of gambling gods is about to be born, Tang Ziyi was not so good before, right?"

  Tang Ziyi nodded again and again, "I was really not so good before. At this age, I don’t know how to climb..."

  When talking, Tang Ziyi looked at the little darling, and the more she looked, the more she liked this girl.

  He decided to train the little darling into a generation of gambling **** no matter what.

  At the same time, the little darling is actually full of disgust, she is almost playing, it seems a little boring.

   "Win hundreds of games in a row..."

  After a long time, someone looked at the little darling dumbfounded.

   "It's such a small size, shouldn't you be a thousand people?"

   "You can win so much without Lao Qian... Tang Ziyi can't do it, right?"

   "The little darling is afraid that he is not a mortal!"

   "Can she still be a fairy?"

  A group of people watched the little darling in surprise, and the person in charge of the casino was about to invite the little darling to sit in the casino and show them the venue.

  Of course, the status of the little darling will not degenerate into a spectator.

  At the same time, the little darling is looking at everyone with a "you stupid mortal" expression, her eyes are full of disgust, and she is immersed in her own world.

  Then, the little darling picked up the cards and started playing. After playing casually, she yawned and looked at Tang Ziyi.


  (End of this chapter)

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