The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1452: Little darling is gone

   Chapter 1452 The little darling is gone

   "Want to sleep?" Tang Ziyi hugged the little darling, and then said, "Then let's go home to sleep and stop playing. We have already won a lot of money."

  Tang Ziyi originally came here with a plan to lose light.

  But he did not expect that not only did he not lose all, but he also won a lot, winning more than every time he came to play.

  The little darling is simply a little genius, and the **** of gambling is alive.

When    went back, Tang Ziyi and several people went back with a few sacks of money and gold.

  So when he got home, Lord Rong was a little shocked when he saw this scene, "What have you loaded back?"

"Money, the little darling won!" Tang Ziyi said, "I brought the cash that I specially asked for without redeeming the things. I want to keep the little darling as a souvenir. She is already so powerful at such a young age. It's too big!"

  Rong Ye: "!!!"

  Won it?

  Although he knew that his little darling was indeed very powerful, he seemed to be different from ordinary children, but Lord Rong did not expect that the little darling not only failed to lose the godfather’s money when he went to the casino, but also let his godfather win so much money.

  Too exaggerated, right?

"It's true that the little darling won by himself." Jiang Fu seemed to feel that Rong Ye was a little suspicious, so he said, "The little darling has gambled for nearly a hundred rounds. If you didn't lose, you won every round. It's a miracle. "

   "Yes, the little darling is really amazing!" Shisan Ye said with a look of impressed, "I have to say, the little darling seems to really have this talent!"

   "Xiao Ting'er is not so good anymore, Xiao Ting'er has been sleeping all the time... After arriving at the casino, it was probably too boring, so he has been sleeping."

  Xuanyuan Nantian glanced at Xiao Ting'er in his arms, a little worried.

  After all, Xiao Ting'er is a boy, but Xiao Ting'er seems to be not growing as fast as her little darling. If everything is not as good as her sister in the future, will Xiao Ting'er feel unhappy?

  After all, they are all their own children, and everyone likes these two children very much.

"Although Xiao Ting'er is also very smart, she is not as good as her sister. Will she be inferior in the future?" Xuanyuan Nantian asked his own question, "Should we train Xiao Ting'er together? Play, don't bring Xiao Ting'er!"

   "It's not that Xiao Ting'er is not there, but Xiao Ting'er is really not as fun as the little darling. The darling girl has eyes dripping and she knows everything, but Xiao Ting'er is sleeping most of the time!"

   "It's true, but boys mature later than girls, so it's not surprising!"

   "With us grandpas and grandpas, Xiao Ting'er won't be bad from now on, just wait for him to grow up and train up!"

   "The little darling is the most fun at this age, and it may not be too fun when he grows up!"

   "Like Xiao Rongrong, it was so fun when I was a child, but when I grow up, I don't like to be obedient. I don't like being with my godfathers anymore."

  While talking, the godfathers began to complain about Lord Rong. Everyone seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Lord Rong after they grew up.

  After all, Xiao Rongrong was very obedient and obedient when she was a child, but when she grows up, she has her own ideas and opinions. She doesn't like being with godfathers, and prefers to be alone.

  Rong Ye: "..."

  Can't blame her, mainly because godfathers followed her, she didn't dare to do anything, she didn't dare to talk about love.

  Furthermore, when the godfathers followed, no one dared to approach her, the godfathers were afraid of her being hurt.

  In the next few days, the children were still being rushed to take.

  There is almost no opportunity for Rong Ye to bring her baby, but Rong Ye also knows that everyone loves the children, so she basically sleeps with the children at night, and allows everyone to play with the children the rest of the time.

  On this day, everyone started a competition in order to compete for who to take the children to play.

  When everyone was in the game, Huahua looked at two little cute treasures in the room.

  The little darling is crawling faster and faster, and occasionally she can stand up a little while holding things up. Although this little milk bag is a bit slurred, it says more and more.

  After playing with the little darling for a while, Huahua found that Xiao Ting'er had shit, so she hurried to find diapers.

  Just because it took such a long time to leave, when I came back, the little darling was gone.


   "Little darling!"

   "Little Miss!"

  After Li Ruhua came back, she found that she was only Xiao Ting'er but she didn't see her little darling, and he suddenly felt a little bit in her heart.

  The gate of the fence has been opened, and the little darling does not know where to go.

  Because the little darling gets up very quickly, the children are often locked in the safety fence. The moment Huahua left, thinking that the little darling can't open the fence to go out, so I went to get diapers.

  But he really never expected that the little darling would really disappear in such a blink of an eye!

  Huahua thought that the little darling should have crawled into which corner, but after searching for a circle and not finding it, she suddenly became anxious.

   "Master Rong, the little lady is gone!"

  Hua Hua rushed outside to find Lord Rong, who was organizing everyone's competition, and was terribly worried.

   "What, the little darling is gone?"

  The group of people in the game were shocked when they heard what Huahua said, and turned their heads to look at Li Ruhua seriously.

  One by one, he shook his heart.

  How could the little darling disappear suddenly, isn’t she in the house well?

"It's all my fault. I was watching them, but Xiao Ting'er shit, so I went to get a diaper. As a result, Xiao Chong'er opened the fence door and disappeared!" Li Ruhua hugged Looking at Xiao Ting'er, desperately anxious.

  There has never been such a thing, which is really disturbing.

  Rongye was also a little worried, after all, the little darling was crawling faster and faster. She was still very young and didn't understand anything, so she was easily dangerous.

   "There is surveillance in the house. Everyone will look for it upstairs and downstairs. I'll go see the surveillance!"

  Rong Ye said promptly, and then she rushed into the room to check the surveillance.

  Li Ruhua and others searched everywhere in the yard upstairs and downstairs.

   Soon, everyone looked everywhere, but none of the little darlings were found.

Ye Rong also looked at the surveillance, and she saw that it was indeed the little darling who came out of the fence by herself, but the problem was that the surveillance was not installed in every corner, so only the little darling was crawling towards the back door. But I don't know where the little darling went.

  Although the villa is very big, it is only so big, so I can find it quickly.

  Everyone looked for all the corners, but none of the little darlings were found. For a while, everyone was anxious.

  (End of this chapter)

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