The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1460: Show off their wealth

   Chapter 1460

  Suddenly a lot of bad comments appeared on the Internet.

  Although some people will attack Xiao Bong'er and Xiao Ting'er on weekdays, they are still a minority, but because this live broadcast involves Bo Xiujin, many people actually start to scold them.

  Many people say that with an identity like Monan’s favorite, there is no need to be an Internet celebrity, right?

  Isn’t the family very rich? Isn’t it a very rich family to hold banquets?

  How come you have been making money for internet celebrities? Isn’t it because the family background is not so good, everything is fake, right?

  Although someone spoke for the little darling, the scolding was very loud. After seeing this, many passers-by scolded the darling’s parents, saying that their brains were sick and their children were so young, so they used their children to collect money.

  "The richer the more, the more stingy they are. Two or three-year-old children use money to collect money. In fact, children are not to hate, but the parents are hateful!"

  "Who knows what they think when they are parents, I guess they can do whatever they want for money!"

"Forget it, anyway, it's their own children. It's their own business to raise crooked children. Anyway, I don't like little darlings very much, and it always seems to be showing off wealth. What's so good about always receiving all kinds of precious gifts To show off."

   "Sister, what you are talking about is people's daily life, which may be very valuable in your eyes, but it is very normal in their eyes, okay?"

   "It is normal and there is no need to show!"

   "If you don't want to watch it, don't watch it. What are you doing with so much nonsense? We want to see it, the little darling is a pet fan, so I will show us this!"

   "That is, we are like looking at the lives of local tyrants. Have opinions? Those of you who know sourness, don't look at it if you don't want to see it! Who is looking at you?"

  "We don’t want to watch it, but isn’t this live broadcast featuring our Bo Xiujin! Our Bo brother, we like it!"

   "A little kid, I don't know why we have a relationship with our thin brother!"

  There are constant scolding wars on the Internet.

   When Li Ruhua and Tang Luo saw this, they almost went crazy.

   "It's too much! I dare to scold our little lady!"

   "Our little lady is so useless!"

   "The little lady can be popular, that's because everyone likes it, don't care about them! Our live broadcast is for our fans, not for them!"

   "Oh, so irritating, I won't announce the life of the little lady, everyone also scolded us, scolded us for hiding, saying what is so good about little lady!"

   "Well, we now occasionally do some activities to show fans, just say that we are desperately collecting money, regardless of the children's feelings?"

   "It's really hard to serve!"

Huahua said angrily, "Are these people having pitfalls in their heads? What else is there to show off wealth? Where do we show off our wealth? Is it a normal routine? Buying a cruise ship is a daily thing, how can we show off our wealth? What do you say that Lord Rong and Si Ye used the young lady to collect money? Is it necessary? We Rong Ye and Si Ye are so rich, so what kind of money should I use!

"Isn't that right? Look, this comment has been scolded all the time. All of our bigwigs are marketing, and the people around the little darling are very powerful. They are all fake, saying that we all do this to make the little darling popular. !"

   Tang Luo scolded angrily, "Where does our little lady need marketing? To say that we are cooperating with Bo Xiujin is our true face exposed? I don't know what we really face!"

  The little darling is nestling on the furry storm, plucking the storm’s fur.

  Hearing Tang Luo and Li Ruhua’s dialogue, the little darling pursed his mouth, and then whispered, “Huahua, Luoluo, there are people on the Internet, we can’t control other people’s mouths!”

  The little darling seems indifferent. Like Rong Ye, she doesn’t care much about things on the Internet.

  The people around him are furious, but the little darling is always calm.

  Even the crit is hitting the computer with his paws, but the little darling is still plucking hair.

Chu Yan on the side raised his head and said, "Although I can't control others, it is still very annoying to hear these words."

   "Yes, our little princess is so good, so smart, so likable, why do they curse?"

   "Don't look at it if you don't like it, curse!"

  Li Ruhua said angrily, “If it weren’t for our little darling to have a strong heart, and to be scolded like this since childhood, the little darling would not be able to bear it!”

  Tang Luo nodded in agreement, “If I was scolded like this since I was a child, I should grow up to be crooked.

  "Why don't you participate in the live broadcast?" Chu Wei and Xu Rourou were sitting together, discussing some work matters.

  Next to these two women, Xu Shiting and Ning Kuang were also talking about something.

   "Now that we quit the live broadcast, everyone might say that we are guilty of conscience and have been scolded and retreated." Li Ruhua said, "The live broadcast must definitely be done!"

"Then we can't stop everyone from speaking. Even if Godfather Chen Lan or Nan Si can hack everyone's computers, or disconnect the world, they can't change the fact that the sunspots spew, and they can't change the hearts of others." Chu Weituo said.

"I don't think it needs to say anything. If you like the little darling, you still like it. Let them hate the hate. No one can be loved by the whole world. There will always be sunspots. Ignore them. Anyway, we don’t. It will change because of them."

  Xu Rourou thought for a while and said.

   "I'm just a little angry!" Li Ruhua said, "Whenever someone scolds our little lady, I get very angry!"

  "The little lady is still young and not very sensible. If she grows up, she will really get angry if she is scolded like this." Tang Luo said.

   "It's okay, I won't be angry." The little darling blinked his beautiful eyes, and then said playfully, "But I can always show off my wealth and be angry with others!"

  Tang Luo: "..."

  Li Ruhua: "……"

  It can be seen that their little lady is very capable of withstanding.

  Furthermore, at such a small age, she already knows everything. She talks to them like a fluent and calm.

   "I want to enter the entertainment circle." The little darling stretched out and said.

  Li Ruhua’s scalp exploded, and she looked at the little darling in horror, "Miss Beloved, what are you doing in the entertainment industry? You are still so young, you are not short of money, and there is nothing fun in the entertainment industry!"

  The little darling lifted her cheeks and said with a serious milk voice, “Don’t you all say that I collect money, then I will really collect money for everyone to see, I am mad at them!”


  A group of people were made fun of by the little darling.

  The little guy is really an idea person.

  "Little Miss, let’s just say that you are so young and you are not suitable for the entertainment industry. You know?" Li Ruhua said, "Besides, the Fourth Master and Rong Ye are not there, we can't be the master!"

  "I can call the shots by myself!" The little darling jumped off the storm, "I am in charge of my own affairs!"

  (End of this chapter)

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